#05 Spring flowers

TSC Scavenger Hunt 2019

Folder: 50 projects
My contributions for the Scavenger Hunt challenge 2019 arranged for The Sunday Challenge group members only.

#01 A landmark

27 Mar 2019 16 24 426
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge, Scavenger Hunt Challenge. Sort of #24 "A clock tower" as well, but will post another for that later... Three locally famous landmarks: - Tampere railway station clock tower - Näsinneula observation tower - Finlayson old chimney

#02 Dramatic weather

#03 A strangers smile

28 Apr 2019 4 7 303
And as a stranger the subject shall remain. A candid camera shot taken at the local market place. Pocket camera with extensive zoom is a great tool to pick details like this. Quality is not great, but with proper post processing the outcome looks "artistic" enough =D P.S. EXIF is missing, because I was testing GIMP 2.10. For some reason it does not deliver EXIF =( P.P.S. Turned out I only forgot to tick the EXIF data box while exporting the image on GIMP 2.10. So, I eventually manage to export EXIF. Moreover, I manage to include very approximate GPS location. Now I only need to figure out the correct format of GPS coordinates used on GIMP. So, original with EXIF and GPS here: www.ipernity.com/gp/serola/13034/ca23bce5

#04 Something saucy

05 May 2019 3 10 227
If you see something saucy , then blame your dirty mind... =P Also return of "monkey business" .

#05 Spring flowers

06 Apr 2019 16 12 345
Tussilago farfara is a true spring harbinger. Very often it is the first wild flower that pops up when the weather is warm enough. Yesterday, when taking this shot, it was "even" +13 Celsius. But weather forecast has "promised" again zero temperatures and snow for the next week.

#06 A lonely shopping trolley

13 Apr 2019 8 8 313
I went to pharmacy, and there was this single trolley welcoming the customers right at the doorway.

#07 A graffiti picture (not just a tag)

29 Mar 2019 7 3 198
So, not just a tag, but also a picture ;-) Went to see how this old "acquaintance" feels today. Just as bright and fresh as it was last time! =) Previously photographed in 2016:

#08 A summer drink

02 Jun 2019 29 22 352
It is June! So, officially summer must have started! In Finnish June is " kesäkuu ", and direct translation of it into English is "summer month". And yes, in Finnish the names of months and week days starts with small alphabets. I was going to enjoy some cold brew coffee, which has recently become popular around here. But the lakeside cafe I visited, had ran out of it. Instead I tasted Kombucha for the first time in my life. Or at least I think I have never had it before. It was some strawberry basil flavor, and I must say it is one of the best summer drinks I have ever had! Very refreshing experience. Better than any ice tea. And it was not that strong as the picture may insinuate! =D

#09 A gift

05 May 2019 4 7 192
Gift bags have replaced the wrapping paper. It is more convenient and reusable, but less fun.

#10 Shadows

11 Apr 2019 33 31 486
Mr Nobody returns! Sunny morning and more daylight makes also Mr Nobody to wake up from hibernation.

#11 A tattoo/tattoos

28 Apr 2019 6 4 205
Post processing done with Mirror Lab Android app. Original with EXIF and some explanation.

#12 A busker

04 Apr 2019 7 7 278
There is a special spot reserved for buskers at the train station pedestrian passage. Few days ago I already saw another one playing violin there, but he didn't give me a permission for a photograph. This guy did, and I of course gave a coin in return.

#13 Something flying

04 May 2019 16 11 333
I was going to post something completely different flying, but then I accidentally spotted this cool paper plane model while browsing through latest YouTube videos. I finally ended up using flash and some PicMonkey effects. I used rather thick paper, and therefore did not achieve the nice flapping wings like seen on the video. But I will definitely experience some more when our grandchildren visits us next time.

#14 A book in a different language to yours.

04 Apr 2019 6 11 413
I thought I can't choose books in English or Swedish, because they sort of are my languages. So, I went to Tampere University Library and into section of foreign fiction. We have such books because Literary Studies is one of our study programs. I guess this is in Russian. In a hurry I didn't even bother to find who's the author. So, I leave it to you to find out what the book is about. Poetry, I guess ... And before anyone asks, Sami is not my language either =D

#15 Someone in uniform

10 May 2019 5 8 196
Edited with Mirror Lab and Snapseed Android apps.

#16 Autumn leaves ...

22 Jul 2019 6 10 223
... and lucky clovers.

#17 A public event

05 May 2019 13 16 427
I decided to try another sort of distortion on this shot. Post Processing done with GIMP "Lens Distortion" . And the rest done with Nik Collection, which still seemed to run on my GIMP 2.10 for Windows after upgrade from GIMP 2.8. I kept my distance in purpose to avoid people becoming recognized. It was some sort of a public event for bicyclists. One could get information on how to mend a bike, and what road traffic acts one should know when riding a bike on public roads. There was also entertainment and food available.

#18 A small car

10 Apr 2019 12 12 257
It is a matter of taste whether this is a small car, " microcar or a " quadricycle ". Nevertheless, it is a small " self-propelled road vehicle designed to carry passengers, especially one with four wheels that is powered by an internal-combustion engine ". But we Finns call them as "mopoauto", meaning something like "moped car" in English. Other Finnish nicknames are "mauto" and "moppe" =D

50 items in total