Jaap van 't Veen's photos

Spain - Granada, Alhambra

07 Mar 2012 46 16 2006
Alhambra, Palace of the Partal (Palacio del Partal). This palace is dating back to the early 14th century. There are just two components remaining: the Torre de las Damas and the arcade with its wide pool in front.

Spain - Granada, Alhambra

07 Mar 2012 21 6 1355
Generalife: Court of the Main Canal / Patio de la Acequia

Spain - Catalonia, Congost de Mont-rebei

11 May 2013 32 11 2054
The river Noguera Ribagorçana entering the Mont-rebei Gorge (Congost de Mont-rebei).

Spain - Catalonia, Congost de Mont-rebei

11 May 2013 36 15 2229
Hiking trail through de Mont-rebei Gorge (Congost de Mont-rebei), which has been cut into the steep wall of the canyon. The bridle path that crosses the gorge is equipped with a handrail and lookout points.

Spain - Catalonia, Congost de Mont-rebei

11 May 2013 51 20 2165
The Mont-rebei Gorge (Congost de Mont-rebei) divides the Montsec range from north to south. The Noguera Ribagorçana runs through the gorge, which reaches heights of 500 metres and a span that narrows in some places to less than 20 metres. It is the country's last great gorge that remains in a nearly pristine state.

Nederland - Zierikzee, Nieuwe Kerk

12 Feb 2011 19 5 1629
The present Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) was built between 1835 and 1848. Nowadays the building is used for (music) performances and expositions.

Nederland - Diepenheim, Kasteel Nijenhuis

01 Aug 2012 25 12 2711
Kasteel Nijenhuis (Castle Nijenhuis) was first mentioned in 1380. The present building dates back to 1682. Since 1799 the castle is owned and still inhabited by the family Schimmelpenninck.

Nederland - Vaassen

30 Oct 2009 136 55 4309
'Wijerd' (storage reservoir) for watermill 'Cannenburghermolen' at the back of 'Castle De Cannenburch'.

Spain - Granada, Alhambra

07 Mar 2012 27 8 1616
Alhambra: Palace of the Lions (Palacio de los Leones), seen from the Court of the Lions.

Spain - Granada, Alhambra

07 Mar 2012 28 11 1990
Alhambra: Comares Palace - Court of the Myrtles

Nederland - Zaanse Schans

02 Oct 2013 65 17 2738
Zaanse Schans: some of the windmills along the Zaan. See for more info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaanse_Schans

Nederland - Vorden, Watermill Hackfort

01 Jul 2009 39 10 2540
Watermill nearby Castle Hackfort (Vorden) along the 'Hackfortse Beek'. The mill is dating back to the year 1700.

Spain - Catalonia

11 May 2013 34 13 2470
Old farmhouse along the 'road' between Puente de Montañana and the Mont-rebei Gorge.

Spain - Catalonia, Pantà d'Escales

11 May 2013 57 19 2686
Pantà d'Escales (Escales Reservoir) is an artificial lake of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, south of El Pont de Suert.

Spain - Andalusia, Almegíjar

06 Mar 2012 53 22 1699
Blossoming almond trees nearby the white village of Almegíjar in the so called Alpujarra.

Nederland - Heerde, Pluizenmeer

13 Aug 2009 24 8 2343
Heerde: Pluizenmeer or Pluizenmeertje. It is named after 'veenpluis' (common cottongrass), which is growing along this little lake. In the older days it was used for washing the sheep from nearby 'Renderklippen'.

Nederland - Tholen, Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk

16 Jun 2010 15 6 1676
Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk (Our Lady Church) dating back to the 13th century, when it was founded as a catholic church. In the year of 1577 it was confiscated by the protestants and remained a reformed church till nowadays. Photo: interior of the church with the former choir.

Nederland - Beekbergen, Ruitersmolen

11 Aug 2007 20 3 2284
Ruitersmolen, watermill nearby Beekbergen, dating back to the year of 1606.

1428 items in total