Ronald Losure's photos

Enjoying the view

13 Jun 2024 19 20 128
Rosie & Branco by the pond

Dragonfly & spider

Painted turtle enjoying the sunshine

11 Jun 2024 14 10 151
Chrysemys picta is the most widespread native turtle of North America.

Rosie swimming in the pond

Epiphyllum oxypetalum

11 Jun 2024 7 8 79
This plant only blooms for a few hours at night.

Cattle egret at the edge of the pond

09 Jun 2024 15 8 99
Bubulcus ibis

Luna moth on the front door

Branco enjoying wading in the pond

Ring-necked snake

07 Jun 2024 5 2 62
One of the smallest snakes here. About 12 cm long.

Barred owl

08 Jun 2024 7 5 64
Another barred owl had just departed a nearby tree. I suppose they were relatives.

Spider walking on water

Green heron

02 Jun 2024 23 28 225
Butorides virescens

Campsis radicans

Little frog

29 May 2024 20 16 109
Sorry, I haven't identified its species yet.

Campsis radicans

30 May 2024 7 6 70
Commonly called "trumpet vine".

Red-headed woodpecker on TVA line

Painted turtle enjoying the sunshine

3212 items in total