Ronald Losure's photos

Cattle egret

07 Jul 2024 20 18 127
On a snag in the middle of the pond. Bubulcus ibis

Cattle egret by the pond

08 Jul 2024 10 6 75
Bubulcus ibis

Pair of juvenile wood ducks

Tiger swallowtail

Eastern phoebe

24 Jun 2024 8 5 58
Sayornis phoebe

A very small frog

22 Jun 2024 13 6 135
About 2 cm long. I think it is a leopard frog.

Spider walking on water

Passion flower

Eastern bluebird

22 Jun 2024 5 2 122
Sialia sialis

Little blue dragonlet

18 Jun 2024 19 18 161
Erythrodiplax minuscula

Cattle egret

18 Jun 2024 3 100
Bubulcus ibis

Beaver coming home in the morning

17 Jun 2024 13 8 136
It has been a long time since I've seen a beaver on my pond, even though every morning I see the changes they have made to the forest. This morning, this beaver was late returning home from its nightly activities.

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