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  Shooting date  /  2014  /  August  /  7   -   22 photos

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KESR - Northiam level crossing - 7.8.2014

KESR Northiam Station - 7.8.2014

KESR Northiam Station signs 7 8 2014

Kent and East Sussex Railway - Northiam Station si…

Southern Folkstone poster - Kent and East Sussex R…

KESR - Northiam Station looking west - 7.8.2014

KESR Northiam Signal Box - 7.8.2014

KESR Northiam Station & crossing - 7.8.2014

KESR memorial with personal plaques Northiam 7 8 2…

KESR 0-6-0T 32678 - Northiam Box - 7.8.2014

KESR 0-6-0T 32678 - Northiam Station - 7.8.2014

KESR - a view from the train - 7.8.2014

KESR class 108 DMU - Tenterden - 7.8.2014

KESR 0-6-0T 32678 arriving at Tenterden - 7.8.2014

KESR carriages - Tenterden - 7.8.2014

KESR Pullman 'Barbara' - Tenterden - 7.8.2014

KESR enamel signs

KESR 0-6-0T 32678 - Tenterden - 7.8.2014

22 items in total