Nodule's photos

Verve Cliquot Poinsardin

15 Jun 2015 1 325
Treasure Hunt: Beautiful Boxes; Pretty sure this is not what Fanny meant for this challenge but I gotta say it looks beautiful to me!!! :-)


14 Jun 2015 257
took it a stage further with this one...

Blunt Instrument

14 Jun 2015 1 222
Treasure Hunt: Pencils, Pens or crayons; Thought I'd go for the simple, 'graphic' approach with Graphite

Morning Dew

Morning Dew Two

12 Jun 2015 234
Treasure Hunt: Morning Dew; OK, it's not the morning, neither is it dew and it's not yet the 24th June! At least I got one bit right but just what are the neighbours screaming about...!?:-)) It is a tad warm here unusually for us and there was no sign of any dew whatsoever so I filled up the spray bottle and went to work with the macro lens early afternoon... These are Blackfly and aphids and if you look closely an ant is trapped in the miniscus, the ants are trekking up and down the stem farming the little blighters!!!

Coin of the Realm

11 Jun 2015 1 269
Treasure Hunt: Coins; Nice bit of graphic design going on here , These were the 2008 mint collection and I only noticed four years later this wonderful design,abit of a revelation as the six lesser coins carry a portion of the coat of arms which is carried in full on the pound coin. Has anyone else noticed this I wonder? None of my friends had!


08 Jun 2015 1 289
Treasure Hunt: Take a pic of your phone; Love it and hate it in equal measure! Damn thing keeps ringing!! With my mother still breathing and not far from her 102nd birthday I am incredibly concious of just how advanced we've become in a 100 years :-) as a kid mum saw Electricity, Gas and drainage all come into the home, never mind the gadgets, they were all the realm of Jules Verne! She posed a classic question just the other day that sums it all up.... "Just what is the 'Internet'???" A very difficult answer followed and she is no better off! :-)) Family are giving me some stick for investing in a small amount of lego but it has come in useful for this :-) I bought the Lego characters so that I can at some point parody one or two classic pictures... 'Lunch above New York' for instance with the workmen sitting on a girder eating lunch while building the empire state.


09 Jun 2015 335
Treasure Hunt: X Xesturgy... Look it up like I did :-)

Car- forced perspective

06 Jun 2015 2 201
Treasure hunt: Forced perspective

All at Sea with PP.

09 Jun 2015 1 1 266
Treasure Hunt: PP, Changing backgrounds. Rough and ready, bit of rush but I think it looks effective... A friends model boat photographed on two A1 sheets of card screaming out for a decent back-drop :-) there's a 'how to' in my articles for this here

Backgrounds 4

Backgrounds 3

Backgrounds 2

Backgrounds 1

courting spiders

26 May 2015 1 3 188
10wpp, 'Small' Male spider trying not to become 'lunch'! The platform here is an angle-grinder blade, the spindle hole with the blade of grass growing through is 20mm diameter :-)

Courting Male Spider

courting spiders 2

26 May 2015 1 134
Stopped home for lunch and one of my colleagues spotted movement on an angle grinder blade laying on my lawn by the patio doors (my house is still unfinished!) and was enthralled by what he saw, he thought the dancing spider was hilarious!! :-) The dancing is of course a mating ritual that the males take great care to perform in order to let the females know they are not in fact 'Lunch'!! the Male is on the left and by the time I got to see him through my lens his legs were vibrating to the point of invisibility, there is - I assume, a fine mat of spider silk that the female has laid out as a trap and this is how he attracts her attention. As soon as she shows up (and she does so at great speed!) he starts to wave his big black palps like Tony Manero (John Travolta) in Saturday Night Fever :-)) Seriously cute, I was watching this for at least half an hour. as far as I know our romeo was unsuccessful in his love making but also remained in tact :-) This is not something you will come across 'in the wild' very often so I think I've been very lucky.Also, I can't help but think these guy's knew I was watching, they were definitely aware of my presence and certainly reacted to the movement of my lens despite all my efforts to remain still :-))

Small Blue

26 May 2015 1 2 172
Treasure Hunt: Butterflys; Small Blue, my garden of late is bereft of butterfly's, however while out yesterday lunchtime I found a pair of spiders attempting courtship and while catching them on camera this little fellow flew by and I had all the equipment ready for a change. Just as well too coz they are very energetic, I only got one shot in before he flew off! These are properly tiny! Being less than 20mm in length, so you can imagine I am very pleased with this. the spiders are on view in the note if you can stand it :-)

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