Rui Fonseca's photos
Férin Bookshop, Lisbon
Willkommen, bienvenus, welcome... to the bookshop. Férin, one of the oldest in the city. Chiado district.
Ancient Boa-Hora Convent, Lisbon
Founded by thirteen Irish Dominican monks (17th century). Later, in the 19th century, it was the most important court of the city. Chiado district.
Republic or Golden Room, Câmara Municipal (City Hall) Lisbon
There can be Art in a detail. A door, for instance. Republic or Golden Room, Lisbon City Hall. Baixa district
Republic or Golden Room, Câmara Municipal (City Hall) Lisbon
The ceiling is decorated with medallions depicting allegories to the Arts by José Malhoa.
Câmara Municipal (City Hall) Lisbon
Salão Nobre (Main Hall) where ceremonies like receptions and homages are held.
Câmara Municipal (City Hall) Lisbon
The dome was painted in 1878/80 by Columbano and José Pereira.
Câmara Municipal (City Hall) Lisbon
Marble staircase at the main entrance
Praça do Município (City Hall Square) Lisbon
In the center, the pillory. It was the symbol of local power. From the City Hall's balcony the Republic was proclaimed on the 5th October 1910.
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