Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)'s photos

Linseed Flax Flower

Linseed Flax Field

31 Jul 2014 5 3 372
This crop of flax is unusual in our travels into the country. When we saw this field of blue we had to stop and capture the scene. We see miles of yellow canola at this time of year but this is the first I noticed flax in bloom. I understand that this crop is planted as a rest crop as it takes up different nutrients than canola.

Red Alberta Barn

Old Alberta Barn

Close Enough to Hear Nature

This Gallardia is Ready for Its Closeup

27 Jul 2014 17 5 625
I spent a lot of time with this flower yesterday. It had so many features with which to try out my new macro lens. Gallardia Aristata.

Detail of Flower Part

27 Jul 2014 3 305
Likely the stamens of this flower, it took many tries before finally getting them to stand out. Gallardia Aristata.

Bee on Flower

27 Jul 2014 9 2 341
I have my first obligatory bee macro on a flower. Just what ipernity needed, another bee on flower photograph. :) Gallardia Aristata.

First Insect on Flower Picture

27 Jul 2014 3 1 259
Here is my first insect on flower photo with my new macro lens. Gallardia Aristata.

First Macro Spider

27 Jul 2014 9 6 421
I am enjoying my new macro lens. Caught this daddy long legs before he could catch me.

Road Cleaning Crew - Magpie

26 Jul 2014 5 1 363
The magpies and crows descended today on the street in front of my house to pick at the remains of a pigeon who did not cross the road carefully. Another link in the chain: should have walked at the walk sign.

Devil's Club

12 Aug 2013 2 3 355
Devil's Club, Oplopanax horridus. As the name suggests, you do not want to eat these berries.

Antique Threshing Machine

11 Aug 2013 2 2 345
One of many antique threshing machines lining a farm property.

Collection of Antique Farm Equipment

11 Aug 2013 4 8 459
This farm property is bordered by this collection of these identical antique threshing machines. HFF January 15, 2016

Rome Marathon 2013

17 Mar 2013 287
Everywhere we went in Rome on this day we ran into the Rome Marathon. It messed up our plans a bit but it was a colorful event that brought the streets alive.

Dutch Market in Lusaka, Zambia

28 May 2011 5 1 424
On the last Saturday of each month the Dutch Reformed Church holds a market for crafts persons. Food items are also available. It is well known and well attended. We were fortunate to be there when it was open.

Fruitfulness Gone to Waste

27 May 2011 2 241
These greenhouse supports should be protecting growing food products to support a school. Poor management and aid money that expired put this project to dereliction. The teachers at the school had not been paid in several months but continued teaching local children.

Temperance Pub?

30 Mar 2013 4 1 363
I like to collect photographs of signs that catch my attention for a variety of reasons. London

1611 items in total