Ronald Losure's photos
White pelican
Sometimes, thousands of pelicans can be seen near here. This one was alone on the Tennessee River. The others were apparently elsewhere on the refuge.
Egret, herons & cranes
The great egret and great blue heron were walking together along the shore. The cranes stayed higher on the mud flats.
Osprey Point
A pair of sandhill cranes
Sandhill cranes
Eurasian wigeons & American wigeon
Barred owl by a hollow oak tree
Garip & Branco resting peacefully
Bald eagle
Snowy egret
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Good camouflage - brown creeper
Bald eagle on nest
Northern cardinal
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Great blue heron
Branco & his reflection
I recently had the dam that forms my pond renovated. Here is my dog Branco standing in the shallow water after rain has raised the water level.
Black king snake
In my previous post of a king snake, I said I hadn't seen one in a long time. Here is a photo I posted on Panoramio in 2013, taken in Mississippi.