Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) In technical and economic terms, we have achieved a lot since we have managed ipernity ourselves. Now is the time to make this great progress public in order to attract new club members because the stock of registered accounts is exhausted:
[a] Non-renewal of 2-year subscriptions which ipernity S.A. had offered as a special offer in 2016.
[b] Compensation by a return offer which was accepted by 151 former members.
[c] Non-renewal by 88 returnees. Currently only 63 retournees are still active (42%).
[d] Campaign targeting 228 former members. Of these, only 42 have been won back (18%).
[e] Loss of Esperanto members and those who had used ipernity only as a cheap cloud.
[f] Covid 19 pandemic.
[g] Multi-year reprogramming subscriptions (participation of 90 club members).
[h] Regular multi-year subscriptions (participation of 181 additional club members to date).
2) Contrary to expectations, the introduction of the new basic accounts had no positive impact on membership development. Efforts to mobilise guest account holders have also been unsuccessful. On the other hand, we are very pleased with the trust that 271 members have expressed by making multi-year subscriptions.
3) In order to secure ipernity's continued existence, we now need to get photo enthusiasts from outside interested in our club. In doing so, we can focus on a major disadvantage of our community: ipernity is far too little known. Our chance for the future lies in changing this.
4) As a community of volunteers, we can only do this together. As with crowdfunding at the beginning of 2017, the commitment of very many is needed to develop the necessary presence at all possible levels.
5) Even if you do not know how you can help exactly, please participate in the discussions on this topic.
▷ ▷ Click here to discuss promoting ipernity
Please also ask your ipernity friends who may not be reading this newsflash for support.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity,
1) En termes techniques et économiques, nous avons beaucoup progressé depuis que nous avons nous-mêmes géré ipernity. Le moment est venu de rendre public ce grand progrès afin d'attirer de nouveaux membres du club car le stock de comptes enregistrés est épuisé :
[a] Non-renouvellement des abonnements de deux ans qu'ipernity S.A. avait proposés en 2016 dans le cadre d'une offre spéciale.
[b] Compensation par une offre de retour qui a été acceptée par 151 anciens membres.
[c] Non-renouvellement par 88 rapatriés. Actuellement, seuls 63 rapatriés sont encore actifs (42%).
[d] Campagne ciblant 228 anciens membres. Parmi ceux-ci, seuls 42 ont été reconquis (18%).
[e] Perte de membres de l'Esperanto et de ceux qui n'avaient utilisé ipernity que comme un nuage bon marché.
[f] Pandémie de Covid 19.
[g] Abonnements pluriannuels de reprogrammation (participation de 90 membres du club).
[h] Abonnements pluriannuels réguliers (participation de 181 membres supplémentaires du club à ce jour).
2) Contrairement aux attentes, l'introduction des nouveaux comptes de base n'a pas eu d'impact positif sur l'évolution des effectifs. Les efforts déployés pour mobiliser les titulaires de comptes d'invités ont également échoué. D'autre part, nous sommes très heureux de la confiance que 271 membres ont exprimée en souscrivant des abonnements pluriannuels.
3) Afin d'assurer la pérennité d'ipernity, nous devons maintenant faire en sorte que des amateurs de photo de l'extérieur s'intéressent à notre club. Ce faisant, nous pouvons nous concentrer sur un inconvénient majeur de notre communauté : ipernity est beaucoup trop peu connu. Notre chance pour l'avenir est de changer cela.
4) En tant que communauté de bénévoles, nous ne pouvons le faire qu'ensemble. Comme pour le crowdfunding au début de 2017, l'engagement d'un très grand nombre est nécessaire pour développer la présence nécessaire à tous les niveaux possibles.
5) Même si vous ne savez pas comment vous pouvez aider exactement, veuillez participer aux discussions sur ce sujet.
▷ ▷ Cliquez ici pour discuter de la promotion de l'ipernity
Veuillez également demander le soutien de vos amis d'ipernity qui ne lisent peut-être pas ce flash d'information.
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) In technischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht haben wir sehr viel erreicht, seit wir ipernity in Eigenregie führen. Nun ist die Zeit gekommen, diese großartigen Fortschritte öffentlich bekannt zu machen, um neue Club-Mitglieder zu gewinnen. Der Bestand an registrierten Accounts ist dafür nämlich ausgereizt:
[a] Nichtverlängerung 2-jähriger Abonnements, welche ipernity S.A. 2016 als “Special Offer” angeboten hatte.
[b] Kompensation durch ein Rückkehr-Angebot, das von 151 ehemaligen Mitgliedern angenommen wurde.
[c] Nicht-Verlängerung von 88 Rückkehr-Abonnements. Gegenwärtig sind nur noch 63 Rückkehrer aktiv (42%).
[d] Werbekampagne bei 228 ehemaligen Mitgliedern. Davon konnten nur 42 zurückgewonnen werden (18%).
[e] Verlust von Esperanto-Mitgliedern und Jenen, die ipernity nur als billige Cloud benutzt hatten.
[f] Covid-19-Pandemie.
[g] Mehrjährige Reprogrammierungs-Abonnements (Teilnahme von 90 Club-Mitgliedern).
[h] Reguläre Mehrjahres-Abonnements (Teilnahme von bisher 181 weiteren Club-Mitgliedern).
[b] Kompensation durch ein Rückkehr-Angebot, das von 151 ehemaligen Mitgliedern angenommen wurde.
[c] Nicht-Verlängerung von 88 Rückkehr-Abonnements. Gegenwärtig sind nur noch 63 Rückkehrer aktiv (42%).
[d] Werbekampagne bei 228 ehemaligen Mitgliedern. Davon konnten nur 42 zurückgewonnen werden (18%).
[e] Verlust von Esperanto-Mitgliedern und Jenen, die ipernity nur als billige Cloud benutzt hatten.
[f] Covid-19-Pandemie.
[g] Mehrjährige Reprogrammierungs-Abonnements (Teilnahme von 90 Club-Mitgliedern).
[h] Reguläre Mehrjahres-Abonnements (Teilnahme von bisher 181 weiteren Club-Mitgliedern).
2) Anders als erhofft hatte die Einführung der neuen Basis-Accounts keinerlei positiven Einfluss auf die Mitgliederentwicklung. Die Bemühungen, Inhaber von Gast-Accounts zu mobilisieren, waren ebenfalls erfolglos. Sehr erfreulich ist hingegen das Vertrauen, das 271 Mitglieder durch mehrjährige Mitgliedsbeiträge zum Ausdruck bringen.
3) Um die Existenz von ipernity zu sichern, müssen wir jetzt Foto-Enthusiasten von außen für unseren Club begeistern. Damit richten wir unser Augenmerk auf das größte Handicap unserer Gemeinschaft: ipernity ist viel zu wenig bekannt! Unsere Zukunftschance liegt darin, dies zu ändern.
4) Als Zweckgemeinschaft von Freiwilligen können wir dies nur gemeinsam tun. Wie beim Crowdfunding Anfang 2017 braucht es das Engagement von sehr vielen, um die notwendige Präsenz auf allen möglichen Ebenen zu entfalten.
5) Auch wenn Du nicht weißt, wie Du genau helfen kannst: beteilige Dich bitte an den Diskussionen zu diesem Thema.
▷ ▷ Klicke hier, um mit zu diskutieren, wie wir ipernity besser bekannt machen können
Bitte auch Deine ipernity-Freunde, die diesen Newsflash womöglich nicht lesen, um Unterstützung.
Euer ima-Team
Perhaps somewhere in the future the IMA could muster up a scheme and give it some prominence for everyone to participate in (But not in competition as that would become dominated by a few elite). For instance "The fight against Covid" there must be a 1000 possibilities of just one image to display that scenario and that any member can participate in without becoming a member of a specific group. This surely will give some incentive for anyone wanting to join IP who might say "I wouldn't mind having ago at that" and once the bait is in the mouth there is a good possibility to land the catch.
raingirl club has replied to HappySnapperWe want this brainstorming!! Thanks again for thinking about it.
HappySnapper has replied to raingirl clubI could not find a group that would necessarily host my thought above.
raingirl club has replied to HappySnapperIf there isn't a discussion topic that you think your idea fits, then put it in 1. Read first - and then it won't get missed.
That means: 'The ima' can only coordinate your proposals, but you have to do it yourself.
If 'the ima' would carry out the measures, they would only manage one per month at most.
If every club member takes one topic, we can manage more than 2500 until the end of the year.
We now have the chance to show the world that we really stand together as a club.
Hier die veraltete Präsentation Screen Capture: 'Ipernity @ www heise de'
1. Grund: Bei der Google-Suche nach "ipernity" sind fast alle weiterführenden Links auf der ersten Treffer-Seite einwandfrei. Der letzte Treffer führt jedoch zu der Heise-Seite mit dem veraltetem Inhalt.
2. Grund: Bei dem von Google automatisch vorgeschlagenen Suchbegriff "ipernity kosten" erscheint "Heise" ganz prominent als erster Treffer - jedoch mit fehlerhaften (veralteten) Angaben
Je pense qu'il y a un effet pervers à laisser définitivement des comptes gratuits. Je connais quelques amis qui sont hébergés gratuitement et qui seraient prêts à payer une adhésion s'ils étaient relancés. De mon côté je les relance régulièrement... Mais ils ne passent pas pour autant à l'acte. Il faudrait leur adresser une communication ciblée.
Team club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinEn outre, il/elle recevra un iper-mail de bienvenue avec une introduction détailée. Voir ici : Informations pour les nouveaux membres [Le lien est maintenant accessible]
Que pourrait-on faire d'autre à votre avis ?
raingirl club has replied to Jean-luc DrouinGuido Werner club has replied to Peter Castell
Marie-claire Gallet has replied to Guido Werner clubReading today's newsletter reminds me of the social media platform MEWE who's been around a few years with slow growth, and they thrive on free users because this is more economical than paying for advertising.
MeWe positions itself as the alternative to Facebook, just like iPernity should be positioning itself as the alternative to Flickr. It might be a good idea also to get a notable person on the board here. For example: World-renowned thought leaders proudly serve on MeWe’s Advisory Board, including the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
To understand better what I'm saying here, check out their twitter feed. If I didn't think iPernity was not up to this I wouldn't suggest it.
Hope you find this helpful.
raingirl club has replied to Frank J CasellaIt would be really helpful if you posted your comment in the ipernity advertising group:
Frank J Casella has replied to raingirl clubThinking more about the idea of who a notable person could be, Stewart Butterfield comes to mind. He's co-founder of Flickr, and now founder of Slack. Ipernity seems to be moving more in the direction of a community business model than Flickr is today, and the new owner of Flickr I don't think has even talked with the founders of Flickr about business model.
Marie-claire Gallet has replied to Frank J CasellaPeter Castell club has replied to Frank J CasellaMarie-claire Gallet has replied to Peter Castell clubFrank J Casella has replied to Peter Castell clubBergfex club has replied to Frank J CasellaBut to do that, someone has to write him a short story bite-sized. This must not be longer than 180 seconds. And it must be crystal clear about what makes ipernity special.
The whole discussion here is not so much about what we could do, but 'Who will do it?'. As CMO myself, I would have dozens of ideas. I could name 10 topics for Youtube short videos right off the bat. But who produces them?
It must be possible that in a pool of more than 1250 club members there are a handful who say: Let's go. I'm in, I'll produce something.
We have no time constraints. Ipernity is cleanly financed. Technically, we are also in the green zone. But in advertising we do nothing. When fate befalls us, that's exactly where it will happen. Because the world is loud and glaring like a fairground. Sitting there mute in a dark corner is not a good idea.
Public Relations club has replied to Marie-claire GalletOf 570 readers of the Newsflash, only 7 have done so. That is sobering little.
For example, you could personally ask all your ipenity friends via iper-Mail to write down their reasons there. That would be a great help with little effort.
Annalia S. club has replied to Public Relations clubraingirl club has replied to Annalia S. clubHaving each individual's reasons helps because one of the reason it is asked is that we want to know what the most prevelant reasons are. Can't do that with only one mention.
Also, everyone has a unique way of describing a benefit. That's great to know about.
(You're right, maybe others hesititated as you did. -- thanks for putting your list in the group!)
Peter Castell club has replied to Annalia S. clubM♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club has replied to Public Relations clubPublic Relations club has replied to Annalia S. clubOur goal is to have a kind of hit parade of the ten most important reasons, which we want to use as a basis for our advertising.
raingirl club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… clubraingirl club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!…
Ich unterstütze Michelle Chouchou und habe ihr ein Abonnement geschenkt.
Wenn sich jeder mal fragt, ob er jemanden bei ipernity hat, der "nur" einen Gaststatus hat und diesen unterstützen möchte, werden wir auch bald mehr sein.
raingirl club has replied to Reyk clubNow we need to expand beyond who is already aware of ipernity and make ourselves more visible to the rest of the world.
If you go to the Group discussions (see link at the top) you will find many ideas of how to help with that, and you can add your own ideas there as well.
polytropos club has replied to Reyk clubPublic Relations club has replied to Reyk clubI tried with fotoadrenalina, which is a photo tour organisation: they were more interested in Fbook or Insta... more interested in show-off than quality display. A way of life I don't understand, but a reality. Maybe because it is easier, it requires less commitment: you shoot and share, collect likes and no further interest in photography?
I guess I am getting old and as I have always been an outsider my understandment of actual priorities in most people's way of life is very weak.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Xata clubI feel the same way about Xata. I keep giving out Ipernity's addresses and inviting people. Also say that if I advertised it would be a small advantage. But as you put it, people take photos and after that it's over, no communication or maybe interested in more.
Kind regards anNNa
P.S. At the moment I am reduced to IP, as I will be moving soon and am stressed out
raingirl club has replied to Xata clubFor example, we already have one suggestion above here to put out information to a youtube person who has 400,000 subscribers. If he decides to mention us, then we get a lot of free publicity. If even a tiny percentage of those decide in the next couple years to become members here, then we will benefit.
raingirl club has replied to aNNa schramm clubHeidiho club has replied to Xata clubDuring crowdfunding in early 2017, 548 members donated almost 30,000 dollars to save ipernity. More than 500 members have joined the group Ipernity Members Association Project and have enriched it with hundreds of contributions.
Since this good start, we have had quite a lively association life. Each Newsflash is read 2000 to 3000 times. The front-runner even managed 6000 visits. But the news were not only read, but also commented diligently. The front-runners were:
● New subscription structure (659 comments, Nov 2018 and Sept 2019)
● New homepage (445 comments, Oct 2017 and Aug 2020)
● Software update strategy (323 comments, Feb 2019)
On average, the participation is between 50 and 100 comments. It was sobering to find an accountant in January 2018. Although the Newsflash was read 2660 times, there were only 15 comments and only one came forward (unfortunately not usable). Yet we have at least 625 pensioners in the club, who actually have unlimited free time.
The ima team currently consists of 2 retired people (Rob and Bergfex) and 2 employed people (Eric and William). If Rob or Bernhard are no longer available, the community has an existential problem. Probably very few people are aware that our community has an ebeso existential risk here, as with crowfunding.
Rob and Bernhard need assistants to support them and acquire a lot of specific knowledge about the internal workings of the community to be able to help out in an emergency. Because a large website like ipernity does not run without daily support.
We need at least 1-2 programmers who can be trained by Rob. We also need at least 3-5 volunteers who are really involved in the Maketing. (Expressions of opinions and ideas are helpful - but useless if there is no one to execute them.)
Of course, we can also just go on as before. But it is then very likely that ipernity will either end in a crash because a key person fails, or that our community will bleed to death (see chart above). Do you really want that?
▶️ Please click here to support Rob as a programmer
▶️ Please join the group ipernity advertising measures to support Bernhard with the marketing.
Ich muss mir das für meine Pensionierung aufsparen ... ;-)
Bergfex club has replied to polytropos clubVor allem aber müsste für jedes Journal die Kontaktadresse recherchiert werden. Am besten die des zuständigen Redakteurs. Denn Mails an allgemeine Adressen landen im Papierkorb. Pressemitteilungen müssen direkt auf den Schreibtisch des Fachredakteurs. (Ich kenne mich da aus. Ich habe jahrelang in der Kommunikationsabteilung eines Großkonzerns gearbeitet.)
Normalerweise würde man diese Arbeit einem Praktikanten geben, der damit 3 Wochen lang voll beschäftigt wäre. Aber hier gibt es keine Praktikanten, und ich kann micht nicht vierteilen.
Ähnlich ist die Lage im Hinblick auf die Blogger, die Foto-Clubs und andere Muliplikatoren. Insgesamt sind es tausende - wir müssen sie nur finden. Das ist pure Fleißarbeit. Wenn ich dafür keine Hilfe bekomme, geschieht eben nichts. Ipernity bleibt, was es ist: für die Welt unbekannt.
polytropos club has replied to Bergfex clubPublic Relations club has replied to polytropos clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubraingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubEventuell kann man verstärkt in dieser Zielgruppe werben?
D.h. Personen, die sicherheitsbewusst sind, aber trotzdem mit der heutzutage global verstreuten Verwandtschaft und einem Freundeskreis in Kontakt bleiben wollen?
P.s. auch wenn im Moment nicht finanzierbar, wären gescheite Clients für Android und iOS / iPadOS sicher Zugpferde auch jenseits dieser Klientel.
Bergfex club has replied to SDoZu Android- und iOS-Apps: Eine professionelle Andoid-App zu programmieren kostet 50.000 EUR. Die Anpassung auf iOS nochmals die Hälfte. Also bräuchten wir entweder 1000 zusätzlich Club-Mitglieder oder einen Investor. Was der mit ipernity machen würde, können wir uns denken.
Was mich aber interessieren würde: Was fehlt der existierenden Android-App denn? Sie kann doch alles, was eine Photo-App können muss. Oder nicht?
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex clubNun, es gibt vieles, was die App nicht kann. Um nur zwei Dinge zu nennen:
- Ich kann meine Gruppen nicht moderieren. Mir wird nicht angezeigt, dass es in meinen Gruppen Fotos gibt, die auf eine Freigabe warten.
- Und vor allem: ich kann weder meine eigenen Fotos einer Gruppe hinzufügen, noch andere Fotos in eine Gruppe einladen.
Die App ist einfach nicht fertig und entstand in einer Zeit, als es noch keine Gruppen gab, und hat sich seitdem auch nicht wirklich verändert. Das hinzufügen eines Buttons für das aufrufen der Gruppen reicht nicht, um Gruppen angemessen benutzen zu können. Davon ab ist schon die Warnung beim ersten Start abschreckend, die einem sagt, sie sei für ein älteres Android entwickelt worden und eine Funktionsgarantie könne nicht gegeben werden, ich solle doch den Entwickler bitten, die app zu aktualisieren.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubWas der App fehlt, können also nur die Leute sagen, die gerne und viel mit einem Smartphone arbeiten. Vielleicht sollten die sich mal zusammentun und einen Anforderungskatalog erstellen? Den bräuchten wir sowieso, wenn wir einen Entwickler ansprechen wollen. Womit ich sagen will: Man könnte ja mal überlegen, ob man so etwas in Osteuropa oder Indien ganz neu aufsetzen lässt. Das wäre von den Kosten her möglicherweise machbar.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex clubLetztlich ist es doch ganz einfach: man benötigt keine Smartphone-App, wenn die Webseite selbst responsiv nutzbar ist. Insofern ist es unnötig, für eine Smartphone-App einen Anforderungskatalog zu erstellen. Die Entwicklung einer Smartphone-App wäre unnötig ausgegebenes Geld, was für eine auf allen Geräten gleichermassen nutzbare Webseite viel sinnvoller einzusetzen wäre. Das Luxusproblem, zuviel Geld zu haben und es ausgeben zu müssen, um Steuern einzusparen haben wir hier imho nicht - erst dann könnte man überlegen, ob man ein wenig Geld in der App - Erstellung verbrennen möchte. ;-)
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubI can try to re.involve some members who came here from flickr, and the stay silent.....
I will try.......
thanks for all your effort.
Bergfex club has replied to HappySnapperDiane Putnam club has replied to Bergfex clubJetzt geht es darum, weitere Ideen umzusetzen und hochzuladen. ich habe bereits einen offiziellen ipernity-Kanal dafür angelegt, damit es nicht nach einer Privatveranstaltung aussieht:
Es müssen keine langen Spots sein. Witzige 10-Sekunden-Schnipsel können wir womöglich sogar für bezahlte Werbung bei Facebook nutzen.
Bergfex club has replied to Annaig56 clubAnnaig56 club has replied to Bergfex clubraingirl club has replied to Armando Taborda clubWould you post your notice as an example on the Advertising Group in the discussion on Social Media
I'm sure there are many people who don't know what to say, and your words are a good example:
Then .... certain ipernity members started to complain about these groups because they were awarding groups (just what ipernity needed to make it big).
Ipernity listened to these people and started to shut down these awarding groups ........ and that is when ipernity lost the biggest chance of being the best site.
If ipernity wants to become popular then they need to allow awarding groups of the post 1 award 5 style and promote them, by all means have a restriction on giff /award picture size but not too small as to be useless.
Try running the site like Flickr but keep your format and your integrity. Many people are fed up with Flickr constantly changing and having problems like things not working, slowness etc. all caused by their tinkering without understanding the consequences.
Public Relations club has replied to Oldt1mer - KeithOldt1mer - Keith has replied to Public Relations clubI think, howerver, that your last two sentences say everything about how you want ipernity to be so I will leave you to figure out how to attract members away from other sites.
Public Relations club has replied to Oldt1mer - KeithOldt1mer - Keith has replied to Public Relations clubThank you again for your replies and explanations.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Oldt1mer -
At least some of it still remains. Unfortunately, or fortunately, some of the worst "trouble makers" have long gone. Especially the person who somewhat single handedly started the whole "group promotions debate". So, all the lively discussions and comments are no longer online (accounts closed and contents removed).
But, I still think the outcome was good. Back then the comments were rather "illustrated". And I have been grateful for being able to choose if I do wish to see illustrations below my photos.
Public Relations club has replied to Madeleine Defawes clubPourriez-vous afficher la proposition dans le groupe de travail afin qu'elle ne se perde pas ?
Mesures de promotion de l'ipernity Il pourrait être placé sous le point 8.
Pat Del club has replied to Public Relations clubBergfex club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubraingirl club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubI can do (some, not a lot, as I am not retired) intern-type work, Bergfex. Give me a few (say 5 for now) journal names that you want me to work on (preferably English/Spanish or Italian only, as my German is limited to school level and mostly forgotten. French I can try) and what you want me to find out.
I can also provide good quality translations English to Italian, less so English to Spanish, if those can be of use (again, I am not retired and have limited time, so can't really take on too much). The only other thing I know how to do well is writing in reasonably good prose in both English and Italian, if that can help (with the same caveat as above).
Bergfex club has replied to Annalia S. clubRoger (Grisly) club has replied to Bergfex clubHi all!
Newsflashes come and go. Therefore it is important that you do not post ideas and offers here, but in the specially founded working group. Otherwise we will lose any overview.
Thank you!
Public Relations club has replied to Peter Castell clubBergfex club has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… clubWikipedia > ipernity > view history > 2017:
'ipernity is a web platform with community functions enabling users to publicly store digital content such as images or videos long-term and tag them by keywords and other metadata. The name is a portmanteau of IP and eternity.
HappySnapper has replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… clubPeter Castell club has replied to Denis Le-royPublic Relations club has replied to Denis Le-royThere was already a marked decline in 2018, because many of those Cristophe had lured with a special offer in 2016 did not renew. Next, the light grey field shows that more than half of those ima lured with another special offer in 2019 have not become permanent members either.
A second reason is that since the beginning of the year, we have been charging those who cause more costs than they had paid for due to very high storage space consumption. It is extremely unfair that someone causes cost of 450 Euros per year but only pays 44.90 Euros, isn't it? Some of those causing such high costs have accepted the fairly calculated PLUS subscriptions. Those who had misused ipernity only as a cheap cloud are leaving. (Here there is complete cost transparency
Thirdly, we must not forget that many people are currently facing very different concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only is the cost of living under scrutiny, but attention is shifting from creative hobbies to existential problems.
We do not know in detail why old subscribers do not contact us. However, a look at fluctuation shows that it is mainly those who have been with ipernity for ten years or more. It is mainly people who are older than 75 years. It is therefore likely that old age or bereavement is the cause.
What we do know very well, however, is why not enough new subscribers come forward, because ipernity is practically unknown. The media have not reported on ipernity for years. No advertising has ever been made, not even by us.
We can change this. And we want to do so from now on.
Public Relations club has replied to Peter Castell clubIf you take a look at the old homepage again, you realise that ipernity should be an egg-laying sow that also gives wool and milk:
Such a thing is never good. Large global conglomerates have failed because of it in all sectors. In the social media sector, Facebook, Twitter & Co. are clearly the stars. Ipernity has no place there. In the photography sector, Instagram, Flickr and a few others are the top dogs. Ipernity can only occupy a niche.
If we continue to position ipernity as a service provider, it remains as a small loser and will die sooner or later. But if we position ipernity as a photo club, it is one of the world's largest clubs. In this position we have completely new opportunities. We only have to use them.
Team club has replied to Public Relations clubAs a small club with a small team of volunteers, we cannot manage such a complete upload control. We cannot finance upload filters. The EU directive is the legislative end for small service providers because it overburdens them. But as a private photo club we can continue.
Before we change our statutes and the terms of use accordingly, we have to wait and see what the French laws will be, which still have to be passed.
which makes more sense than Internet Provider
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Rob Stamp
So, IP stands for Internet Protocol. What the ultimate logic is, that still remains as a mystery, unless we ask it from Christian Conti and/or Christophe Ruelle. But I suppose the idea was to give a place for average people to "deliver packets from the source host to the destination host":
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubraingirl club has replied to Bergfex clubPeter Castell club has replied to raingirl clubBergfex club has replied to Peter Castell clubDo you have any creative other ideas?
There are many successful companies where the name doesn't relate to the product apple ??
Cela fait 9 ans que je suis abonné et paie mes abonnements.
J'avais fondé beaucoup d'espoir et de confiance en ce site.
Et voilà qu'après seulement deux mois de retard pour renouveler mon abonnement "premium", je découvre que vous avez.... supprimé des milliers de photos que je vous avais confiées !....
Alors que jusque là, en l'absence de renouvellement d'abonnement, les photos étaient conservées mais non visibles jusqu'au renouvellement de l'abonnement.
C'est un choix que vous faites.
Et je comprends que cela "sent le sapin" pour Ipernity, comme on dit en français.
Qui signe pour moi la fin d'une relation de confiance envers un site "cloud", après 9 années de financement de vos "services", si tant est que ce mot soit encore dans votre lexique.
Je regrette très amèrement d'avoir renouvelé mon abonnement en découvrant le désastre.
Par chance pour moi, j'avais procédé à une récupération de mes photos... au cas où.... (et suite à la perte d'un disque dur)
Merci de cette leçon de vie que vous me donner envers toute idée de solution "cloud" même payante.......
Vous étiez le premier service de stockage externalisé que je payais, et je pense que vous serez le dernier.
Bonne fin de vie à Ipernity.
N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un faire part de décès, si j'ai le temps, je songerai à envoyer quelques fleurs, posthumes.
Bien tristement
Sébastien Taulou
Team club has replied to S.é.b.a.s.t.i.e.n.Dans le passé, ipernity avait accumulé une immense quantité de données qui n'intéressaient plus personne, mais notre association devait verser plus de 7 000 euros par an à Amazon Web Service (voir : Newsflash du 12 decembre 2018, paragraphe 6 et Storage Costs for ipernity. Ce déséquilibre économique a été l'une des raisons pour lesquelles ipernity était confronté à l'insolvabilité au début de 2017.
Nous avons donc introduit depuis longtemps la règle selon laquelle les données dépassant la limite des comptes d'invités ne seraient conservées que pendant 3 mois. Ce dernier a été publié dans le newsflash Newsflash du 31 mai 2019 . Ce jour-là, les conditions d'utilisation modifiées en conséquence Modification des Conditions Générales d'Utilisation en date du 31 mai 2019, paragraphe 7.2 ont également été publiées et ainsi rendues publiques, comme l'exigent les statuts.
En outre, nous en informons personnellement chaque membre dont l'abonnement arrive à échéance. Vous avez reçu un courrier correspondant le 8 juillet 2020 et l'avez ouvert. Comme nous n'avons pas reçu de réponse de votre part et que vous n'avez pas renouvelé votre abonnement, nous avons dû supposer que vous n'étiez plus intéressé à la fin du délai.
Mais tout cela n'est qu'une formalité. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous sommes bien sûr très désolés qu'un membre loyal de si longue date comme vous soit affecté par cette situation. Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas l'annuler, nous ne pouvons vous offrir qu'un remboursement du renouvellement de l'abonnement que vous avez effectué hier.
Bernhard (équipe ima)
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