Berny's photos

Christmas bakery ready? - Happy X-Mas everyone!

09 Jul 2022 52 35 304
Abandoned gingerbread factory - Germany

color therapy

25 Jun 2022 42 29 363
Heilanstalt D. - Abandoned psychiatric clinic, founded 1901.

Bahnbetriebswerk BB

25 Jun 2022 49 17 338
Abandoned roundhouse and turntable, Germany In 1842 the first boiler house was built, 1857 several workshops followed, 1865 the first and 1875 the second roundhouse, finally 1895 a third one. The latter is the only one, which can still be seen, in a very bad condition. Abandoned since 2001.

Bahnbetriebswerk BB

25 Jun 2022 56 23 392
Abandoned roundhouse and turntable, Germany In 1842 the first boiler house was built, 1857 several workshops followed, 1865 the first and 1875 the second roundhouse, finally 1895 a third one. The latter is the only one, which can still be seen, in a very bad condition. Abandoned since 2001.

Kraftwerk P.

23 Jun 2022 40 10 309
Abandoned coal fired power plant (1927-1992)

Kraftwerk P.

23 Jun 2022 18 11 243
Abandoned coal fired power plant (1927-1992)

Kraftwerk P.

23 Jun 2022 22 10 232
Abandoned coal fired power plant (1927-1992)

VEB Druckereimaschinenwerk

25 Jun 2022 56 27 379
Abandoned machine factory, founded 1867 by Philipp Swiderski, 1916 as "Industriewerke GmbH", 1927 as "Georg Spiess Maschinenfabrik", after WWII "VEB Druckereimaschinenwerk". Abandoned since 1990.

VEB Druckereimaschinenwerk

25 Jun 2022 18 8 237
Abandoned machine factory, founded 1867 by Philipp Swiderski, 1916 as "Industriewerke GmbH", 1927 as "Georg Spiess Maschinenfabrik", after WWII "VEB Druckereimaschinenwerk". Abandoned since 1990.

Bahnbetriebswerk - HFF!

25 Jun 2022 56 24 423
water towers of abandoned Bahnbetriebswerk Leipzig-Wahren HFF and a great weekend everyone ;-)

misty monster

11 Sep 2022 41 10 315
Bucket wheel excavator 1473 (type SRs 1500) manufactured in 1964, called the "Blue Wonder"

Blue Wonder

23 Jun 2022 63 35 537
Bucket wheel excavator 1473 (type SRs 1500) manufactured in 1964, called the "Blue Wonder"

Excavator SRs 1500

11 Sep 2022 39 17 388
Top of the rear part of bucket wheel excavator 1473 (type SRs 1500) manufactured in 1964, called the "Blue Wonder"

Excavator 1473 - SRs 1500

11 Sep 2022 45 13 358
Top of the rear part of bucket wheel excavator 1473 (type SRs 1500) manufactured in 1964, called the "Blue Wonder"

inside the beast

11 Sep 2022 28 6 381
Bucket wheel excavator 1473 (type SRs 1500) manufactured in 1964, called the "Blue Wonder"

7717 items in total