spih_2's photos
Jippo: "Nice horsie, have a fresh carrot!"
Sleipnir: "Eat it yourself! Carrots are for asses!"
(Photo a Day, August 11: Cheeky)
Eggie's dress is trimmed with tiny beads and heart-shaped buttons
(Photo a Day, August 10: Heart-shaped)
Nid: "Why do you have an acorn cup on your head?"
Babo: "Ssssh! Its a satellite antenna. I'm watching the cookie channel."
Baron von Munchy & Paisley: "We want to watch the cookie channel, too!"
(Photo a Day, August 9: Purple)
Party crashers
Lumi and Pup were setting up a nice tea party for Teddy and Bunny but Tarzan's cousins came and made a mess of it. Monkeys have no manners!
(Photo a Day, August 8: On my table)
Cool forest
Today the weather was a bit cooler so Ygg and Jeero could enjoy a walk in the forest without feeling they are melting.
(Photo a Day, August 6: Enjoy)
Fomalhaut wanted to take his frog friends to the swamp for a swim but it has been so hot and dry that the swamp had dried almost completely. Though it still was damp and muddy, there was no free water for the frogs.
Fortunately it rained last night so there was a shallow puddle on the road and the frogs could have some fun in the water.
(Photo a Day, August 5: In the water)
Baron von Munchy: "Give back my boots!"
Spark: "Don't disturb my throw!"
Pyry: "You'll get your boots back after our boot throwing contest is over."
(Photo a Day, August 4: Sport)
Jippo is feeling so hot that he decided clothes are not needed, a fig leaf is enough.
(Photo a Day, August 3: Leaf)
Tiger hunter
Ymir: "What are you doing?"
Baron von Munchy: "I'm hunting tigers. Look, I already tranquilized two!"
Brimir: "But those are just toy tigers..."
Ymir: "And the third is not a tiger, only a Domo with tiger stripes."
Baron von Munchy: "Whatever!"
Hansel is fascinated by all the different shades of the yellow Domos.
(Photo a Day, July 31: Yellow)
Hansel: "On a hot day like this one must drink lots of water."
Juicy: "I prefer orange extract *glug* *glug* *glug*"
Wage: "Easy on the orange extract, it's strong stuff!"
Juicy: *HIC*
(Photo a Day, July 30: Water)
Farmer's market
Hansel: "Let's go to the market and buy some more raspberries!"
Me: "There are no sellers there today because it's Sunday."
(Photo a Day, July 29: My view)
Alien attack
Tiberius: "HALP! A flying saucer is chasing us!"
Bluey: "And it's full of alien life forms!"
Candy: "I'll definitely win a Pulizer prize for this photo!"
Hansel and Wage told that they can help me finish my raspberries...
(Photo a Day, July 28: Helpful)
Hansel: "I think a cool juicy watermelon is just the right snack on a hot day like this."
Seedy: "NOOOOOOO!!!!"
(Photo a Day, July 27: Snack)
Too many!
Hansel is trying to choose a favorite minifigure from the pile but he can't make up his mind. There are too many!
(Photo a Day, July 26: Pile)
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