Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) As you know, our community received ipernity "as it is". With regard to the database it unfortunately consists a lot of spam and abandoned accounts. Nevertheless we have made good progress in removing a lot of them. This removals have no impact on the excellent content of ipernity that you have contributed.
2) While we're at it we are analysing the whole database. This work is not yet finished, but the first evaluation is strengthening our confidence in the future of ipernity a lot:
- total estimated number of vivid accounts > 30,000
- total estimated number of club members > 1,200
- total estimated number of free members with more than 200 entries and frequent access >3,000
(Figures calculated on the basis of different basic sets, covering ~ 50% of existing accounts with a confidence level of 95%.)
3) In some cases you may have been informed automatically, that you've been promoted to a Group Admin. It happens, if you are the next longest serving member of that Group. We cannot change this and how it happens at the moment. You may regard this appointment as a chance - or you may pass it to the next one in an easy way: Just quit the group (without deleting your entries) and enter into it again.
4) Meanwhile the discussion about the 'frontpage redesign study' has died down. A clearly arranged summary may be found here: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45854700
On behalf of ima
Eric and William
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity!
1) Comme vous le savez, notre communauté a hérité du site ipernity "en l'état". Les comptes utilisateurs du site se composent malheureusement de beaucoup de spams et de comptes abandonnés. En quelques mois nous avons déjà réussi à en supprimer un grand nombre, sans impacter la qualité du contenu d'ipernity à laquelle vous contribuez.
2) En parallèle nous sommes en train de procéder à une analyse complète des données du site. Ce travail est loin d'être terminé, mais une première évaluation renforce grandement notre confiance dans l'avenir d'ipernity :
- nombre total estimé de comptes : supérieur à 30.000
- nombre total estimé de membres du club : supérieur 1.200
- nombre total estimé de membres libres avec plus de 200 entrées et accès fréquent : supérieur à 3.000
(Chiffres calculés sur la base d'échantillons couvrant environ 50% des comptes existants, avec un niveau de confiance de 95%).
3) Certains d'entre vous ont peut-être eu la surprise de se voir automatiquement promus Administrateur d'un Groupe. Cela se produit quand le compte du dernier administrateur est supprimé et que vous êtes le membre le plus ancien du groupe. Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de modifier ce fonctionnement pour le moment. Vous pouvez considérer cette promotion soit comme une chance, soit vous pouvez révoquer ce statut d'administrateur en quittant simplement le groupe et en y entrant de nouveau. Le plus ancien membre après vous recevra à son tour la qualité d'administrateur.
4) Depuis le dernier flash la discussion sur l'étude de la page d'accueil s'est achevée. Un résumé complet a été mis à votre disposition ici: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45854700
Au nom de l'ima
Eric et William
Liebe Freunde und Mitglieder von ipernity!
1) Wie ihr wisst, hat unsere Gemeinschaft die ipernity-Website so übernommen, wie sie zum Zeitpunkt des Transfers existierte. Im Hinblick auf den Datenbestand leider auch mit sehr viel Spam und verlassenen Accounts. Mittlerweile haben wir schon einiges bereinigen können. Diese Maßnahmen betreffen jedoch nicht den hervorragenden aktuellen Content der Website.
2) In dem Zusammenhang analysieren wir außerdem den Datenbestand. Diese Arbeit ist noch nicht beendet. Die bisherige Auswertung bestärkt uns allerdings sehr in unserer Zuversicht:
- geschätzte Gesamtzahl der aktiven Accounts > 30.000
- geschätzte Zahl der Club-Mitgliedschaften > 1.200
- geschätzt Anzahl der Free-Members mit mehr als 200 Uploads und häufigem Zugriff >3.000
(Berechnet auf Grundlage verschiedener Stichproben aus unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen, die rund 50% des Datenbestandes abdecken. Vertrauensbereich 95%)
3) In einigen Fällen wurden Mitglieder durch Systemmeldungen darüber informiert, dass sie zu Gruppenadministratoren befördert wurden. Dies geschieht automatisch immer dann, wenn ein Administrator sich verabschiedet und ihr die-/derjenige in der Gruppe mit der längsten Zugehörigkeit seid. Wir haben keinen Einfluss darauf. Wenn euch sowas passiert, könnt ihr es als Chance sehen - oder die Option an die/den Nächste(n) weitergeben, indem ihr die Gruppe kurzfristig verlasst (ohne euren Ihnalt zu löschen), um sofort danach wieder einzutreten.
4) Die Diskussionen über den Entwurf eines neuen Frontpage-Designs sind inzwischen abgeebbt. Eine übersichtliche Darstellung findet ihr hier: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45854700
Im Auftrag von ima
Eric und William
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It is good to read that you are optimistic about 'our' future.
Lay comment: would it help if you deleted www.ipernity.com/subscribe/pre (which the "sign up now" link on www.ipernity.com opens) and instead, at least for the moment, only allow sign ups per email, and only activate them once the email is confirmed? And delete the ones that weren't confirmed within a short amount of time.
You'd have to delete the left side of www.ipernity.com/subscribe, but then could link here from the main page.
Pam J club has replied to Manu clubAlso.. unconfirmed accounts can and are deleted after a long period.. it is not safe to do so otherwise.
Also.. many of your suggestions would also require re programming and we cannot do that right now.
There are no easy fixes ... we have investigated many ways !
A spam filter is on our wish-list at the very top position. !!
We will get past this !
Team club has replied to Manu clubThe problem is, that Christophe is not in charge for such kind of software maintainance. We need someone else with professional knowledge of php and mysql. We already have found some, but the execution will not be before January 2018 (see my answer to Tess).
Bernnard (ima
Pam J club has replied to David DahleCaptcha is infuriating at best... there are other ways. Most require serious reprogramming and as I said to Manu we cannot do that right now.
There are no easy fixes ... we have investigated many ways !
A spam filter is on our wish-list at the very top position. !!
We will get through this !
I think, all free-members with >200 uploads (a year ??) should think about their doing.
Hey ! WE (1.200 paying members) pay FOR YOUr comfort (>3.000 ) !!!!
A big, big THANK to Pam for all the detailed work she`s doing for all of us !
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Heidiho clubBergfex club has replied to Heidiho clubDa ich es bin, der sich durch die Datenbank wühlt, auch von mir die Antwort: Es handelt sich nicht um 200 Uploads pro Jahr, sondern insgesamt. Aber in dieser Gruppe sind durchaus auch freie Mitglieder mit insgesamt >10.000 Uploads.
Ich persönlich denke, dass darunter einige ehemalige Club-Mitglieder sind, die noch vorsichtig abwarten, wie sich alles entwickelt. Dafür hab ich sogar ein gewisses Verständnis.
Was letztendlich die richtige Balance ist, was tragbar ist, wird letztendlich die Mitgliedervollversammlung entscheiden müssen.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubDon't really understand this 'new' opinion about non-paying members. Thought it wasn't possible - in the near future- to have a free membership as stated in the IMA announcement of 1 september 2017:
"This grace period also includes existing free accounts created before the implementation and the application of the new subscription rules.
Failure to subscribe or renew an expired subscription within the one-month grace period will result in account deactivation. After 3 months all content will be permanently deleted."
To all in IMA trudging through and helping our Photo Site stay viable ~
Mind the fact, please, that there isn't any company with employees acting here, but only a group of volonteers. The Terms of Use, which you are mentioning, have been revised by IMA since many weeks. But Christophe did not yet implement them . . .
1) This is my very personal opinion as 'bergfex", not an official statement of ima.
2) We still are in the very, very, very "near future". Not even 3 months are elapsed since 1st of Sept.
:-)) Bernhard
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubAlthough your personal opinion, I don't understand. As I thought these free accounts were one of the main reasons for the financial problems of Ipernity SA.
Stevia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubas a climber I'll explain it with a picture: Imagine, you intend to hike on Kilimandscharo. What do you need? Condition, time, team, equipment, weather, fortune, etc. You can't say simply: "Come on, let's go!" (Of course you can, but you will shipwreck most likely.)
This project here ist very similar. At the moment we are in the very beginning of all. IMA isn't a company with 25 employees, working from morning to evening. We are 6 founders and some advisors, working in our off time. Furthermore we live all around the globe. Normal teamwork (with meetings) isn't possible. Everything is retarded by the communication procedures.
And by technique! This website wasn't programmed to be operated under economic conditions. For instance there isn't any evaluation tool available to get a quick impression about the membership situation. We have to manage it manually with help of a rudimental moderation tool. Can you imagine what it means to check 210,000 accounts one by one? I can. Because it's my daily job since four weeks. And it will take another two weeks.
Parallel many other things have to bei done to finalize the transfer and to keep the operation undisturbed. One of us just is managing the change from http to https. Another one is optimizing the internal money transfer from Skrill. Me myself, I'm deleting ~5.000 abandoned acounts per day to save disc space - manually! The next step of the frontpage redesign has to be done. Pourparlers with optional IT service companies have to be arranged and tuned, etc., etc. . . .
There are lots of things to do, before we can say: "Come on now, everything is well prepared! Let's start to the summit!" The major skills for success while climbing are care and patience. It's nothing else here. And be assured: We keep focused to the goal!
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubMy only point was (and is) the concern about the free accounts. I do understand it isn't something to implement at once, but I still hope it can (and will) be done in the future.
With regard to the economic operation the ima team decided to disassociate from the abandoned accounts first. Of course such a measure will not reduce traffic significantly, but it reduces reserved disc space. Most of all it can be done without touching the interest of the engaged and loyal users of ipernity. (Reducing traffic, caused by spam and robots, is another issue.)
So the question is: What is an abandoned account? In our opinion it is an account without any transactions (uploads, comments, participation in the community activities) since a long time.
Which leads to the next question: What is a long time? For the very first cleanup we've set the limit to 36 months. We suppose, that an account holder hasn't any further interest in ipernity after three full years of absence.
Meanwhile we've deleted ~100,000 of such dead accounts. Another 60.000 accounts still have to be checked. When this work is finished, we'll recheck the situation again . . . .
Bernhard (ima)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Team clubAlso in my opinion the best way to gain a truthful and clear knowledge of membership number in for ipernity is to implement your intended stated program of deleting all free accounts from Ipernity as a matter of urgency. Deleting these accounts would definitely reduce you workload with regards numbers of members you have to deal with.
Lastly again in my humble opinion to help with the workload on the Admins and Moderators you have had several people offer to help with ongoing tasks.
I appreciate you could not as you said "For security and privacy protection reasons it's not possible to open the data- base to an expanded group. " but if you accepted them as moderators with specific tasks everything would move on much faster and achieve the desired goal that you and the members of ipernity need which is a true and actuate audit of membership numbers.
Rrrolf club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaTeam club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha1) The 36 months are a first approach only. By deleting those accounts the total number of existing accounts will be reduced by more than 80% (from 210,000 to <40,000). In a second wave the limit might be lowered, but with less gain, of course. Which limit will be set finally, depends on several decisions concerning the free accounts, which could not be made yet. This issue is too important to bowl it down precipitately.
2) We already have a concrete offer of an agency which has checked the existing software and might help us to realize several desires. Contracts are in negotiation. We'll start as soon as possible.
3) As Christophe never put his focus to a tidy data-base and a strict cost management, the existing moderation tool doesn't offer any possibility to separate functions. There isn't any narrowed access, but only a general. Authorized people might not only watch the most intimate (private) pictures of their neighbours, but also prolongate or delete accounts arbitrarily, or extract other private data.
4) The evaluation of the database (concerning concrete membership figures) will be finished tomorrow. The result will be published next week.
5) We are very pleased about your offer. As it isn't applicable to the moderation tool regrettably, you might turn towards other brownfields perpaps. The Wikipedia issue for instance is still pending. It's a very important topic, but nobody rose his hands to manage it yet.
Bernhard (ima)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to HappySnappernebenbei... mich würde interessieren (wenn es da Zahlen gibt)
wie denn die Annahme und die Zahl der Neuzugänge..
sagen wir mal im letzten halben Jahr war.
Eher Niedrig?! Oder durchaus Positiv?!
die Entwicklung ist sehr positiv, seit die Hängepartie am 01. September beendet wurde und wir nach Stabilisierung aller Zahlungskanäle das offizielle "Go Ahead" geben konnten. (Mein Gott, wenn ich mich an die Wochen erinnere . . . Viele Dutzend Mails hin und her mit den Kreditkartengesellschaften, Banken, Christophe, AWS, Skrill, etc. Man ahnt vorher gar nicht, welch ein Formalkram damit verbunden ist und wie tief die Eingriffe in den Software-Code sind. An allen möglichen und unmöglichen Stellen waren interne Firewalls. Was auch gut ist, aber enormen Änderungsaufwand bedeutet. Aber das ist zum Glück ausgestanden.)
Bernhard (ima)
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