Ronald Losure's photos

Grey squirrel eating sunflower seeds

Turtle sunning itself on its nest box

03 Feb 2025 2 4 36
Actually the box was meant for ducks, but after many years the pipe that supported the box loosened in the mud and fell over.

Beavers have been busy

Branco & Rosie

29 Jan 2025 4 6 46
Relaxing by the pond

Fox investigating

Two rodents playing

Looks like a dead vulture

16 Jan 2025 8 8 50
This photo was taken at an electric sub-station near my house. We had thought that vultures had been electrocuted in the wires, but obviously it was dead long before arriving here. In the winter many more vultures perch on this structure. For example:

Dead vulture ?

16 Jan 2025 2 28
There are several of these dead "vultures" hanging from the framework of this electrical tower.

Turtle warming in the sunshine

Tree stump left by beavers

Hooded merganser

11 Jan 2025 17 8 67
This female and its mate were sitting on my pond early one winter morning. By the time I opened my camera, the male had flown away.

Frost on a little oak "tree"

Bearded tooth mushroom

12 Jan 2025 2 2 30
Hericium erinaceus

Forest filled with snow

10 Jan 2025 11 8 69
A small stream in the forest.

Walking in the snow

10 Jan 2025 5 6 54
We had a rare snow storm yesterday, so the dogs and I went for a walk.

Thin layer of ice on pond

10 Jan 2025 4 5 42
Don't even think about walking across the pond. The ice is actually a layer of snow that didn't melt in the pond.

Branco & Rosie enjoying the pond

Great blue heron fishing

09 Jan 2025 5 3 55
Ardea herodias

3212 items in total