Ronald Losure's photos

Two wood ducks on my pond

20 Mar 2017 1 4 147
I installed a new house for wood ducks two days before I took this photo. I am hoping the birds will move into the house.

Hausgemacht Brot

17 Mar 2017 2 7 155
Das Rezept ist von Dörthe. Es schmeckt gut und die Textur ist sehr zäh.

Playing in the pond

Oak leaves and flowers

Bullfrog at the edge of the pond

Painted turtle

Foggy morning 2

Foggy morning 1

Phalaenopsis cv. flower

08 Mar 2017 4 1 166
Same flower as yesterday one day older.

Phalaenopsis cv. flower

A late-blooming daffodil

Downy woodpecker sticking her tongue out

04 Mar 2017 1 163
Dryobates pubescens

Downy woodpecker

04 Mar 2017 1 1 181
Dryobates pubescens

Short-leaf pine flowers

04 Mar 2017 1 188
Pinus echinata

Asker Garip

03 Mar 2017 3 4 189
He was just looking into the distance this afternoon.

The Sun 2017-03-02 19:46 UTC

02 Mar 2017 3 2 171
There is one spot near the right edge. Taken with Thousand Oaks "Black Polymer" filter

US Air Force training plane

02 Mar 2017 148
T-6 Texan II flying over my house in the early morning

Eastern bluebird

3219 items in total