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Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) The ipernity advertising group, in which we are bundling future advertising activities for our club, now has 60 members. We are pleased about the great interest and active participation.
2) The list of photo bloggers, which belongs to this group, already has 45 entries. If you know other photo bloggers, add them please. You are welcome to contact the bloggers in your own individual way to draw attention to ipernity. It's preferable that such information does not originate from the ima team but from ipernity users.
3) A club member has produced two advertising videos for YouTube: ipernity-it "Mostraci le tue foto" and ipernity-de "Zeig uns Deine Bilder". To upload such videos to YouTube, we have set up the channel ipernity photo club there as a service. If you subscribe to this channel, you will be informed automatically about further uploads in the future.
4) In view of the second wave of infection worldwide, the Covid 19 Committee has made the following decision: “Due to the current circumstances, the Covid-19 help offer is extended through May 1, 2021. It has had some use, but this has kept well within the financial reserves of the donations. Thanks again to those who donated to this fund.”
5) The FAQ Working Group has made some updates to the FAQ. Chapters 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1 and 6.2 are affected. If you notice inconsistencies in other chapters or if you feel the need for further important explanations, you can report this directly to the working group.
6) In the meantime we have also further improved our website: The layout of the ‘groups’ pages was adapted to the modernized layout of the photo pages and the albums. This means the new display options are also available for the ‘groups’ pages. Because there were no inquiries, we assume that you are satisfied with it. There have also been improvements in functionality:
● It is now possible to display the contributions of individual group members selectively: Go to the menu item 'Members'. Next to each member's avatar a mosaic symbol appears, as well as the number of contributions of the member in this group. By clicking on the mosaic symbol, you will only see the contributions of this member. (Above the thumbnails you can choose whether you want to return to the members list or to the display all contributions of the group).
● In the left side menu panel of the display of group members there is now an additional option "Members who left".
● In the picture presentation, the filter options below the film strip (top right) have been improved. Now the group you are in is always mentioned there, while the title of the photo is shown above the photo. (This was not the case before.) Below that you can filter whether you only want to see your own contributions or those of all members.
● These improved filtering options are also available when you select a keyword via "Explore / Keywords".
● In the left side menu panel of the display of group members there is now an additional option "Members who left".
● In the picture presentation, the filter options below the film strip (top right) have been improved. Now the group you are in is always mentioned there, while the title of the photo is shown above the photo. (This was not the case before.) Below that you can filter whether you only want to see your own contributions or those of all members.
● These improved filtering options are also available when you select a keyword via "Explore / Keywords".
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Le groupe de promotion d'ipernity, dans lequel nous réunissons les futures activités publicitaires de notre club, compte aujourd'hui 63 membres. Nous nous réjouissons du grand intérêt et de la participation active de nos membres.
2) La liste des photo-bloggers, qui appartient à ce groupe, compte déjà 45 entrées. Si vous connaissez d'autres photo-blogueurs, ajoutez-les s'il vous plaît. Vous pouvez contacter les blogueurs à votre manière pour attirer l'attention sur ipernity. Il est préférable que ces informations ne proviennent pas de l'équipe ima mais des utilisateurs d'ipernity.
3) Un membre du club a produit deux vidéos publicitaires pour YouTube : ipernity-it "Mostraci le tue foto" et ipernity-de "Zeig uns Deine Bilder". Pour télécharger de telles vidéos sur YouTube, nous y avons mis en place de la chaîne ipernity photo club en tant que service. Si vous vous abonnez à ce canal, vous serez automatiquement informé des prochains téléchargements.
4) Compte tenu de la deuxième vague d'infection dans le monde, le comité Covid 19 a pris la décision suivante : "En raison des circonstances actuelles, l'offre d'aide Covid-19 est prolongée jusqu'au 1er mai 2021. Elle a eu une certaine utilité, mais elle est restée dans les limites des réserves financières des dons. Merci encore à ceux qui ont fait des dons à ce fonds".
5) Le groupe de rédaction de la FAQ a procédé à quelques mises à jour de la FAQ. Les chapitres 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1 et 6.2 sont affectés. Si vous remarquez des incohérences dans d'autres chapitres ou si vous ressentez le besoin de fournir des explications supplémentaires importantes, vous pouvez le signaler directement au groupe de travail.
6) Dans l'intervalle, nous avons également continué à améliorer notre site web : La présentation des pages "groupes" a été adaptée à la présentation modernisée des pages photos et des albums. Cela signifie que les nouvelles options d'affichage sont également disponibles pour les pages "groupes". Comme il n'y a pas eu de demandes de renseignements, nous supposons que vous en êtes satisfait. La fonctionnalité a également été améliorée :
● Il est désormais possible d'afficher les contributions de chaque membre du groupe de manière sélective : Allez dans le menu "Membres". À côté de l'avatar de chaque membre, un symbole de mosaïque apparaît, ainsi que le nombre de contributions du membre dans ce groupe. En cliquant sur le symbole de la mosaïque, vous ne verrez que les contributions de ce membre. (Au-dessus des vignettes, vous pouvez choisir de revenir à la liste des membres ou d'afficher toutes les contributions du groupe).
● Dans le panneau de menu latéral gauche de l'affichage des membres du groupe, il y a maintenant une option supplémentaire "Membres qui ont quitté".
● Dans la présentation des images, les options de filtrage sous la bande de film (en haut à droite) ont été améliorées. Désormais, le groupe dans lequel vous vous trouvez est toujours mentionné à cet endroit, tandis que le titre de la photo est affiché au-dessus du photo. (Ce n'était pas le cas auparavant.) En dessous, vous pouvez filtrer si vous voulez seulement voir vos propres contributions ou celles de tous les membres.
● Ces options de filtrage améliorées sont également disponibles lorsque vous sélectionnez un mot-clé via "Explorer / Mots-clés".
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Die Gruppe ipernity Werbemaßnahmen, in der wir zukünftige Werbeaktivitäten für unseren Club bündeln, hat inzwischen 60 Mitglieder. Wir freuen uns über das grosse Interesse und die rege Teilnahme.
2) Die Liste der Fotoblogger, die zu dieser Gruppe gehört, hat bereits 45 Einträge. Wenn ihr weitere Fotoblogger kennt, fügt Sie sie bitte hinzu. Gern könnt ihr mit den Bloggern auf eure individuelle Weise in Kontakt gehen, um auf ipernity aufmerksam zu machen. Denn es ist vorteilhafter, wenn solche Hinweise nicht vom ima-Team kommen, sondern von ipernity-Nutzern.
3) Ein Clubmitglied hat zwei Werbevideos für YouTube produziert: ipernity-it "Mostraci le tue foto" und ipernity-de "Zeig uns Deine Bilder". Um solche Videos zu YouTube hochzuladen, haben wir dort den Kanal ipernity photo club eingerichtet. Wenn ihr diesen Kanal abonniert, werdet ihr zukünftig automatisch über weitere Uploads informiert.
4) Angesichts der zweiten weltweiten Infektionswelle hat das Covid-19-Kommitee folgende Entscheidung getroffen: "Aufgrund der aktuellen Umstände wird das Covid-19-Unterstützungsangebot bis zum 1. Mai 2021 verlängert. Zwar wurde davon schon Gebrauch gemacht, aber die Spendengelder sind bei weitem nicht ausgeschöpft. Nochmals vielen Dank an alle, die für diesen Fondsgespendet haben".
5) Die FAQ-Arbeitsgruppe hat einige Aktualisierungen der FAQ vorgenommen. Betroffen sind die Kapitel 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1 und 6.2. Wenn ihr in anderen Kapiteln Unstimmigkeiten bemerkt, oder Bedarf an weiteren wichtigen Erläuterungen erkennt, könnt ihr dies direkt der Arbeitsgruppe melden.
6) In der Zwischenzeit haben wir auch unsere Website weiter verbessert: Das Layout der "Gruppen"-Seiten wurde an das modernisierte Layout der Fotoseiten und der Alben angepasst. Die Display-Optionen stehen jetzt auch für die "Gruppen"-Seiten zur Verfügung. Auch die Funktionalität wurde verbessert:
● In einer Gruppe kann man jetzt selektiv die Beiträge einzelner Mitglieder anschauen: Geh auf den Menüpunkt "Mitglieder". Neben dem Avatar jedes Mitglieds erscheint ein Mosaik-Symbol, sowie die Anzahl der Beiträge des Mitglieds in dieser Gruppe. Wenn Du auf das Mosaiksymbol klickst, siehst Du nur die Beiträge dieses Mitglieds. (Oberhalb der Beiträge kannst Du wählen, ob Du zur Mitgliederliste oder zum Gesamtüberblick der Gruppenbeiträge zurückkehren möchtest.)
● Im linksseitigen Menü-Panel der Verwaltung der Gruppenmitglieder gibt es nun die zusätzliche Option "Ausgeschiedene Mitglieder".
● Bei der Foto-Präsentation wurden die Filtermöglichkeiten unterhalb des Filmstreifens (rechts oben) verbessert. Dort wird jetzt immer die Gruppe genannt, in der Du gerade bist, während über dem Foto dessen Titel steht. (Dies war bisher nicht so.) Darunter kannst Du filtern, ob Du nur Deine Beiträge sehen möchtest, oder die aller Mitglieder.
● Diese verbesserten Filtermöglichkeiten gibt es auch, wenn Du über "Entdecken / Stichworte" nach einem Stichwort selektierst.
Euer ima-Team
Fred Fouarge club has addedMuch appreciated.
Danke, tolle Funktion! Ich hatte mich gestern schon gewundert, ob ich sie bisher echt so hartnäckig übersehen hatte - nun weiss ich, dass sie einfach nur neu ist. Sehr hilfreiche Funktion auch für Moderatoren, die nun schnell nachschauen können, ob ein einfügen eines nur so zu 50% passenden Fotos eines Mitglieds eine Ausnahme ist, oder ob entsprechendes Mitglied ausschliesslich ganz knapp am Gruppenthema vorbeigehende Beiträge in die Gruppe packt. ;-)
Merci pour ce grand travail accompli.
A heartfelt request: Visit the videos on Youtube and give them a "Like" so that they move up in the search results. Because most of the entries you find on YouTube under the keyword 'ipernity* have nothing to do with us.
It is also helpful if you link it to your Facebook or Twitter account, or whatever. Every link improves the relevance and thus the visibility of ipernity on the World Wide Web.
"Mostraci le tue foto" + "Zeig uns Deine Bilder"
Public Relations club has addedFacebook group "Amis d'ipernity"
raingirl club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubraingirl club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubThis is a good start!
There are the following two pages of ipernity at Linkedin:
Frank J Casella has replied to Thomas R. clubBergfex club has replied to Thomas R. clubWo das Banner der erstgenannten her kommt, weiß ich nicht. Mir fällt auf, dass zwei verschiedene ima-Logos verwendet werden. Außerdem ist der Slogan abweichend von unserer neuen Homepage. Beides sollte bald korrigiert werden.
Der aktuelle, vom ima-Team abgesegnete Slogan lautet wörtlich:
'Ipernity, the probably largest non-commercial online photo club in the world'
Die Änderung ist zwingend erforderlich, denn eine Association kann keine Plattform sein.
Danke für Dein Engagement!
Thomas R. club has replied to Frank J CasellaBergfex club has replied to Thomas R. clubFür das ima-Logo gab es letztens noch eine kleine optische Korrektur. Das gültige ist dieses: ima logo as of Aug 6, 2020
Thomas R. club has replied to Bergfex clubWe appreciate your initiative!
In order that we can still find what is being discussed with respect to advertising in future, we would like to ask you urgently to move your comments to the corresponding topic 14 (Social Networks) of the Ipernity advertising group. Because there is the place, where everybody will be looking for it after some months or later. The discussions here are important, but of short half-life.
For the same reason we also ask everybody else, here only to discuss the topics mentioned in this Newsflash or other general topics. Thank you for understanding!
We need this discipline because we do not have a secretary who maintains an archive. We have to maintain the discipline ourselves, otherwise we will sink into mess.
Yes..i know,we are small,dont have moniz,strugling to survive,most job is handled by few people,we are in problems but also there is still a spark in every one of us and we will try to save this place..but we must do something about our front door.
Our front door is so bad,who would even want to enter if he dont know our unique story,i recently send link to my photo friend who is searching for a photo place,he told me why there is this blue void when you come on your site? Its so empty,like its windows 95.
Design is so damn important,we dont have money for this all around reprogramming but we could spend something on front page.
Our site is beautiful,clean and spacey but a lot of people just comes to front door and dont even enter. Its bad.
Just look at this front pages,we must do this.
I have a friend in Germany who is doing web design,i could ask her about it,what would be the price,how long would she need for a new front page,etc.
She is a freelancer,not connected with any corporation or a firm,iam sure price would not be astronomical.
What do you think about it?
HappySnapper has replied to Marko Novosel clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Marko Novosel
The recently renamed Gallery is alright:
The Explore page is totally neglected and provides very little. That very page should be reconstructed.
Team club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubIt would be nice if a Moderator would raise his/her hand to collect the ideas and suggestions, structure them with a small working group and make a presentation to the plenum here. It would even be feasible to have two independent moderators & working groups presenting different concepts.
The only condition is that it must fit into ipernity's existing design concept so that there are no stylistic breaks for visitors.
Spo has replied to Marko Novosel clubSo, even if design is important, even more important is the policy behind it. Us designers just come up with something that fits the bill, not just something that looks pretty.
Marko Novosel club has replied to SpoSpo has replied to Marko Novosel clubSelective viewing of individual group members' posts may be of interest to some, but I feel deeply discomfort given the (publicly) listed numbers of posts per group member and the (publicly) visible list of members who have left a group or been deleted due to inactivity. Unfortunately, I can't see any advantage in the numbers and lists in question when it comes to managing groups - and painstakingly performed cleanups are thus reduced to absurdity and nullified.
In addition, I have serious concerns about the privacy and personal rights of those members who have left a group or have been deleted. Therefore, I would like to ask the team kindly to reconsider these innovations, which in my opinion - with all due respect to the desire of some for information and/or maximum control (with questionable benefits) - miss the purpose of a group administration and photo platform.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubEen mogelijkheid om de bijdragen van een lid in de groep te bekijken kan handig zijn, maar deze gedetailleerde informatie gaat mij veel te ver. Dat gaat al helemaal op voor de leden die vertrokken zijn. Kan werkelijk niet zien waar dat goed voor is.
De 'oude' situatie met enkel de vermelding van de leden met de meeste bijdragen was voor mij genoeg.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubWhen people leave a group, they have an option to let their contributions to stay. So, contributions by former members is not exactly a classified information. I have personally even missed such feature when I was collecting such list at 'The 50 Images-Project' group:
But I do understand it may not look nice to list former members in such way. People may have good reasons to not become seen as former members at some groups, and yet want to let their contributions stay.
So, I now agree, and those who has left the group should be removed from the public list of members. However, I hope it could stay on the group administration tool. For the same reason as I mentioned above, the tool to view contributions by former members more easily than browsing is very useful.
What comes to numbers of contributions, I again wish that it could at least stay on group administration tools. But even on public group member list I find it useful. Sometimes it makes easier for others to help the group administrator to decide what actions there should be done in the group. And especially in case of abandoned groups, it gives everyone an option to see who exactly has been active on those groups.
But because ima.moderator in any case can assign new administrators to run abandoned groups, then the contribution number shown on public member list is not really necessary. So, if many active members here thinks it is not needed, then I really have nothing against removing the contribution number from the public member list. But I still hope it could stay on the group administrator tool.
Finally I must say it has been very useful to go through this process. Sometimes it really is better to implement some feature first, and then collect feedback to see what works and what does not work.
Bergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubHaving a list giving the number of member's contributions would be a useful administration tool even if it is not publicly visible.
There is no real need for the list of members that have left to be public, but, then again, it might be useful for administration purposes.
Spo has replied to * ઇଓ * clubraingirl club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubI would like the list of who has left the group - to remain for Administration.
But I would like the number of contributions to remain for both admin and general. The use for me is that sometimes I like to check out people who are not contributing a lot. Maybe I just like viewing the not so prolific person now and again. But I've enjoyed this feature already as a non-admin. But certainly I would like it to remain for Administration!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubBut there's one thing I'd like to mention at this point. The list " Projects done or ongoing" should be updated. Some of the members listed there are no longer part of ipernity. ;))
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club✅ The lists of resigned members are meanwhile only group administration-internally visible.
⛔️ Publicly visible number of the contributions of the individual group members is useful for the administration, however does not promote necessarily the co-operation of the members, as also Katja in her unfortunately in the meantime deleted comment gave to consider. And the quantity is actually by no means always an indicator of quality.
⛔️ The transfer/integration from the current member list including their contributions deleted inactive members into the list of resigned members.
Complicates group management and is useless data garbage.
▶️ The information about the number of contributions of each individual member, including in the list of resigned members, allows for fine-tuning the management of the groups. Here it would be desirable if all contributions from members who have not posted anything for a certain period of time could be deleted with one click, as in the current member list, and the members, often but not only owners of orphaned accounts, could be removed.
"Learning by doing" is often the best method. :)
Thank you very much for the lively exchange.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubThe unfortunate side of discussion is that it is not exactly democratic either. If one or two says they find public contribution numbers useful, and one or two says it is bad, then which opinion is more important?
But personally I would take the possible negative affects as more important. So, I have changed my opinion concerning public group contribution numbers. If they do not bring any value to members, and indeed encourages to value quantity instead of quality, then better to remove the numbers. And leave it for group admins and moderators to see only.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to * ઇଓ *
Contributions by a group member form a sort of an "album" as well. It is a collection of images under certain topic. It gives an overview on what to expect. If the number says 3, then as a viewer I may consider not to proceed because there is only very little to see. If the number says 312, I may consider not to proceed either, because it sounds overwhelmingly lot.
And indeed a big number then may suggest there are more quantity than quality. But it depends on the context. In case of "challenge groups", a large number stands for an active member. On group on some general topic, the big number possibly indicates that the member really likes to shoot that topic. So, that photographer may have a lot to say on the subject.
Big number probably also says the member has been a group member for a long time. So, one very likely finds some "good old stuff", not seen before. A small number indicates the member has possibly joined the group recently. So, maybe a new and fresh point of view.
Then the question is, why someone would like to see one individual's group contributions in the first place? Well, if I find out that some of my favorite photographers seem to have something to show in some interesting collection, then why not.
EDIT: Moreover... Numbers of contributions gives a quick overview to estimate how many truly active members there are in the group. So, a possible reason for someone to decide if the group is worth to join to. If one sees there from one to three active members only, then maybe the group is not worth to join.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubThe mentioned project list now updated.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubHer comment concerning the possible negative effects of the publicly visible number of contributions of each member was understandable and justified.
And as you yourself said in your comment above, Sami, if a new admin has to be appointed for a group, ima itself now has the necessary room for maneuver, so that therefore the number of posts per member does not necessarily have to be publicly visible.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubAs I said, the amount of contributions is not a quality criterion, nor is the number of favors and/or comments. Therefore, in my opinion, although the number of amounts per member is a useful management tool for caring, dutiful and responsible group admins, for example to sort out overly inactive members and their contributions over a certain period of time, it is unsuitable for public use due to the potential danger of encouraging socially questionable behavior.
The situation may be slightly different for challenging groups. Still, as an attentive admin or moderator, I know "my sheep" and their activities, don't I? But as an admin or moderator, should or may I expect with the greatest self-understanding that each of the group members continuously participates in all challenges, regardless of possible external influences? What can happen in life that prevents me, as a member of such a group, from participating in every challenge despite all good will? But as I said: for the internal administration of a group, the number of contributions per member is a good tool.
As far as democracy is concerned, a exchange of opinions on a broad level would be desirable and welcome, in order to ensure a responsible decision. But this does not correspond to human reality, neither here nor there.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubBergfex club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…
Ich finde die Angaben sehr interessant und hilfreich. Sie verletzen auch keinerlei Persönlichkeitsrechte, weil Jede(r) sich diese Angaben sowieso herleiten kann. Sie ersparen jedoch die Mühe, die man damit bisher hatte.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Bergfex clubI had already noticed that some people seem to use groups to make their personal collections. But only now I realized that such a collection also gives a great opportunity to write a photo blog on some specific topic. Nice top banner then is only bonus!
raingirl club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubSaid another way, I use it as a way to visit those who are not contributing a lot - they are often not as well known to the group and don't get as many comments.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubUm diese verschiedenen Sichtweisen zu erfahren und zu diskutieren, sind wir ja hier versammelt. Denn im Projektteam können wir zwar versuchen, das Beste zu entwickeln, aber wir kennen nicht all eure Wünsche im vornhinein. Die alternative Methode, alles vorher abzufragen, hat sich nicht bewährt. Deshalb gehen wir den Weg, plausibel erscheinende Änderungen, die vorteilhaft sein könnten, einfach probeweise zu realisieren und danach anhand eures Feedbacks nachzubessern oder zurückzunehmen. Bisher hat das ziemlich gut funktioniert.
Wir bitten deshalb um weitere Stellungnahmen. Was findet ihr nicht gut, was findet ihr gut?
Hierboven is sprake van het opknappen van de 'front door'. Ik doe het voorstel aan het gebouw een kamer toe te voegen: dia-shows. Zodat we de mogelijkheid krijgen zowel foto's, video's en dia-shows up te loaden.
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club✅ It is a good idea to create the button videos. Up to now these are mixed between the documents. An extra video page would increase the clarity and motivate to use this medium more.
▶️ Please click on the videos of Pics-UM here and give them an asterisk, so that they appear in our video gallery on good places.
Pics-UM: "Zeig uns Deine Bilder"
Pics-UM: "Mostraci le tue foto"
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team clubBergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubDesign is a very interesting thing,it can ruin a good product or propel a bad one,its not something to be play with,it needs special care.
For example,somebody deicided to put club in bold,just over night,what was wrong with old club,nothing,it was just a change cause of change,and this site was a project of many people at start including proffesional designers.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Marko Novosel clubnone = guest, normal = basic membership and bold = standard, including multi-year subscriptions. The blue indicates the limited number of those who have paid for additional space.
Team club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubFrank J Casella has replied to Team clubMy other suggestion comes from the idea that iperinty brand might not be memorable anymore. So why don't IMA consider, if Photo Club is the way to go, to call this website "FotoClub" and either drop ipernity or at least have it 'floating' in the background.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Frank J CasellaIk wil graag zien met wat voor een 'soort lid' ik te maken heb.
Bergfex club has replied to Frank J CasellaZum Namen muss man bedenken, dass 'ipernity' als eingetragene Marke einzigartig ist. Unseren Verein nur 'Foto-Club' zu nennen würde ihn mit hunderten anderer Clubs verwechselbar machen. Man bräuchte dann einen differenzierenden Zusatz. Aber welchen?
Außerdem gibt es schon sowie verschiedene iPhoto-Clubs (Apple-orientiert).
Bei Google noch unbekannt ist: i-photo-club. Dies könnte man mit der Begründung vertreten, dass das kleine i die Abkürzung von ipernity ist. Eine erste Recherche in online_Datenbanken ergab, dass diese Marke offenbar noch nicht vergeben ist.
Marko Novosel club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubMarko Novosel club has replied to Bergfex clubI mentioned it cause we were talking about what we can do to make this site more desirable.
IMA said they dont see need for changing design of front page,so thats it.
Team club has replied to Marko Novosel clubFor information purposes, 'Basic club members' have been appearing in a lighter font since mid-2019. 'Plus subscriptions' - introduced in December 2019 - are indicated by a blue colour.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Marko Novosel clubraingirl club has replied to Marko Novosel clubDuring the last revision we made good experience with such a practice. The designer who was consulted has poured the ideas our internal working group into the very appealing form as we have now.
At present we see no need for any further improvement of the homepage. The evaluation by an independent institute showed a high quality in all 28 evaluation criteria, which in total result in the following picture:
A heartfelt request: Please visit the above mentioned videos on Youtube and give them a "Like" so that they move up in the search results.
"Mostraci le tue foto" - only 133 visits until now
"Zeig uns Deine Bilder" - only 164 visits until now
Considering the 585 readers of this team blog so far, that's not much.
We need everyone's solidarity to make ipernity better known!
Auf die Anzeige der Mitglieder, die eine Gruppe verlassen haben, könnte ich verzichten. Mich interessiert so etwas weder als Mitglied noch als Admin. Wenn es Bedenken hinsichtlich des Schutzes von Persönlichkeitsrechten gibt, sollte man dieses Feature entweder abschaalten oder nur für Gruppenadministratoren verfügbar machen.
No need to show who has left a group to general group members.
Today i went to see how my photos look like to somebody who is watching it from outside Ipernity.
Or this is default?
Team club has replied to Marko Novosel clubThe display options:
which were newly implemented a few months ago allow as many variations as no other photo sharing site can offer. But of course only for club members, not for guests. See here:
Marko Novosel club has replied to Team clubThe ipernity layout was developed 2012/13. At that time, 66% of all users surfed with display widths of 1024 to 1440 pixels in 4:3 format. For this target group, ipernity was coded on the basis of PHP 5.2 and then no longer maintained.
In September 2017, we members took it over just as it was: with debts and an immense innovation backlog. Without trained programmers, the ima team managed to make many
improvements with endless enthusiasm. Partly even an adaptive design could be realized.
Let's take a look at the progress in a short flashback. This is what we got 2017:
And here we are today (laptop screenshot, made with 'Fireshot', screen resolution 1680 x 1025). No agency pictures any more, but authentic pictures of members. The design is tidy in modern dual tone mode. Not modernistic, but top modern. Reduced to the essentials:
If you open 'Explore', you still see the former 4:3 design. But the blindingly bright side edges are covered by the 'ipernity colour':
This is a well-established method, used even by the most famous German weekly newspaper, Die Zeit. The German Railway does it as well as the Austrian Railway or the German "Tagesschau". So it is anything but amateurish. All three companies are highly professional and have excellent apps in use. But they don't go along with every modernist nonsense.
There are two reasons why we changed the colour of the margins from medium grey to blue during the design process:
1) The chosen blue has been part of the ipernity logo for 7 years. It therefore has trademark character.
2) Blue stands for seriousness. In TV it is always used when this emotion is to be triggered. Therefore, it is the first choice for news programmes (German Tagesschau, Austrian "Zeit im Bild", RTL-aktuell, etc).
Since Ipernity is not aimed at a hip youth culture, but at older, serious photo enthusiasts, blue is just what we need. The 60+ generation has the money that the younger ones don't have. Every third euro is spent by senior citizens. Senior citizens face the challenge of filling the void when the children are out of the house and the career path is over. This is our target group, not the TikTok generation
Now let's step on and have a look at the Gallery (formerly 'What's hot'):
Not spectacular. The difference only becomes clear when you look at the old version. Here the Swedish version, which is our internally reference:
We really don't have to comment on this mess, do we?
Nothing has been changed on the front pages of the member accounts. But we now present them consistently with margins in the ipernity colour. This is a kind of trademark. It also dazzles less than the bright white
For comparison the old style. The bright white hurts the eyes. All browsers now offer a dark mode. Paper white was yesterday.
If you click into the portfolio, it is now tidy and clearly arranged:
For comparison have a look to the former version. Does anybody really want it back?
If you don't like the arrangement of the picture explanations below the thumbnails, you can arrange them as you like. This has never existed before and no competitor has it either.
As a club member you can choose a widescreen option and any colour you like. You can choose the presentation form with slide frames, as known from Lightroom:
The fans of dark screens can also adjust it to suit themselves, with any colour and tint possible. This makes ipernity rather modern. We were even on the starting line with it before facebook which introduced the dark mode only three months ago!
If you prefer something more subtle, choose the very delicate frames or leave them out altogether. The option is still available.
Overall, we are on a very good path.
Much less spectacularly another team has revised the complete FAQ. At this point, a big thank you to the comrades-in-arms for the hundreds of hours to create everything from scratch, consistently in seven languages. Because the FAQ is invisible in the shadows most of the time. Therefore we have to praise the team here really publicly. It was a masterpiece!
Together with all the other work, thousands of working hours have gone into this members' project. This is seen and recognised by many. What we lack in money, we make up for in commitment.
But we have limits. Currently the biggest limit is called PHP 5.4.45 (built: Sep 11 2015 21:23:18). This is the version with which ipernity is currently running. This is why many features that are desirable in themselves are not feasible, and why we cannot offer a credit card payment option. All payment service providers require PHP 7 nowadays.
Unfortunately this also blocks our way to the Amazon RDS, which would be a much cheaper, low-maintenance and modern relational database. With PHP 7 and RDS, ipernity would be twice as fast, but half as expensive. Unfortunately it remains a dream until the reprogramming
Nevertheless: The ima team is convinced that with the improvements described above we no longer need to hide. If we still had the layout from 2017, it would only be embarrassing.
But now we can finally take the next step: Go out into the world and show ourselves. Because everything described above has been Branding only. Now we are ready to start some kind of Marketing. We really no longer have to be ashamed
Its like changing Nike's swoosh,you cant make it better,just leave it be.
After a while i gave up,most people dont care for this "little" things,then they changed narrow pink club to bold,i didnt say one word,there were other problems then,IMA was working like crazy to stabilize this place.
Now when this idea about marketing started i tried to show some people but they didnt react good,why to go to your place when other places looks better and ill pay here same as there?
The thing is they just went to front door,they dont know what is inside but it was enough for them to go somewhere else,there lies the designer trick.
I would rather sarifice some features for a good entry.
Anyway we are in the same boat,i just dont want for this place to slowly sink,some people have more accounts on internet on other places,this is my only one.
Team club has replied to Marko Novosel clubBut where it is above the cover picture, a slight 3D effect in the form of a shadow has been added. On the one hand, this was pure necessity to make the logo more visible, for example in front of pictures with blue sky.
As you can see, we also only use authentic pictures of members with which we present the high quality of ipernity content, and no longer artificial agency pictures that were addressed to a completely wrong target group. This is because young families with children, who used to be depicted, have the least time for the photo hobby.
Coincidentally, we are also very much in vogue with this. After all, 3D is on the rise again: 8 innovative web design trends for 2020 :
"Weiche Schatten und schwebende Elemente machen deine Website interessant, erzeugen Tiefe und verleihen ihr einen Look, der nach „3D Light“ aussieht. Und das nicht nur bei Grafiken: Du kannst diesen Effekt auch für Texte und Fotos nutzen.
Designer können die Prinzipien des Material Designs noch einen Schritt weiter führen und 2D-Layouts ein bisschen mehr Pep verleihen, indem sie weiche Schlagschatten nutzen und Elemente übereinanderlegen, um mehr Tiefe zu kreieren. Diese Effekte geben dem Design ein leichtes Gefühl, so als ob die Elemente übereinander schweben würden – ein scharfer Kontrast zum klassischen, undurchdringlichen Flat Design,..."
raingirl club has replied to Marko Novosel clubI too want us to stay afloat. I think that most people who bother to take the time to read and comment on the newsflashes feel the same way. This is my only real photography place (I use other sites only to promote ipernity with backlinks).
I think it's exciting that we can be democratic about how things are run here - so very different than any other place. That we can have diffences of opinion and still keep communicating in a kind manner is amazing.
Of course, the hard thing about a democratic process is that it doesn't mean we all get to have things go the way we want all the time - but the good thing is each of our voices gets heard and taken into account.
Bergfex club has replied to Marko Novosel clubBut marketing is much more. Marketing means explaining to the customer what advantage he has when he buys. Design is only the decoy. Much more important are the unique selling points.
What can ipernity do better than others? What is special? What you can't get anywhere else?
A customer always asks: Why should I buy this?
What did you tell the people you contacted in this respect?
If you honestly want to help, then add your views to this pool of arguments:
Group "ipernity advertising": Reasons to join ipernity
Marko Novosel club has replied to Bergfex clubWhat did i told to people who i contacted? What do you think i told them?
What kind of question is this?
Do you think iam going around internet and trashing my beloved site?
This is getting bizzare,if i honestly want to help then i must write into some group..
Bergfex club has replied to Marko Novosel clubNo. 2 - Reasons to join ipernity
No. 8 - Landing pages 'Explore' and 'Community"
There we are preparing an update of Explore, where interested newbies will be informed much better than today about the advantages of ipernity. It would be nice if your experiences could be included there. It would be nice if your experiences could be included there. Because like all previous updates, it will again be a joint project.
I much prefer "paperwhite" or very pale backgrounds as I find that lines of text over dark mode backgrounds give me a very bad case of after-images.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubDon't like coloured backgrounds (was one of the reasons to leave Fl...r) and side edges.
Bergfex club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubBut we don't need to discuss it any further. Those who love a dark mode can set it up in the display options - those who don't, let it as it is. That is the great advantage of options.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex clubRichtig geschockt war ich dann allerdings, als ich einen Artikel aufrief und der Hintergrund dann in - Achtung - mintgrün wechselte:
Ein mintgrüner Seitenhintergrund... Sowas hatte ich noch nie gesehen, und es irritierte mich wirklich. Aber nach einer Weile stellte ich dann fest, dass es ein für das lesen sehr angenehme Hintergrundfarbe ist...
OK, ich habe kurz überlegt, mein ipernity auch so einzufärben - aber nein, für Fotos bleibe ich lieber beim schönen, dunklen Braun des FC St. Pauli. ;-)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubBergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… läuft im alten 4:3-Stil. Nix Breitbild hab ich schon anderswo zitiert. Ebenfalls 4:3 hat wohl gerade einen Relaunch bekommen. Neueste Web-Technologie - aber nur auf der Frontpage. Das Übrige wie bisher mit Seitenrändern.
Bei könnte man noch lästern: Das ist ein alter Beamtenladen. Aber doof sind die alle nicht.
Unser Web-Auftritt ist gar nicht so altbacken. Wenn wir es mit PHP7, Kreditkarten und SSL auf die Reihe bekommen, sind wir ziemlich gut aufgestellt.
On YouTube is a new video online now: Jaap van 't Veen: Dutch Windmills
HappySnapper has replied to Public Relations clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Public Relations clubStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Public Relations clubSign-in to write a comment.