J.Garcia's photos
Shared Thoughts (3) " Turn me into poetry "
The urban seagull and the fish from the lake... th…
It's a problem in Lisbon
Your visits and comments are very appreciated
Thank you everyone!
The glance...
In what direction… to the left!
by Huang Xiaohang
"Photographic Exhibition on Contemporary Chinese Women", Lisbon
Thank you everyone!
The stronger, me!
by Yu Ming
"Photographic Exhibition on Contemporary Chinese Women", Lisbon
Thank you everyone!
Surf Guitar
Dick Dale - The King Of Surf Guitar
Thank you everyone!
"I think but I do not exist"
Il la salue discrètement, de loin
"When will you stop being a sheep ?"
In deep darkness, the city is looking at a frighte…
Insolite tête-à-tête … et elles sourient...
The last memory of the old mirror which had seen a…
Nuno Teotónio Pereira, the last of the modern ar…
... There is a river ...and the table is ready...
Ettore Scola, Ciao
Una giornata particolare