GrahamH's photos
Queens Park 09-23 P9254981
Flowers planted in Queens Park for Toowoomba's annual Carnival of Flowers. September 2023.
Queens Park 09-23 P9254983
Flowers planted in Queens Park for Toowoomba's annual Carnival of Flowers. September 2023.
HBM Ipernity friends for 050224
Queens Park 09-23 P9254984
Honey bees have made a home in a tree. Seen at Queens Park Toowoomba during the Carnival of Flowers. September 2023.
Tmba - Spring Bluff P9214939
A train carrying people from Toowoomba to Spring Bluff to see the extensive gardens around the station there. September 2023.
HFF for 22/09/23.
Pittsworth 20230903 10 41 17 Pro
DownsSteam's Qld Rail 2000 class railcar set at Pittsworth while travelling to Bookstead on a test and crew training run. I'm standing on the out of use loop siding. See PiP for another view. September 2023.
Enroute 20230903 12 09 09 Pro
Travelling through the countryside between Pittsworth and Brookstead with trainee drivers, Pat and Corbin, under instruction from Peter (out of sight to the left). September 2023.
Depart Brookstead 20230903 14 21 48 Pro
Departing Brookstead Grain Terminal for Toowoomba in the 2000 Class railmotor train. Peter, a Qld Rail and DownsSteam driver instructor and Neil, a heritage steam driver doing the driving. September 2023.
106 In Cab 20230828 17 21 24 Pro
On the second return from Wyreema I was in the loco to observe and to assist with firing. I recorded this in a spare half minute. It was shortly after leaving Wyreema. The voices you here are from the two-way radio which is used to communicate with Train Control. They give the driver details of when and how far we can travel.
Drayton P8284842
The train went into the yard at Drayton. loco 106 uncoupled then ran around, using the main line as the loop track. The PiP shows preparing to exit the yard for the runaround.
Back in the yard, prior to coupling onto the carriages for the second test run, the ashpan was emptied as seen in the main photo. The ashpan is a hopper arrangement below the grate which catches the ash and embers which fall through the grate. The new one made by the DownsSteam restoration people has an air operated release so there is no need to go under the loco for this task. The photo shows the glowing coal on the ground beneath the loco being cooled by water from a hose. This is done where there are steel sleepers so there is no damage to the track. 28/08/23
Wyreema SXs 1 P8284837
Travelling back to DownsSteam's site in the Toowoomba suburb of Drayton. The loco crew have a breezy journey. Those travelling in the guard's compartment get an excellent listen to the loco sounds as it climbs back home. 28/08/23. Mouse over to see another view.
Wyreema SXs 1 P8284831
Loco 106 has been out past the end of the loop and is now returning on the other track as it runs around the carriages for the return leg of the test run. In the PiP Andrew is preparing the screw coupler at the front of 106, Oliver is walking from the loco to the carriages to connect the loco and the air brake hoses. Neil , the driver, is waiting to slowly move 106 to the carriages when the other two are ready. 28/08/23
Wyreema SXs 1 P8284827
The first test run with carriages has arrived at Wyreema. The weather has become cloudy and cooler. The loco is uncoupled and then runs round the carriages so it can take us back to Toowoomba to complete the first test run. See PiPs for extra views. 28/0823.
Wyreema SXs 1 P8284824
Loco 106 and the 3 carriages are up to track speed after doing some brake effectiveness testing. We are going to the first crossing location, Wyreema station, where 106 will run around and take the train back to DownsSteam site. Mouse over to see more photos. 280823.
Wyreema SXs 1 P8284817
Looking back towards DownsSteam's yard from the guard's compartment as three passenger carriages, hauled by loco 106, leave for the first trial run to Wyreema, the next crossing loop South. The derailer has been returned to its protective position. 28/08/23.
Mouse-over to see PiPs First is a crew member holding the points so our train can join the main line. The second is the points now returned to normal position, and DS's train is on the main line.
HFF to all. The reverse view of a previous HFF.
Practice Load P8284815
A trial and practice loading was held on 28/08/23. Members and friends made bookings online over several weeks and this day they arrived at the station, were directed to their seats by carriage attendants. When all had boarded the train it made 3 short runs to the end of the yard and back. After this they left the train and were provided with a sausage sandwich or two on the platform. Three PiPs show the train in action.
This photo shows the cooking and serving arrangements on the platform with some of the passengers waiting for there food.
Practice Load P8284789
This morning was a trial of the ticketing system. Family and friends of members were invited to make bookings online and then come here on this morning. Some 'features' were discovered and can now be corrected in the system. The passengers were seated in their booked seats and then provided with several rides back and forth in the DownsSteam yard. The volunteers responsible for passengers proved there training was good.
From left to right the stainless steel carriage is one of three which comprise the cafe. The former Melbourne tram is the volunteers lunch room. The loco is the restored one which was made in our city and is coupled to 3 carriages. At the right is a boiler from another organisation which will be made ready to go in their loco by our workshop team.
Mouse over to see PiPs.
Tank test P8194773
At DownsSteam 106 is ready for its trial run departing at 10am to Brookstead with the gin (water tank wagon). Oliver and I were in early to light up and prepare. See PiP for another view. 106 and wagon in the platform with the largely restored 1037 behind it. 19/08/23
Karara Rd 2 P8184761
DownsSteam C16 106 returning to Toowoomba from Wyreema on the second run. See PiP for approach photo. 18/08/23