raingirl's favorite articles

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  • Renew Membership with Credit Card - No Paypal Account

    accept terms of use
    You can pay for a club membership (new or renewal) with a credit card using our Paypal option. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE OR CREATE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT Paypal is probably slightly different in different countries (and updates their screens now and then), but I believe there is always a way to avoid creating a paypal account when using a credit card to pay for ipernity membership. You will need to enter an email to start the process, but that is only so that you can get a receipt from paypal f…

  • How to use ipernity

    Privacy & Sharing Sharing private content outside ipernity , introduced in 2014 Share by email , introduced in 2014 Shooting informations , introduced in 2013 Who is online , introduced in 2013 Navigating Access to your menu , introduced in 2013 Your news pages , introduced in 2014 Lightbox view , introduced in 2014 Navigation on page , introduced in 2014 Customizing Sort your albums into folders , introduced in 2013 Featured albums , introduced in 2013 St…

  • Leben am und im Wasser

    Wer möchte nicht gerne in ferne Länder reisen, durch die Savanne streifen, wilde Tiere fotografieren oder atemberaubende Landschaften? Aber man kann und will ja nicht immer Fernreisen übernehmen. Ich werde in diesem Jahr (2022) und wahrscheinlich auch im nächsten Jahr keine überseeischen Reisen unternehmen. Daher habe ich mir ein neues Langzeitprojekt überlegt, an dem ich quasi immer wieder arbeiten kann, da es beinahe vor der Haustüre verortet ist: Leben im und am Wasser.

  • The power of Misused Words

    The power of misused words
    Yesterday there was a deflagration of ether vapour at the chemical institute in Innsbruck (Austria). Such a deflagration is a fast combustion at the boundary surface between the heavy ether vapour and the lighter air above it after ignition. If the ether vapour had been swirled with the air beforehand, there would have been a huge explosion after ignition. But not a detonation . This is because in a detonation, the initial ignition creates a pressure wave that spreads through the expl…

  • Der Weg auf den Grande Tête de l'Obiou

    Grande Tête de l'Obiou
    Hier die Geschichte eines (langen) Weges auf den l'Obiou. Die Vorgeschichte beginnt bereits 2007, als ich den Gipfel für mich entdeckte: www.ipernity.com/blog/arlequin_photographie/4733234 Eines vorweg: Hier schreibt ein gebürtiger Flachländer, der Sport hasst und ziemlich träge ist. Aber, hier schreibt auch jemand, der umsetzt, was er will! Und das kann jeder!

  • Streuner im Winter

    Nicht alle Katzen haben ein gemütliches und warmes Zuhause und vielleicht auch nicht genug zu essen. In dieser Jahreszeit und bei der derzeitigen Kälte verjagt bitte keine Streunerkätzchen. Wer auf seinem eigenen Grundstück Spuren findet, kann an geschützter Stelle einen Unterschlupf und Futter anbieten. Tierschutzvereine und Streunerhilfen können Eure Unterstützung brauchen. Bitte seht nicht weg! ................... „Das Wenige was du tun kannst…

  • Favoritensammlung - Test

    Dies ist ein schneller Test, wie man eine Sammlung persönlicher Favoriten anlegen könnte. Man kann den Blog privat stellen, damit ihn niemand sieht. Fallen euch andere, elegantere Lösungen ein?

  • Useful online services found

    I decided to start a new article, which I will update every now and then. I collect here useful online services discovered on Web. ➽ Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator Useful tool for testing your images and graphs, to see how they look for someone who has some color vision handicap. ➽ Linguee A very useful service to find out how different words and phrases translate into other languages. Linguee gives examples of various contexts. Here's an example how English expression "o…

  • How-To add photos inside of photos using notes (PictureInPicture), update in 2023

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Maybe you have already registered that some guys have cool photos which are showing other photos inside by using a note? If not: here are some possible examples (the photo which was used for this article has ten "Picture in Picture" notes and was about Hamburgs Criminal Justice Building ). You could find more of such examples in the group PiP ★ Picture in Picture . Note that you need a club membership to do this, as adding notes to photos is a club-only function.

  • 2019-01-01 Happy New Year!

    [Deutsch] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715936 [Français] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715938 Report of the advisors Happy New Year! Dear members and friends of ipernity! In December two years ago we received the bad news that the "eternity" of ipernity should be over after only 10 years of operation. Today, ipernity still exists - thanks to your commitment and loyalty, as well as the great commitment of some volunteers who are active as ima-Team for ipernity. As consul…

  • Survey results [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The survey IMA conducted is over and the results has been published on their website and in the group . The encouraging results mean that we can hope for a successful proposition from IMA. They are currently finalizing the legal structure of the association, it is now a matter of hours. For more information, visit the website Ipernity Members Association (IMA): www.ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma (English) www.ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/franca…

  • The Day of The Box Brownie Mod.

    291 Remembered
    Lens are very expensive sometimes. My photography habit seems to find immense pleasure in using what is not expensive, or what is usually overlooked by others as they march towards the latest and the greatest, or the most sought after and desireable from the past. Some of my fav images are from very low fi treasures. The cheap ones! For several years now I have been wanting to learn how to clean lenses and in the process learn how to remove and re-use the glass from damaged lenses and experiment making my own. In this article I use the rear coated element of an old Haminex 135mm lense, and later (the next day in fact) the middle element of a Soligor 135mm lens. Once removed, I placed the elements in front of a Six20 Box Brownie I bought for $5, held it there with blue tack and used it as camera of the day. It turned out to be a wonderful experiment, the images and the learning.