Amelia's photos
Chester Walls. Morgan's Mount
Morgan's Mount is a structure extending from the north site of the city walls of Chester. It was constructed in 1645 during the siege of Chester in the Civil War as an observation platform and gun emplacement. The Mount is constricted in red sandstone coursed rubble, and is rectangular in shape. It contains a chamber at the level of the walkway, with barred openings to the west and the north. Two flights of five steps lead up to the roof, which has a stone parapet surmounted by an iron railing.
'Wishes' is a full 1.5-metres tall, life-sized fairy queen, mounted on a special plinth, to help mark a decade of growth at The Trentham Estate, with the words “Wishes do come true…” on one side, and “2004-2014” on the other. The Fairy is seen holding a dandelion clock, it marks the passing of time.
Created by artist Robin Wright.
As time goes by:
Colour variation in limpets
Walking along a beach in Norway, I noticed that there was a high proportion of limpet shells, which showed an amazing variety of colours and patterns on the inside. I spent a lovely 30 minutes or so arranging them like this. Simple things please simple minds.
Arbroath. Seaton Cliffs. Carlingheugh Bay.
It is definitely worth exploring the varied coastal scenery north of Arbroath on this excellent walk atop the sandstone cliffs.
Arbroath Signal tower
The Signal Tower is now a museum and was originally built in 1813 as a base of operations for the famous Bell Rock Lighthouse, the Signal Tower housed the families of the keepers stationed on the 'rock', along with the vital shore staff who ran the tender. The name Signal Tower comes from the ingenious signalling apparatus installed atop of the tower building that was used to communicate between the shore staff and the keepers of the lighthouse. An identical set of signalling apparatus is installed atop the lighthouse itself. Installed within the Signal Tower was a small observatory outfitted with a powerful telescope; it was through this telescope that the signalling apparatus on the lighthouse was monitored during the day. In an age before wireless communications, the ball system employed by the Bell Rock was seen as state of the art technology. At night, any fluctuation to the light would see the supply vessel set sail for the 'rock' to investigate.
Arbroath harbour
Arbroath, settled in the 12th century, lies 15 miles to the north east of Dundee. The attractive historic working harbour remains in action today and long sandy beaches and stunning sandstone cliffs stretch out on either side of the town. A great are for walking.
The town's most famous product is the Arbroath Smokie, (delicious), which was first created in the village of Auchmithie, just up the coast from here. This is a harbour inside the main harbour.
Iodine Bonnet. Mycena filopes
The little glimmer of disturbance in otherwise calm water was caused by a duck.
Pholiota squarrosa. Shaggy scalycap
Courtesy of a swan
A perfectly ordinary reflection of a boathouse was completely transformed when a swan slowly swam over the surface, and created a work of art.
Autum mists and colour at Lake Vyrnwy
Kingsbarns sunset
Little Snoring church
St Andrew is remarkable for having a tower that is detached from the rest of the church. The two sit together on a mound above the road. The south side of the graveyard has been largely cleared of headstones, but there are some fine 18th and 18th century ones that line the path.
The round tower is doubly attractive; not only is it free standing, but it is topped by a little 18th century conical cap with tiny gables and a spike.
Boathouse on Hafrsfjord
This photo was taken on a very cold but still morning on the first day of Advent. The bridge in the background is the main crossing point for this fjord.
The thin ice forming in the harbour seemed to be forming plates with melted sections in between. The colours come from the sky and the reflections of the nearby Hummeren Hotel.
North Approach of the new Queensferry Bridge
Construction video can be found here:
Those with keen eyesight may be able to spot HMS Queen Elizabeth in Rosyth on the left hand edge of the photo.
The Swan
The River Tay at Broughty Ferry