Sami Serola (inactive)'s groups

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Public groups in which Sami Serola (inactive) is an administrator
6 groups in total

  • The 50 Images-Project

    The 50 Images-Project

    Created 9 years ago

    1. search for an object or topic 2. take 50 different photos of it. Allowed are new or not yet published pictures on Ipernity. 3. mark each picture of a series with x/50. There is no time limit for the target 50/50. The goal is 50 pictures, but don't worry, it's not mandatory. You will not be banned from the group, if you don't reach the goal ;-) Just see it as a personal challenge. - Of course you can join the group at any time, start your project - Image editing allowed

  • Silhouette photography

    Silhouette photography

    Created 17 years ago

    Silhouette photography is a game in which subjects are deliberately photographed against a light background in such a way that they appear dark and you can only make out their outlines. With this in mind, you are invited to play along here. Have fun!

  • Bilderdomino - Photo Domino

    Bilderdomino - Photo Domino

    Created 8 years ago

    Rules ☝ There are always 2 photos strung together. Each participant loads TWO (2) images paired up at the time . The first corresponds to the previous topic. (For example architecture follows architecture). The next (second) photo then defines a new topic. Within a day (24 hours) two pairs of images can be inserted in maximum. However, there must be at least ONE (1) other participant between your two series !!!

  • Storybook


    Created 3 years ago

    Tell illustrated stories. This is only a mockup and test at the moment.

  • GroupBusters


    Created 3 years ago

    The object of the group is to delete the neglected ipernity groups, or find volunteers to administrate them.

  • Share the private

    Share the private

    Created 4 years ago

    Share private documents used on image notes, descriptions, comments and email. Manual for instructions and reasons why. Please behave if you join and use this group. Ask help on group discussions.

Public groups in which Sami Serola (inactive) is a moderator
3 groups in total

  • Ipernity User Help Central

    Ipernity User Help Central

    Created 17 years ago

    Users helping users Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy? Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members? Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members. A place users can help users...

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 9 years ago

    "Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…

  • ipernity FAQ work group

    ipernity FAQ work group

    Created 6 years ago

    Work group organized to rewrite the FAQ for transfer to Please only comment in "Free discussion"

Public groups in which Sami Serola (inactive) is a member
8 groups in total

  • World Photography Day - August 19

    World Photography Day - August 19

    Created 4 years ago

    World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.

  • Suomi - Finland

    Suomi - Finland

    Created 16 years ago

    Photos and more from Finland.

  • Pinhole Fina Art

    Pinhole Fina Art

    Created 11 years ago

    We want to show that with pinhole cameras perfectly works of art can be created. That they are not only technical toys. You can work creatively with these simple cameras. The group will help you nad other photographers to deal with this old technique. Show that modern, artistic photography is not dependent on lenses, glass or even several thousand euros cameras.



    Created 3 years ago

    Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.

  • Promoting ipernity

    Promoting ipernity

    Created 4 years ago

    This group bundles and manages all measures aimed at improving the worldwide awareness of ipernity.

  • Abstract


    Created 17 years ago

    Abstract photos and macros. Die abstrakte Kunst ist eine zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts einsetzende Ausdrucksweise. Sie ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Künstler sich in ihrer Arbeit zunehmend von der Darstellung realer Natur entfernen und ihre Kunstwerke aus ungegenständlichen oder Gegenstände nur andeutenden Formen, also abstrakt, komponieren. Engl. Abstract art is a form of expression that began at the beginning of the 20th century. It is characterised by artists increasingly distancin…

  • Project 21

    Project 21

    Created 4 years ago

    Project 21 is a year long program with monthly and quarterly projects for the keen photographic hobbyist to follow. Anyone can join this group freely, just agree to our rules first.. The administrators reserve the right to remove any image considered inappropriate or not suitable for family viewing. Please read the discussions for terms and conditions of group membership. Click below for the 2021 Program

  • Shadow Selfies

    Shadow Selfies

    Created 5 years ago

    Please post only shadow selfies in this group, i.e. photos that show your shadow and are taken by yourself.