Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

Sussex rider South DownsDSC 8333

03 Jul 2014 1 259
A horse and rider, on a country path, Sussex, UK.


02 Jun 2014 1 1 349
A windy day to walk with balloons. (The statue of Mr McGill, founder of McGill University in Montreal)

blue heron june 2014 DSC 8168


21 Jun 2014 309
Blue tradescantia flowers.

poppy 645

21 Jun 2014 2 1 390
A poppy from the garden

x-deeerpmay 17 2014 don valley DSC 8187

17 May 2014 408
A deer in the Don Valley park (near Leslie and Finch). The Don is a small river that flows through the suburbs of Toronto into Lake Ontario. It is a thin strip of green running through the city and has a surprisingly rich wildlife.

yellow warbler may 17 2014 don valley DSC 8206

17 May 2014 1 349
A yellow warbler- from the Don Valley Park in Toronto

CSC 8114

big dinosaur FutalognkosaurusROM DSC 8213

19 Apr 2014 1 1 332
This is a cast replica of a huge dinosaur- "Futalognkosaurus" ( foo-ta-long-koh-sohr-us ) - recently discovered in Patagonia. The fossil is colossal and this is a closer shot of the pelvis looking up from between the legs. It was photographed at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. According to Wikipedia the word “Futalognkosaurus” derives from the local language of Mapudungun : "futa" meaning "giant", "lognko" meaning "chief" (so giant-chief-lizard). It would have been between 26-34 M long (a blue whale is up to about 30m).

venice Img3453venice2005a

21 Mar 2014 2 1 358
Venice, detail.

Venice Img3436venice2005

21 Mar 2014 2 328
Venice in winter and a man on a mission.

venice Img3342venice2005a

27 Mar 2014 1 272
The end of the alley, Venice, December

venice Img3350venice2005

21 Mar 2014 290
Vaporetto, Venice, Grand Canal, lights, shadows and waves.

lagoon venice winter DSCN6496

21 Mar 2014 3 3 411
Sunset:-The lagoon of Venice in Winter, from the basilica on Torcello island. The tower is on the island of Burano.

venice DSCN6378

21 Mar 2014 2 1 350
Venice, Grand Canal, dawn, gondolas, December.

clytus ruricola 2-june2009

21 Jun 2009 2 1 391
A black and yellow beetle, it was vey shy and insisted on hiding beneath leaves every time I got close to photograph it. (Round-necked long horn beetle)

fossil fish and leaf

28 Dec 2010 5 1 347
This is an old photo I took a few years ago in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

Evening, west pier, Brighton

29 Dec 2013 3 1 338
This was once a beautiful Victorian pleasure pier in Brighton, UK, but it was allowed to fall into the sea and eventually caught fire. This isad skeleton remains.

852 items in total