Finn Frode's photos
The birthday dinner
Bastian's birtday was celebrated in the usual style...
Bastian (mixed breed), 01.06.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Happy Birthday, Bastian
Since we adopted him two years ago, Bastian has become a wonderful addition to our family. Playful, cuddly and very social - all in all the living proof of what great adult cats can be found at the shelters. Today he celebrates his 7th birthday... :)
Bastian (mixed breed), 01.06.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian (mixed breed) & Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali cat), 30.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Dreaming the sweetest dreams...
- and he deserves nothing less...
Bastian (mixed breed), 29.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Veranda cats
Dushara Cathal Caithlin, Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali cats) & Bastian (mixed breed), 24.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
This is our chair! Got it?
The two tough Somali cousins...
Dushara Cathal Caithlin & Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somalis), 24.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Watching from high up - for Happy Caturday
Caithlin posing on the treestump, where Bastian can't reach her...
Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Cattitude".
Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 24.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Watching from the gate - for Happy Caturday
Rags proudly flagging his tail, while Bastian is brewing up mischief...
Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Cattitude".
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali) & Bastian (mixed breed), 24.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Beautiful Caithlin
Our colourful Grand Duchess posing in the sun.
Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 17.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
My thoughts go to all affected by the cruel and cowardly act of terror that hit Manchester Arena last night, May 22nd 2017.
Comments disabled - no words needed.
Manchester Cenotaph, 23.04.2016 (from my archive).
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
In the strawberries...
One thing I like about cats is how meticulously they burry their droppings.
I have prepared a small patch of the strawberry bed with loose soil for Bastian - and he imediately picked up on it. Our cats clearly prefer their indoor litter trays, but one in the garden is a nice convinience too...
Bastian (mixed breed), 14.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian's backlit silhouette - for Happy Caturday
For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Silhouette, backlit, or shadow".
Bastian (mixed breed), 19.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Rags' shadow - for Happy Caturday
For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Silhouette, backlit, or shadow".
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 19.05.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Digging the weeds - Explored 19.05.2017, #328
Our three garden helpers posing by the Bleeding Heart flowers...
Bastian (mixed breed), Dushara Tatters and Rags & Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somalis), 14.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian ready to attack - Explored 17.05.2017, #28…
Bastian lurking in his tunnel, ready to jump out as soon as the teaser gets into reach...
Lene caught this moment on her phone camera, edit by me.
Bastian (mixed breed), 14.05.2017.
Sony E5603 mobile camera
Leaving on a jet plane...
We saw this beautiful Turkish Van waiting for a flight in the passenger terminal of Pulkovo Airport, Saint Petersburg. It seemed very experienced with travelling, so maybe it was a Russian show star...
A cousin of Lene has bred van cats for many years - they are such elegant and smart cats that love water. :)
Turkish Van cat, Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, 06.05.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastet at the Hermitage
Ancient Egyptian bronze statue at the Hermitage Museum , Saint Petersburg.
The pose of statues of the goddess Bastet has led some owners of Abyssinian (and Somali) cats to believe that their cats descend drectly from the sacred cats of Egypt. Recent DNA tests however place the origins of these breeds on the Indian subcontinent...
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 04.05.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Tufted paws - Happy Caturday
Rags has the cutest little black tufts between his toes.
Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Paws"
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 10.05.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera