Koko Nut's photos

bee on ecchinacea

3 fairy lilies for B

02 Aug 2014 2 1 348
This pot of lilies has gotten too crowded and will be split up at the end of the season. I keep them in a pot so I can overwinter them. They often flower for me in winter, too. This shot is for my best friend who got very excited about receiving a few for her home.

single begonia, red on black, square

14 Jul 2014 1 1 317
flowers on black are always so dramatic.

1, 2, 3 cherries

05 Jul 2014 642
These luscious beauties are a new variety of sweet cherry called Orondo Rubies and they taste even better than they look! While most new varieties are created through the manipulations of man, it seems these are a spontaneous variety offered up by none other than Mother Nature herself. And I have to say, she has outdone herself! find out more>> www.orondoruby.com

Dancing In the Dark

05 Jul 2014 533
These lovelies have earned the unfortunate nick name of "Ditch Lily". The originals of all the gorgeous day lily varieties now available to adorn gardens, these tough pioneers survive and even thrive just about anywhere. Ya just gotta respect that!!

Fuchsia on black

25 Jun 2014 2 3 579
from the miniature Fuchsia in the garden.


11 Jun 2014 1 1 368
a fascinating flower, I just love how the little pillow-shaped buds open into various colours.

Mandevilla Square Crop

11 Jun 2014 2 1 307
trying a texture for a change. Thanks Parée Erica



25 May 2014 1 351
here's lookin' at you, kid.

two of a kind

16 Mar 2014 2 4 591
Zephyranthes, or Zephyr Lily, or Rain Lily, or Fairy Lily, or Fairy Flower. These beauties bloom several times a season, usually after a strong rain which follows a dry spell. I keep them in a flower pot as they don't overwinter outdoors here. I have succeeded in forcing them to bloom a few times during the winter, too! What a lovely sight in the house during those long dreary months of short days. And in the summer the pot moves outdoors to enjoy the sun and blooms many more times. I originally was given 5 bulbs, of which 3 died off the first winter, but I now have at least 12! At most I have had 7 blooms at one time. It might be time to split them up and re-pot. Of course that means giving them away, any takers?


23 Apr 2014 5 2 404
I'm guessing this is a sort of finch. This little cutie has been visiting the back balcony regularly, who knew we had such colourful birdies here? I had to shoot this through the glass while hiding behind the curtain so this is the best I could get. But at least I got to see it right up close!


11 May 2014 2 1 439
one of the first food sources for bees at the start of the season, so let's give them a little slack?

Grape Hyacinth

11 May 2014 2 1 260
Finally!!! real flowers in real time!! No scouring through the archives! Beautiful weather, just in time for Mother's day, too! So Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, and all those who have Moms.

Only in Canada

29 Apr 2014 2 1 491
This is where you'll see patio furniture, the Palm trees already put out for the summer and the snow shovel still held at the ready!! just in case.

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