Amelia's photos
Llantysilio Church with snowdrops
St Tysilio's church lies adjacent to Llantysilio Hall, but at a distance from any nucleated settlement, on the north bank of the River Dee, 4km to the north-west of Llangollen. It is essentially a single-cell late medieval structure, with surviving masonry of that period and some windows of 15thC or 16thC date. A north transept was added in the early 18thC and there was some reconstruction and addition in the Victorian era. Internally, medieval survivals include a font, a small amount of stained glass, and perhaps the lectern. The churchyard, polygonal in shape, is packed with gravemarkers, the earliest from the end of the 17thC.
Varhaug gamle kirkegård
Abandoned on Engøy, a David Brown Light Diesel Tr…
Ice bubbles
Moon Rainbow
Memorial to 4 members of the New Zealand Air Force
Jack Brightwell, Ed Foy R. Nugent and G Parkin
Remember these New Zealanders They died but freedom lived.
Houses under Helleren
Helleren is a large cliff overhanging two houses at the end of the Jøssingfjord, on the southwestern coast of Norway.
The houses were built in the early 19th century and abandoned in the 1920s shortly after the first road was opened. The houses are preserved as they once were, as houses for poor families subsiding on a combination of farming, sheep herding and fishing.
These 2 houses are now part of Norway's open-air folk museum.
Norwegians are born with skis on their feet
Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footpri…
Transformer station at Lista
West Runton. Heaven on Earth
Oban Bay from McCaig's Tower
Some more pixels
Guess What or Who.
WW2 fortifications on Cramond Island causeway
The causeway runs at the foot of a row of concrete pylons on one side of the causeway, which were constructed as a submarine and surface shipping defence boom during the Second World War. and are one of the most striking sights in the area.
At high tide the path is covered by several feet of seawater which cuts the island off from the mainland. Always check the tide timetables before crossing!
Berwick Almshouses
The Berwick almshouses were built in 1672 for Sir Samuel Jones, a wealthy Shrewsbury Merchant, with estates in Northants and Essex. He had inherited Berwick from his father Isaac Jones, and, dying childless, had bequeathed money for the erection of the chapel and almshouses. They are arranged in a U-plan and are rented out to "residents of retirement age with limited funds and of good character!" These days they are rented out by the Housing Association, but the same rules generally apply.
The inscription on the gateway, now largely illegible, is known to read: "These Almshouses and Chapel were Given / and Endow'd by Sr Samuel Jones Knight / Anno Domini 1672".
The tree line
Long frosty shadows.
Creaking ice, green tipped snowdrops.
The pleasures of winter.