Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler


14 Jun 2013

18 favorites


744 visits

Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler

German painter. About her: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfriede_Lohse-W%C3%A4chtler

11 Sep 2013

3 favorites

326 visits

warm-up exercise

imaginary animals from doodles with ink pen

11 Sep 2013

3 favorites

327 visits

warm-up exercise

imaginary animals from collage scraps with ink pen

11 Sep 2013

3 favorites

371 visits

warm-up exercise

imaginary animals from scribbles with ball-point pen

11 Sep 2013

4 favorites

276 visits

blobimal book in progress p1

imaginary animals from watercolor blobs with pencil and ink pen

11 Sep 2013

2 favorites

286 visits

blobimal book in progress p 2-3

imaginary animals from watercolor blobs with pencil and ink pen (still working on these book pages, here I still have to push and pull shapes and colours)

11 Sep 2013

9 favorites

313 visits

collagescraps book p 1

Magazine scraps, gessoed and drawn with black ink and graphite pencil. Part of Carla Sonheim's Blobimal-books workshop.

11 Sep 2013

6 favorites

1 comment

340 visits

collagescraps book p 2-3

Magazine scraps, gessoed and drawn with black ink and graphite pencil. Part of Carla Sonheim's Blobimal-books workshop.

11 Sep 2013

8 favorites

339 visits

collagescraps book p 4-5

Magazine scraps, gessoed and drawn with black ink and graphite pencil. Part of Carla Sonheim's Blobimal-books workshop.
33 items in total