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My new lens is too big
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Exposure:0.00156 sec. (1/640)
Focal Length:300.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 450.0 mm)
Flash:No Flash
Exposure mode:Shutter speed priority AE
Max Aperture:4.0
Resolution:240 x 240 dpi
Dimension:1600 x 1071 pixels
Original Date:2009:01:31 15:29:55.24
Digitized Date:2009:01:31 15:29:55.24-08:00
Created on:2009:01:31 15:29:55.24
Modified on:2009:02:01 13:38:48.24
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh
Copyright:©Marina van der Linden
Already AppliedTrue
Blue Hue0
Blue Saturation0
CFA Pattern[Green,Red][Blue,Green]
Camera ProfileACR 3.3
Chromatic Aberration B0
Chromatic Aberration R0
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color ModeRGB
Color Noise Reduction25
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Color Temperature5350
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Convert To GrayscaleFalse
Custom RenderedNormal
DescriptionZoom lenses aren't near as sharp as fixed focus, but when a pelican takes off almost directly below me, it would have been handy to be able to zoom out. .So far, my best shot at a pelican, and it was ruined by me having to good a lens. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
Digital Zoom Ratio1
Exif Version0221
Exposure Compensation-1/3
Exposure ModeAuto
Field Of View4.6 deg
File SourceDigital Camera
Fill Light0
Flash FiredFalse
Flash FunctionFalse
Flash ModeUnknown
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Flash ReturnNo return detection
Focal Length In 35mm Format450 mm
Gain ControlNone
Green Hue0
Green Saturation0
Has CropFalse
Has SettingsTrue
Highlight Recovery0
Hue Adjustment Aqua0
Hue Adjustment Blue0
Hue Adjustment Green0
Hue Adjustment Magenta0
Hue Adjustment Orange0
Hue Adjustment Purple0
Hue Adjustment Red0
Hue Adjustment Yellow0
Hyperfocal Distance802.33 m
ICC Profile NameAdobe RGB (1998)
Image DescriptionZoom lenses aren't near as sharp as fixed focus, but when a pelican takes off almost directly below me, it would have been handy to be able to zoom out. .So far, my best shot at a pelican, and it was ruined by me having to good a lens. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
Image Number21556
Image Size1600x1071
Lens300.0 mm f/4.0
Lens Info300mm f/4
Light SourceFine Weather
Light Value12.6
Luminance Adjustment Aqua0
Luminance Adjustment Blue0
Luminance Adjustment Green0
Luminance Adjustment Magenta0
Luminance Adjustment Orange0
Luminance Adjustment Purple0
Luminance Adjustment Red0
Luminance Adjustment Yellow0
Luminance Smoothing0
Metadata Date2009:02:01 13:38:48-08:00
Metering ModeMulti-segment
Native Digest256,257,258,259,262,274,277,28 4,530,531,282,283,296,301,318, 319,529,532,306,270,271,272,30 5,315,33432;5DAC55FFE9607DBEDC 347675586E5B3B
Parametric Darks0
Parametric Highlight Split75
Parametric Highlights0
Parametric Lights0
Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
Parametric Shadows0
Raw File NameNMN_7495.NEF
Red Hue0
Red Saturation0
Resolution Unitinches
Rights©Marina van der Linden
Saturation Adjustment Aqua0
Saturation Adjustment Blue0
Saturation Adjustment Green0
Saturation Adjustment Magenta0
Saturation Adjustment Orange0
Saturation Adjustment Purple0
Saturation Adjustment Red0
Saturation Adjustment Yellow0
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Scene TypeDirectly photographed
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Shadow Tint0
Sidecar For ExtensionNEF
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
Split Toning Shadow Hue0
Split Toning Shadow Saturation0
Sub Sec Time24
Sub Sec Time Digitized24
Sub Sec Time Original24
Subjectpelican, close-up, too close, Nikon D200, Nikkor 300mm f4, Santa Monica Pier, California, American Brown Pelican
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Thumbnail Offset1244
Time Zone Offset-8 -8
TitleMy new lens is too big
Tone Curve0, 0, 32, 22, 64, 56, 128, 128, 192, 196, 255, 255
Tone Curve NameMedium Contrast
Vignette Amount0
White BalanceCustom
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 4.1-c036 46.276720, Mon Feb 19 2007 22:13:43