Rui Fonseca's photos
Adam and Eve by Ernesto Canto da Maia
Chiado Museum
Praça do Município (City Hall Square), Lisbon
Tile works are everywhere in Lisbon.. The toponymy of the City Hall itself is marked by a tile pannel. Baixa district.
São Carlos Opera House, Lisbon
Interior with five tiers of boxes. In the center, the Royal Box decorated by Giovanni Appianni. The ceiling was painted by Manuel da Costa. It's one of the most beautiful Opera Houses in the world.
Rua do Arsenal (Arsenal Street), Lisbon
The street was created after the 1755 earthquake. It still displays some antique and charming groceries. Baixa district.
São Carlos Opera Theatre, Lisbon
Inspired in the Seicento, it is a neoclassical building. Built in 1792-5. Chiado district
São Carlos Opera Theatre
Balcony on the façade. In Summer, the Opera Choir performs on that balcony for an open-air audience. Chiado district
Picadeiro Square, Lisbon
Backside of São Luis Theatre. Chiado district.
São Carlos Square, Lisbon
On the fourth floor of the building on the left, poet Fernando Pessoa was born. Chiado district
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