Nodule's photos

Eye- reflection

Katy - Jodie

Dodgey Daiseys


30 Nov 2015 199
Coming out of hibernation soon, in the mean time Happy Christmas to all who know me and all that don't :-)


23 Aug 2015 1 1 431
Treasure Hunt: Moody Colour


23 Aug 2015 1 1 392
Treasure Hunt: Wet Texture; Spent the day driving from London to Bristol (123miles) to pick up our newly customized Horsebox, nightmare journey, basically 2& a half hours to get out of London on a friday afternoon then 3 hours down the motorway doing no more than 50mph average!!! still next day was spent cleaning it up and today I cleaned the windscreen inside and out... then it poured with rain! Oh well, get the camera and do the texture shot :-)

Bottoms Up!

18 Aug 2015 1 421
Treasure Hunt: Bottoms; :-) AR! It be a myth, the Kings shillin' an all... the only reason for a glass bottom was so you could see the state of yer ale!

Before & After make-up

19 Aug 2015 1 1 327
Treasure Hunt: Improve a portrait- digital make over. OK, I have been struggling with this myself! Not one who professes to be good with make-up I hope this is an improvement? :-) With the use of layers on every bit of work I have added eye shadow, whitened the whites, lightened and saturated the iris, applied blusher and lipstick. I removed one little blemish. I played with blending modes and found a way for photoshop to retain the skin textures as I worked. I copied all the layers together when 'finished' to one new layer then copied that layer and added a small amount of Gaussian blur, selecting the eraser tool I then cut out the eyes and mouth to bring them back to sharp focus. I was going to add some eyelashes and mascara but my bums gone o sleep... gotta go stretch my legs and rest my eyes :-) One thing was accidental but looked ok so I left it in and that was I somehow shrank the image left to right which made her face thinner! :-) i have not had the time to do a walk through but will if anyone wants me to

Copper flame

11 Aug 2015 361
Treasure Hunt: Copper; I missed a trick with this shot so will re-visit it at some point... I didn't think about waiting for the solder to flow and capture THAT moment!


08 Aug 2015 1 328
Treasure Hunt: I Spy- Z # Classic

smoke set-up

06 Aug 2015 164
Tabletop set up for capturing smoke, black card as base and two sides. strobe on 'foot to behind and left with white reflector and black shade to control flare and direction of light.. a couple of test shots to find the right exposure for the smoke and away we go! :-)

Incense smoke

06 Aug 2015 1 400
Treasure Hunt: Smoke; Incense stick in a glass smoldering nicely, lit with single off-camera flashgun to the side and black card to left and background. The house now stinks! :-)

Relax & read a good book

06 Aug 2015 1 1 241
Treasure Hunt; Relax& Read; When in doubt shoot a cliche... anything with babies in it is going to be a sure fire winner :-)

Butchers Bike restored

02 Aug 2015 297
Treasure Hunt: "What I found in Grandma's Attic" OK, it's not Grandma's attic but I did find this old Butchers Bike in an attic of a client whose house I was renovating way back in 1977!!! I had knocked out the chimney breasts and had to go into the loft to support the stack as it comes through the roof and while clearing my workspace found this old bike in a dreadful state. paint peeling, light rust and perished rubber tyres. In order to get it out of the loft I had to 'adjust' the loft hatch somewhat! but we managed it after a couple of hours and eventually sold it to a cycle shop near where I currently live. The shops enthusiastic cyclists then set about restoring it to it's former glories. I saw it fully repaired about a year later as they used it as a sign for the shop standing on the pavement outside, I didn't see it again till 10 years ago when I moved into the area. It is today still standing outside 'Deens Garage' but the sign on the frame has been taken off due to it being very rusty (after such a short time too!). a new one will be fitted soon and the basket is a lucky find that happened to fit when I literally stole it from a greengrocers next door! :-) (I returned it, honest!)

Blue Moon

31 Jul 2015 2 1 357
Treasure Hunt: Full Moon; I used to think I was a Werewolf... but I'm alright nowooooooooooooooooooooow! two full moons in one month, a rarity occurring every couple of years, next ones 2018!

Pixlr Mask tool


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