spih_2's photos


22 Sep 2018 97
Another cardboard prototype for the schoolroom project.

Domo racing at Ascot

19 Sep 2018 271
If you go to races, you should wear a fancy hat.

Art appreciation

17 Sep 2018 190
Pup: "How do you like the modern sculpture I made from the leftover pieces?" Tarzan: "It's great! My cousins love it!"

Making school desks

14 Sep 2018 192
Brimir: "We are supposed to make one more desk and chair. How do these parts go toether?" Billder: "I think this part should be glued to this one..." Pup: "Can we make something from the leftover pieces?" Tarzan: "How about a climbing tree for my cousins?" Ymir: "Look! The desks open! I can put stuff inside."

what happened

13 Sep 2018 155
Tarzan: "What happened? The tree has turned red!" Me: "Fall came, like it does every year. That's what happened."


09 Sep 2018 164
Ruska: "Someone has eaten most of this mushroom already!" Ruska is gathering mushrooms into her traditional wooden basket. But it looks like she came a little too late to that one.


09 Sep 2018 104
My little fairy got a dress and a name. Her name is Usva which means mist, haze or fog.

Antares and Strawberry

31 Aug 2018 177
The last themed photo this month. (Photo a Day, August 31: Red)

Bubo and a glacial erratic

30 Aug 2018 171
There are lots of these huge rocks in the forest. They are covered with lichen and moss because they have been lying here since the ice age. (Photo a Day, August 30: rocky)

Bubo on a precipice

30 Aug 2018 158
Careful, Bubo, it's a long way down and neither you nor your angry friend can actually fly.

Bubo on a precipice

30 Aug 2018 145
Careful, Bubo, it's a long way down and neither you nor your angry friend can actually fly.

Pup and roses

29 Aug 2018 139
Pup and a pair of monkeys under a rose bush. (Photo a Day, August 29: A pair)

Roses at Hatanpää Arboretum

Roses at Hatanpää Arboretum

Roses at Hatanpää Arboretum


28 Aug 2018 119
Haitula rides a white horse while Bones prefers a black horse. (Photo a Day, August 28: Black & white)


28 Aug 2018 155
Brimir: "What do you see?" Ymir: "Nothing. Domos' brains are so small that they can't be seen even with a large magnifying glass."

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.