Andrew Trundlewagon's photos


15 Mar 2015 2 3 350
Plants of the Canadian Arctic This is a photograph (cell phone) of a scan of a pressed plant from the Canadian National Collection. It is part of a small exhibition shown in Montreal. This is called "River Beauty ": Chamerion latifolia .


06 Mar 2015 1 1 277
Plants of the Canadian Arctic This is a photograph (cell phone) of a scan of a pressed plant from the Canadian National Collection. It is part of a small exhibition shown in Montreal - . Alpine Arnica: Arnica angustifolia


06 Mar 2015 1 1 305
Plants of the Canadian Arctic This is a photograph (cell phone) of a scan of a pressed plant from the Canadian National Collection. It is part of a small exhibition shown in Montreal. This is called "River Beauty: Chamerion latifolia . The long black fingers on the left are the seed pods

snow street montreal

winter elephant DSC 0122

15 Feb 2015 1 550
Angry blue elephant in the snow

cats on a bench DSC 0154

21 Feb 2015 1 286
Cats on a bench waiting for whom? Chats sur un banc en attente pour qui ?

cats and dog DSC 0165

21 Feb 2015 263
toy cats and wind up dog, still life

Crystals of ice

14 Feb 2015 5 1 253
Ice crystals that formed on a glass door on a cold day

winter street

15 Feb 2015 3 2 336
A winter street, a cold day, ice, snow and wind.

illuminated fruit

08 Feb 2015 3 316
A clementine illuminated from below

clementine and peel

08 Feb 2015 8 2 343
A clementine orange, with peel.


21 Mar 2013 2 410
A house sparrow against the snow

Red headed bird

17 Jan 2015 1 313
A small red-headed finch sitting on a twig just above the snow. (House finch, roselin familier)

candle knife and a still wind DSC 9914

04 Jan 2015 4 4 359
Candles in the wind, a knife.

pomegranate DSC 9853

20 Dec 2014 299
A glass of madeira wine, fruit

pomegranate DSC 9820

20 Dec 2014 2 383
Pomegranate Grenade

hibiscus 2

07 Oct 2014 3 340
Hibiscus flower

still life pumpkin and pomegranate

22 Nov 2014 3 2 436
Still life - autumn. Tea, pumpkin, pomegranate, chestnuts and rose. Nature morte - automne. Thé, citrouille, grenade, châtaignes et fleur.

852 items in total