
raingirl club

Posted: 20 Aug 2023

Taken: 19 Aug 2023

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World Photography Day
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my world today

my world today
I had a busy day that didn't include a photo walk. My thoughts were focused on an arriving guest and the passing of our dear club member, Andy Rodker. So this photo is more about my internal world. I play the flute each morning and sometimes make notes in a journal. Both very personal things for me. (This image is part of the covers of both those things.) We are lucky to be able to share our worlds with each other - I'm grateful for the time we have together. I try and make each moment count.

In terms of my photographic world, I learned how to photograph with my mother's Rolliflex and so the world was square for me. Even after getting my first camera, a 35mm, I still envisioned square photos and had to re-learn how to compose in the new to me format. So these days I'm very happy that my phone camera has a square mode, and take most photos in that format once again.

Jim O'Neil, Smiley Derleth, Erhard Bernstein, kiiti and 44 other people have particularly liked this photo

60 comments - The latest ones
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
I like your world Raingirl. A great contribution to the WPD here. Well done.

Cheers. Herb

ps Happy playing!
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Herb Riddle club
Thank you so much, Herb.

I'm not great at playing the flute, but I do love doing it.
18 months ago.
Annaig56 club
très bel hommage de ta vie personnelle la musique est un bonheur pour celui qui joue et celui qui écoute un bel élan pour le corps et l'esprit en bonne santé,
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Annaig56 club
Thanks! We try to keep music as well as literary and visual art in our lives on a daily basis. Why else bother with all this nonsense of life! *smile*
18 months ago.
belle sagesse intérieur magnifique travail sur soi j aime ton monde de plein de richesses une photo remarquable de ces deux mondes qui se rejoignent par leur couleur et leur art très bon dimanche
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to vero
You are very kind! Thank you so much.
18 months ago.
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Deine Gedanken zu Andy sind sehr traurig liebe Laura,man sieht immer,wie nah die schönen und traurigen Momente zusammen liegen,ich finde auch dein Bild sehr schön dazu,zu deinen Gedanken :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Günter Klaus club
It really was hard to think about art when grieving the loss of someone. But art is the way through, in my mind, so I carried on. Certainly Andy would want us to keep photographing, as he did right up to his last days.
18 months ago.
Günter Klaus club has replied to raingirl club
Das stimmt liebe Laura,man versicht sich mit irgendwas abzulenken,was aber auch nicht richtig funktioniert,weil die Gedanken immer wieder aufkommen,aber es hilft trotzdem,ich wünsche Dir alles Gute weiterhin :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Wochenstart,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Günter Klaus club
I'm still learning how to deal with hard news. But having a community like ours helps!
18 months ago.
Günter Klaus club has replied to raingirl club
Es ist immer toll,wenn man sich ablenken kann und mit seinen Geschichten und Krankheiten aufgenommen fühlt liebe Laura,mir geht es auch so :))
18 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
A fascinating photo Laura............and a lovely insight into your personal life. In my mind, that's perfect for World Photography Day.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Keith Burton club
Thank you so much. Glad it fascinates you (I hope in a good way *smile*).
18 months ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to raingirl club
Definitely in a good way :-))
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Keith Burton club
18 months ago.
 Eva Lewitus
Eva Lewitus club
A wonderful composition. I´ve also started with a Rolleicord... wonderful memories. --- Andy won´t be forgotten....
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Eva Lewitus club
Thank you, glad you like it.

I actually still have the Rollei I learned on. My mother kept it forever and when she could no longer use it she passed it on to me. I don't use it often, but each time it is still filled with memories.
18 months ago.
 Roséha D.
Roséha D. club
Pictoresque ans beautifuly colored**************************Have a pretty day !
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Roséha D. club
Thank you! I had almost given up trying to find my photo for the day's event when I passed my flute music stand and found this to photograph.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
Mikus club
These colors are smooth and warm for the soul.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Mikus club
Thank you - I think so also.
18 months ago.
Christa1004 club
Thanks for sharing a piece of your private world with us, Laura.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Christa1004 club
You're welcome. My door is open for any who wish to knock.
18 months ago.
Annemarie club
wonderful homage!
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you. It was good to slow down and contemplate before choosing a subject.
18 months ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
thank you for sharing your thoughts and life.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
You're welcome. Most of the time I communicate with others through my photos, but for our event I like to try and share beyond the visual.
18 months ago.
 Eric Desjours
Eric Desjours club
This blog, beautifully illustrated by this part of your inner self, is of great interest to me Laura, as someone who came to photography very late in life. It subtly shows that everyone has their own path and approach, and that our photographic expression doesn't just depend on our sensibility, but also on our history.
A lovely theme for the day.

Sadly, it was a day of mourning. But Andy wouldn't have liked the world to stop turning once he'd left it...
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Eric Desjours club
You are very kind, Eric. Yes, my history definitely is a huge influence on my interest and focus of my photography.

Interesting to me that you took up photography "late in life". What started your interest in photography? (Maybe you say that on your contribution - I haven't looked at yours yet. Working my way from the beginning.)

Indeed I was in shock to hear about Andy as I started the day. I agree that he would have wanted the world, and us, to keep on. I feel like the whole event is a tribute to him. So many who are contributing had a connection with him.
18 months ago.
Eric Desjours club has replied to raingirl club
No, I'm not answering that question in my post, Laura, as you've seen.
I've often been told that I have a certain sense of aesthetics, as an art lover, as a musician (amateur) or even in my writings. Strangely, I used to turn away from photos exhibitions: I was interested but 'ignorant' about this subject, so ... disturbed!
It is my cousin (who doesn't have much of a presence on ipernity) and then Panoramio who got me started about 15 years ago.
I have a lot of theoretical gaps and not enough time to fill them. So I'm relying on my 'sense of aesthetics' to produce photos that are worth looking at :-)

Have a nice Sunday.
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Eric Desjours club
*smile* Well, thank your cousin for me!
18 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Excellent work and well said!
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to William Sutherland club
Thank you, William.
18 months ago.
Ecobird club
Hi Laura.

I was shocked and saddened to hear the news about Andy. In a way I feel it is quite fitting that a man who held such a sspecial place in our hearts should leave us on a special day like World Photography Day.

Your photo has lovely tones and detail and is made extra special as you are not just sharing a place or moment in time but also something that is extremely personal to you. It is always fascinating to learn how people developed their love for photography. I must admit mine started simply as an 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' moment. My husband's passion for photography would have left me twiddling my thumbs or reading a book on holidays otherwise!!

Beautifully captured and presented.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Ecobird club
We were all shocked to hear about Andy. I am also amazed at how many people he reached here on ipernity. The outpouring of sympathy is wonderful. If you haven't already, I hope you will consider leaving a comment on his 'in memoria' page. His family will see people's thoughts there.

I'm glad you like my photographic tale. I think it's great that yours is 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em', because twiddling thumbs is over rated - haha.

I'm glad you like the photo also *smile*. Thank you.
18 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Interesting background story to a colourful image Laura
Indoor stuff is something I really never bothered to photograph, but now I am looking ;-)
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thanks, Roger. I've always been a low light photographer. I do take plenty of outside photos, but interiors have always drawn me in. Glad to inspire you a little!
18 months ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Laura
I like this picture very much!
It is a very different and exciting composition
Fantastic colours too
Like Roger I've never done much indoor stuff, and looking at this I can see why.. I just don't have the artists eye to make a composition from scratch! That is a superior talent !
Best Wishes, and stay safe!!
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Thank you so much. What a kind thing to say.
I think growing up in an architects house surreound by art and a mother who photographed all sorts of things helped me develop the eye that I have.
18 months ago.
tiabunna club
A lovely image and interesting notes, with which I agree, Laura.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to tiabunna club
Thank you. Glad you agree.
18 months ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Lovely thoughts, Laura. Love these colours and textures, perfect in the square format.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Gillian Everett club
Thank you. So glad you like square format, at least for this image. Framing is always something that interests me, part of the artistic process.
18 months ago.
Ruesterstaude club
Liebe Laura,

ich bin kein Künstler, aber ich liebe Kunst, deine Bilder sind Kunst und ich bewundere sie. Dass du Flöte spielst, passt natürlich dazu. Darstellende Kunst und Musik verschwimmen ja oft ineinander und leben voneinander.
Ich spiele gelegentlich noch ein wenig auf meiner Bratsche in Erinnerung an eine lebhafte Zeit, in der ich mit Freunden zusammen musizierte. Auch meine Frau Inge war dabei, die vor sechs Jahren an Alzheimer gestorben ist. Die Zeiten kommen nicht wieder, aber die Erinnerungen leben weiter, auch durch die vielen Fotos, die bei allen Gelegenheiten entstanden sind.


Von Andys Tod habe ich erst kürzlich erfahren. Ich hatte nur gelegentlich mit ihm Kontakt, aber es schmerzt trotzdem zu hören, dass hier ein liebenswerter Mensch nicht mehr existiert.

Zunächst wünsche ich dir noch einen schönen Sonntag
18 months ago. Edited 18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Ruesterstaude club
You are very kind. You say you are not an artist, but still you have many interesting and beautiful photographs here.
How lovely that you play the viola, and nice that it can bring back good memories. I used to go to a friend's house about once a month for a music circle, but she got tired of hosting them and no one really wanted to come out to our house (it is further away than our other friends), so it faded away. Your group is much more formal and classical than ours!! I do play flute with one friend on rare occassion, sing my heart out in the car, and do other type of music with my husband when I can. He is the real musician of the family. He's a poet and musician (and lyricist) - those two definitely go together!

Thanks for the links to your musician group. I really like both photos. I've never been part of a classical music group (besides choir in high school back in the 1970s). I imagine it is a great feeling to create with a group like that.
18 months ago.
RHH club
Love those bamboo? flutes. We have several of them, really fifes, from our years in Northern Ireland. They are used by the Blood and Thunder" marching bands there, some with and some without keys. Neither of us play them seriously, though. My wife play piano and I mostly listen, but music, painting and books are an important part of our life also. I collect antiquarian books, though am gradually disposing of my collection.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to RHH club
Nice to hear you enjoy all the arts as well. I have one full size bamboo flute, and one bamboo recorder, and my silver plated flute. I love playing Irish and Scottish tunes. I knew a Scottish folk group back in the 1980's and got hooked. There's such joy and beauty to them (even the sad ones).

If you have any Shakespeare folios lying around my husband would be interested - haha.

I don't have a real collection, but do have a number of very old books from the estates of my relatives. I love them, but don't need them all. How do you go about disposing of yours? Are you an expert alibris or ebay seller? It is incredibly hard for me to remove anything from my life, so I always want things to go to people who will love them. Only very basic stuff gets passed on to places like Goodwill.
18 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to aNNa schramm club
18 months ago.
RHH club
I did see your ipermail, Laura, and still have to find out if she wants her account deleted.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to RHH club
Oh good. Probably best to reply to the ipermail as soon as you know. (I might not see a reply here as quickly.)
18 months ago.
RHH club
Thanks for your visits and work on the site.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to RHH club
You're welcome!
18 months ago.
Chrissy club
Danke für die Erklärung zu deinem schönen persönlichen Foto.
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Chrissy club
*smile* Normally I like my photos to stand for themselves and I don't explain them, but for the World Photography Day event, I seem to enjoy sharing my thoughts.
18 months ago.
Chrissy club has replied to raingirl club
I enjoyed sharing your thoughts too :)
18 months ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
avesome composition! music really warms our heart an open the mind....
18 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Gabi Lombardo club
Thank you so much. And yes, music is one reason to keep doing all the work of life!
18 months ago.
 Wild Rose
Wild Rose club
Thank you for your visit to my world
My firat camera was a folding Zeiss (I still have it)
120 roll film only black and white were available

Well there were a few colour but they were sort of washed out and the colour faded if you exposed them to light

I recently posted a shot which included a motor car, in a BW original photos only group > The admin refused it and accused me of paying actors for the shot
My reply was that I couldn't afford actors and an old motor car
But that my picture was taken with \ top quality camera and lens
6 months ago.
raingirl club has replied to Wild Rose club
How cool that you have a folding Zeiss! I started on my mother's Rolleiflex, and also with 120 black and white film. I now have that camera, though she kept it for years.

I'd love to see the photo you refer to. Can you give me the link to it (copy the url from the browser when you are on that photo's page)?
6 months ago.

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