sps1955's photos

2010-11-19 009

19 Nov 2010 70
Ironwork over the gates to the Palmer chapel. Out of focus, but shows the design, with its stylized acorns.

East Carlton: St Peter 2010-11-19

19 Nov 2010 106
Interior from W. Rebuilt 1788 to designs of John Wing (1728-94), who also designed King's Norton in Leicestershire ( www.leicestershirechurches.co.uk/#/kings-norton-church-le... ). The stained glass in the E. window is Victorian (or later) and somewhat detracts from the Georgian character of the rest of the fittings. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1192313 .

East Carlton: St Peter 2010-11-19

19 Nov 2010 63
Interior from E. Rebuilt 1788 to designs of John Wing (1728-94), who also designed King's Norton in Leicestershire ( www.leicestershirechurches.co.uk/#/kings-norton-church-le... ). List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1192313 .

East Carlton: St Peter 2010-11-19

19 Nov 2010 91
Stained glass in E. window of S. (Palmer) chapel, dated 1659

East Carlton: St Peter, monument to Sir Geoffrey P…

19 Nov 2010 73
Attributed to Joshua Marshall (1629-1678; Master Mason to the Crown after 1660) on the basis of its similarity to the monument to Lord and Lady Noel at Chipping Campden. By 1640 Palmer was a junior member of the queen's counsel, and sat for Stamford in the Long Parliament, where he protested against the Grand Remonstrance and was briefly sent to the Tower of London. He was made Attorney General on the restoration of Charles II in 1660. For a closer view of the figures, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/5190778670/in/set-7215... . [Information from Rupert Gunnis, Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660-1851 ; Buildings of England ; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ]

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 015

16 Nov 2010 114
The Jubilee Avenue (formerly the Daffodil Walk, but renamed in 1977 when the original elms, having fallen victim to Dutch elm disease, were replaced with hornbeams). From S.

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 014

16 Nov 2010 92
S. end of the Cross Avenue, from NW. Vase from Stafford House (now Lancaster House), positioned here in 1937 - Fairhaven's collecting activities extended to "architectural salvage". For history of Anglesey Abbey, see set page .

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 013

16 Nov 2010 99
Birches at the west end of the Coronation Avenue. From NW.

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 012

16 Nov 2010 96
Birches at W end of Coronation Avenue from SE.

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 011

16 Nov 2010 88
Coronation Avenue from SW

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16 010

16 Nov 2010 98
Looking SW into open country from the W end of the Coronation Avenue

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 96
Birches in the winter walk

Anglesey Abbey: view towards Lode Mill 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 95
Lode Mill seen from the Riverside Walk

Anglesey Abbey: view towards Lode Mill 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 87
Looking towards Lode Mill from the Riverside Walk

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 109
The S. front of the house, formed c.1600 from the remaining abbey buildings, and extensively restored in the 1920s, when (according to the _Buildings of England_) the strapwork and carving were added over the porch and the gables reinstated on the basis of an old print. The wing to the left, with the oriel window, dates from the 1930s.

Anglesey Abbey 2010-11-16

16 Nov 2010 113
The S. front of the house, formed c.1600 from the remaining abbey buildings, and extensively restored in the 1920s, when (according to the _Buildings of England_) the strapwork and carving were added over the porch and the gables reinstated on the basis of an old print.

q=pierce+lane+fulbourn&ss=1&ct=6&mt=all& w=4087801…

12 Nov 2014 64
Text search for "Pierce Lane Fulbourn" - own photos - 5 results

q=piercelane&m=tags&ss=1&ct=6&mt=all&w=a ll&adv=1

12 Nov 2014 65
Tag search for "piercelane" - all users - no results

919 items in total