Koko Nut's photos

birthday begonia

07 Sep 2013 6 2 483
perhaps I should be a little ashamed to say that i stole a snippet of this delicate beauty out of a flower pot in front of a grocery store... it was sweet enough to bloom for me on my birthday even though it doesn't have roots yet.

Hardy hibiscus on white (2013)

04 Sep 2013 5 2 355
These gigantic flowers are so wonderful! They are hardy enough to overwinter in my garden and treat me to an exotic profusion of dinner plate sized beauties every August. This year they lasted a little longer than usual.

lantana in sunshine

08 Jul 2011 6 1 369
I am a huge fan of these pretty little wonders. I love how they bloom in multiple colours. and how each little flower starts out looking like a tiny little pillow.

double daylily

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