Kieran Turner's photos
Zhenya in Chernigov
Archive photo (not from 2005 festival) — Zhenya and friend, as the group "Trim". Constitution Day celebrations in central Chernigov.
Traditional dress
Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Russian representatives at the Sen'kovka festival, Russia, 2005. People from Moldova / Transdniester were there too :)
Not the cheap seats
The official closing ceremony (with a rememberance of WW2 element) at the tri-border (just outside the forest) was very Soviet. "Officials" only were allowed in the seats. All the many little old ladies, children, and general public were left standing outside. Note the soldiers enforcing it all.
Photo by Tonia
Food delivered
Dinner in the forest
Playing a special game known as "find the vegetarian bit"! On my right is Tonia who runs the "Our Generation" youth group with whom I was attending the festival. Quite a lot of people thought she was my sister!
Taken by Anya
It's mint! Honestly!
...and Russia
(At the border between Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus)
Featuring more glorious weather!
Taken by Tonia
(At the border between Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus)
Featuring scary customs officer!
Taken by Tonia
Picadilly on a Sunday
Until I walked past it this day, I hadn't realised that there's a kind of market along Picadilly on Sundays. Very touristy but a feast to look at. And a single-yellow line for the market traders to park on — a top tip for central London parking, should some silly mission ever require it...