Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

carnation and light tubes DSC 4417

07 Aug 2015 328
I’ve been playing with combining still life and light painting using long exposure and weak torch light.


02 Aug 2015 13 8 576
A fritillary butterfly feeding on thistles along a wooded footpath. There were several of them and they were all interested in the thistles to the exclusion of any other plant. Un papillon se nourrissant de chardons sur un sentier boisé. Il y avait plusieurs d'entre eux, et ils étaient tous intéressés à des chardons à l'exclusion de toute autre plante.

robin DSC 4028 v2

28 Jul 2015 3 433
An American robin in the evening sun

Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonusDSC 3449 arundel rivers…

15 Jul 2015 5 1 407
A gatekeeper butterfly, Arundel, Sussex, UK


14 Jul 2015 1 1 230
Two ponies on the South Downs, Sussex, UK

small tortoise shell DSC 2450

03 Jul 2015 3 2 358
Two small tortoiseshell butterflies on thistle flowers, Sussex, UK

red black mothDSC 2475

03 Jul 2015 6 2 473
A Burnet moth, on the South Downs near Devil's Dyke in Sussex, UK

St Bruno Chipmunk CSC 2365

27 Jun 2015 4 4 379
A chipmunk running through the undergrowth in the woods.

train amberley working museum

12 Jul 2014 3 1 341
A locomotive and station master seen during a railway rally at the Amberley Working museum, West Sussex, UK. This engine, which is called “ Cloister ” was built in 1891 by the Hunslet Engine Company for the Dinorwic Slate Quarry in North Wales

Blue heron on rock

20 Jun 2015 5 5 378
A Blue Heron, not looking too happy, on a rock. This is at lac des bouleaux, which means 'birch lake", in St. Bruno near Montreal.

bonsai-90yr-DSC 0665 V2

21 Mar 2015 1 333
90 years old, a bonsai Taiwanese maple tree, in the Botanic gardens, Montreal.

st bruno Iris june 2015 CSC 1881

13 Jun 2015 7 2 473
Wild iris besides a lake. (En 1999, l'iris fut choisi comme fleur-emblème du Québec)

st bruno june 2015 mushroom CSC 1880

13 Jun 2015 3 341
A mushroom, probably fly agaric (Amanita), an hallucinogenic fungus.

st bruno Iris june 2015 CSC 1947

13 Jun 2015 1 1 385
Wild iris beside a lake, St Bruno

poppy cheek by cheek june 2015 DSC 1958

16 Jun 2015 1 294
Two poppies touching cheek to cheek (as lovers do).

Double-crested comorant st bruno may 2015 DSC 1180

23 May 2015 2 6 402
A comorant at rest on a branch, Lac Seigneural, St Bruno near Montreal.

St Bruno Iris June 6 2015 DSC 1581

06 Jun 2015 2 397
A wild iris growing by a lake, St Bruno, Quebec. These are also called "Blue flags", the word flag is from old English Flagge meaning reed or rush.

White Admiral Northeastern Jun2 6 2015 DSC 1657

06 Jun 2015 6 1 383
A White Admiral butterfly sunning on a woodside path. ( Limenitis arthemis )

852 items in total