Ned's photos

Summit Lake i

04 Sep 2016 3 3 666
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip

Hell's Kitchen

04 Sep 2016 430
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip These rocks are called Hell's Kitchen...

Union Reservoir iv

03 Sep 2016 1 474
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip

Union Reservoir iii

03 Sep 2016 521
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip

Union Reservoir ii

03 Sep 2016 409
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip

Union Reservoir i

03 Sep 2016 411
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip

Utica Reservoir

03 Sep 2016 1 484
Instant film pinhole snapshots from camping trip At Eastern end of the lake.

Helen Putnam

17 Jul 2016 7 2 742
View from Helen Putnam park near Petaluma California. Printed 28 August 2016

Coleman Beach

22 May 2016 4 616
Inverted digi-snap of calotype negative. Mouse over note to view calotype. This calotype had lots of problems, starting with curl that I didn't control when sensitizing, which caused the damaged areas in the sky -- it was my last piece of iodized paper, or I would have started over. Then I thought it was overexposed ( it wasn't ) and I developed it too slowly. After about 50 minutes developing, I realized what was happening and could have fixed it, but put an eyedropper of sulfamic acid into the tray by mistake instead of silver.. and that was the end of developing it! The negative is very red and it is underdeveloped. Anyway, I enjoyed making the photograph and met some nice German visitors while making it. We had a laugh when he held his compact digital camera next to my big view camera. The seagull landed on the rock about 30 seconds into the exposure and posed there the rest of the time :) Even though the photo didn't come out well, it was a lovely day at the coast and I enjoyed the attempt. LV 15 water, 14 sand, 13 rock. 5m30s f/22. As noted above, due to a mix-up with some notes, I thought it was overexposed, and developed it for 50 minutes adding scant eyedroppers of aceto-nitrate of silver several times along the way, wondering why it was coming up so slowly :) I think it still could have been developed correctly if I'd added more silver, but no great loss since it was already damaged and I'm not going to print it. I iodized a new batch of paper today, so will be ready to continue soon!

Duncan's Landing

22 Feb 2016 7 541
Back in February when I made a calotype here, I had a regular paper negative on the other side of the film holder. This one was exposed for 1s instead of 12m. Everything else was the same. I like the way the negative looks, mouse over the note to see it.


24 Apr 2016 4 2 712
Windy late afternoon, one last pinhole to finish off a fun WPPD.

Making WPPD No. 6

24 Apr 2016 548
Making a pinhole photo on WPPD 2016 at Crane Creek Regional Park.

under the oaks

24 Apr 2016 2 758
in the shade on a bright and windy WPPD.

Making WPPD No. 5

24 Apr 2016 486
Making a pinhole photo on WPPD.

Foothill Bridge

24 Apr 2016 2 790
Gold-toned salt print from a pinhole paper negative. This will be my 2016 WPPD contribution.

Making WPPD No. 4

24 Apr 2016 1 506
This little bridge and corner of the park is one of my favorite places.

stand alone

24 Apr 2016 1 1 549
oak tree on WPPD.. missed aim a little :)

Making WPPD No. 3

24 Apr 2016 445
Making a pinhole photo at Foothill Park on WPPD 2016.

420 items in total