Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)'s photos

I Can Still See You

28 Aug 2021 9 6 179
A Blue Jay was working on a peanut shell in the shade but it was not invisible.

Melodrama in the Park

23 Jul 2019 6 2 190
In the town square in Weston, Vermont. A comedy troupe performs for the locals and those who have come early to the Weston Playhouse, in Weston, Vermont. 2019

Bull in Grazalema, Spain


16 Jul 2021 7 3 224
A Goldfinch at Pigeon Lake, Alberta, Canada

Generic Child at a Spray Park

Kootenay National Park

25 Jun 2021 12 2 250
A scene from Kootenay National Park. British Columbia, Canada.

Fun With Sunsets

14 Jul 2021 6 1 231
A recent sunset observed from my backyard.

Bald Eagle

28 Jun 2021 5 1 200
This Bald Eagle was soaring over the beach at a lake in Champion Lakes Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada.

The End is Near

28 Jun 2021 12 5 361
What looks like a volcano plume is just a passing cloud in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada.

House Wren

08 Jul 2021 7 4 218
This is a new bird for me. This bird has a beautiful song and is not shy to share it. It is the first time the bird came out of the leaves so I could get a good look at it.

Juvenile House Finch

06 Jun 2021 5 1 222
Here is the same young finch I just posted. Taken through a window that the birds love to mess up while eating. Notice its baby feathers still stuck on its head.

Fledgling House Finch in Feeder

06 Jun 2021 4 1 234
This fledgling House Finch, notice the baby feathers on its head and breast, has been flying around this feeder for a couple of days now trying his best to land properly. It gets confused by the window but is slowly figuring it out. Its father was showing him where the free meals are. We put the feeder on the window, as well as other deterrents, to keep the birds, especially the young ones, from smashing into it. We get to enjoy them close up and they don't get injured. Win-win.

Female Red-winged Blackbird in Profile

30 May 2021 11 4 146
These birds live at the pond near our home but that does not stop them from making several sorties daily to our feeders.

Red-necked Grebe in Repose

30 May 2021 7 1 181
This Red-necked Grebe has folded itself up for a nap in the evening.

Hairy Woodpecker 02

Wearing Red to Hide?

16 May 2021 4 1 166
This male House Finch is not hiding very well dressed in red.

Female Red-winged Blackbird

16 May 2021 5 2 153
Female Red-winged Blackbird alighting in my backyard.

Hairy Woodpecker

16 May 2021 6 2 192
This Hairy Woodpecker is getting a greasy beak at the suet feeder in our backyard.

1611 items in total