GrahamH's videos

C16 106 Passing McPherson St Bridge 20240405 17 12…

05 Apr 2024 3 2 122
The views and sounds from behind the loco climbing towards Toowoomba. April 2024.

WP 20240312 12 10 31 Pro

12 Mar 2024 3 136
Visiting magpies. March 2024.

Home Coming 20240221 17 37 26 Pro

21 Feb 2024 4 4 188
Loco 106 has just restarted after the points have been set for DownsSteam's sidings. Watch the main line move away to to the right as 106 slowly enters it's home track. February 2024. Happy Train Tuesday.

Depart Brookstead 20230903 14 21 48 Pro

03 Sep 2023 4 148
Departing Brookstead Grain Terminal for Toowoomba in the 2000 Class railmotor train. Peter, a Qld Rail and DownsSteam driver instructor and Neil, a heritage steam driver doing the driving. September 2023.

106 In Cab 20230828 17 21 24 Pro

28 Aug 2023 4 8 192
On the second return from Wyreema I was in the loco to observe and to assist with firing. I recorded this in a spare half minute. It was shortly after leaving Wyreema. The voices you here are from the two-way radio which is used to communicate with Train Control. They give the driver details of when and how far we can travel.

Birds in Trees 20230425 07 38 26 Pro

25 Apr 2023 193
This shows the two gum trees, 1 in my place and the other just over the back fence, and odd bird behaviour. There were many crows and many currawongs flying in and out of the tree. There were also at least 2 pee wees. They were calling loudly and continuously from around 7am until nearly 8am. I don't know why this was happening. It seemed some sort of confrontation. If that is correct it could be that the currawongs and pee wees which have both nested in these trees were wanting the crows to keep away. Suggestions welcome in the comments. April 2023.