spih_2's photos
Eggie is showing her toys to Hansel. It is obvious that Eggie's favorite color is yellow
(Photo a Day, July 25: Fave color)
Peas in a pod
I got some peas at the farmers' market this morning. These remind me of the childhood summers I spent at our grandparents' summer cottage. I sometimes had a small garden patch growing peas. The crop was not very big, but the peas tasted very sweet straight from the garden. Hansel is enjoying the peas, too, though just one or two may be enough for him.
(Photo a Day, July 24: A memory)
Follow the leader
Hansel is wondering if he is seeing double or if this is some kind of "find 5 differences" task. (As a matter of fact there are only two major differences.)
(Photo a Day, July 22: A number)
"A flower for you!"
It seems that Gretel has a new admirer. Domes Bond is a real ladies' man - I mean ladies' Domo.
(Photo a Day, July 21: Flowers)
Happiness is a good book
Hansel and Gretel did not find the book about the witch and the gingerbread house. But they found other good books.
(Photo a Day, July 20: Text)
Hansel is a strongman
Hansel: "Look how strong I am. I can lift an elephant!"
Tarzan: "But I bet you could not lift THIS elephant!"
(Photo a Day, July :19 Something heavy)
Hansel has met the dragon boy Thuban and his baby brother.
(Photo a Day, July 18: Young)
Hansel has found a very tiny troll. It must be studied very close.
(Photo a Day, July: 16. Close)
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