Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Based on a member initiative the articles in the English and German Wikipedia have been updated to reflect the new status of ipernity. A Dutch version is currently being prepared. In order to update the articles in other languages such as French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish but also Esperanto and others we kindly ask for your help and to raise your hand.
We would also be grateful, if we could find a volunteer, who will coordinate all Wikipedia activities for ipernity / IMA in the future. Please report here.
2) Further to this Wikipedia article and some user comments and statements regarding the recently presented front page study a very lively discussion (https://www.test.ipernity.com/blog/b_k/4682086) with respect the future strategic orientation of ipernity has been sparked off. With pleasure we have seized and summarized your offered suggestions and ideas. In this way a first draft of a new mission statement has been compiled, which we would like to present for discussion and comment. You will find it under this blog: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45813756
Thanks you for your dedication and cooperation and keep the good spirit!
On behalf of IMA
Eric and William
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Grâce à l'initiative de quelques membres, les articles "ipernity" de Wikipedia anglais et allemand ont été mis à jour pour refléter le nouveau statut d'ipernity. Une version néerlandaise est en cours de préparation. Pour mettre à jour les articles dans d'autres langues telles que le français, l'italien, le portugais, l'espagnol mais aussi l'espéranto etc., nous faisons appel à votre collaboration, en vous invitant à vous faire connaître dès maintenant.
Nous serons aussi infiniment reconnaissants envers la ou les personnes qui se porteraient volontaires pour coordonner à l'avenir l'ensemble des activités Wikipedia relatives à ipernity / IMA. Merci de nous contacter également pour que nous puissions les coordonner.
2) Suite à la réflexion née de la rédaction de l'article de Wikipédia et à quelques commentaires et déclarations d'utilisateurs concernant la page d'accueil récemment présentée, une discussion très animée (https://www.test.ipernity.com/blog/b_k/4682086) s'est développée autour de la future orientation stratégique d'ipernity. Nous avons tenté de saisir et de résumer les suggestions et idées exprimées. Ainsi un projet d'énoncé de mission vient d'être rédigé, que nous aimerions présenter pour discussion et commentaires. Vous le trouverez sous ce blog: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45813756
Merci pour votre dévouement et votre coopération ! Gardez le bon spirit !
Au nom de l'IMA
Eric et William
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von Ipernity!
1) Aufgrund einer Mitglieder-Initiative wurde der Wikipedia-Artikel über ipernity in der englischen und deutschen Version auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Auch eine niederländische Version ist bereits in Arbeit. Um die anderssprachigen Versionen zu aktualisieren, bitten wir euch um Hilfe - vor allem in den Kernsprachen Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch, gern aber auch in Esperanto.
Wir wären außerdem sehr dankbar, wenn Jemand die Koordination aller Wikipedia-Aktivitäten für ipernity / IMA übernehmen würde.
2) Ausgehend von diesem Wikipedia-Artikel und einigen Statements zu der kürzlich vorgestellten Frontpage-Studie hat an anderer Stelle eine sehr konstruktive Diskussion über die zukünftige strategische Ausrichtung von ipernity stattgefunden (https://www.test.ipernity.com/blog/b_k/4682086). Wir haben die dabei geäußerten Gedanken gerne aufgegriffen und zusammengefasst. Auf diese Weise ist der Entwurf eines neuen Leitbilds entstanden, das wir euch heute zur Stellungnahme vorlegen möchten. Ihr findet es direkt unter diesem Blog und seid herzlich eingeladen, dazu Stellung zu nehmen: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/45813756
Wir bedanken uns im voraus für euer Engagement!
Im Auftrag von IMA
Eric und William
2017-11-24 Newsflash
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) As you know, our community received ipernity "as…
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2017-10-27 Newsflash
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Meanwhile IMA has gained access to the ticket lo…
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Colin Ashcroft club has replied to HappySnapperraingirl club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubContributing to the Wikipedia project is from my point of view as important, if not more, as contributing to the ipernity one.
Good WE to all,
Team club has replied to Risa Profana clubThat would be great!
I've sent you the basic article in English!
Bernhard (ima)
Would it be possible to get some 'facts and figures' in the next Newsflash ??
Rita club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubRead that "Dutch version is currently prepaired" and understand that you're working on it. Please let me know if you can use help.
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubTo provide you with the requested information:
What facts and figures do you exacly mean?
Bernhard (ima)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubModerator club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubIpernity is getting dozens (!) of new created accounts each day, which causes one of the biggest problems: The rampant daily growth of garbadge, which only consumes disc space. (The minor part of the new accounts originates from really interested people, but from robots or diligent operators from far east. They bomb ipernity with advertising, porn and other useless content.) Unfortunately there doesn't exist any firewall against such attacks within the ipernity code. To create and install some has our highest priotity.
The number of monthly uploads might be watched by AWS statistics (https://aws.amazon.com/de/). As we aren't AWS specialists, we still need the help of Christophe to manage that issue. But we hope to become independent one day. It's also on our list of wishes. To say it short: We don't have such figures yet. But we made an request to AWS to get knowledge of the total used disc space.
The number of renewals is monitored by us, because it's the most important fact. There has been a significant peak within the first three weeks of September. Meanwhile it lowered again, but is still twice above the average of the months before. Unfortunately I'm not authorized to publish concrete numbers here. Be assured, that Eric is regarding that figures weekly and reporting it internally. But the protection of ipernity against insights from umwelcomed guests demands the protection of those data.
Last but not least we've begun to anaylse the inventory of club memberships. As it never had been of interest of the former owner, who was focused on growth only, there also doesn't exist any tool for it. We are busy to get some. Meanwhile we are doing those evaluations manually. Concerning concrete numbers we have to keep a low profile for safety reasons, too. But the figures are better as suspected.
ima (Bernhard)
HappySnapper has replied to Moderator clubI am more than grateful for this and thank you IMA team
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Moderator clubI do not see how publishing the figures would have any impact on "unwelcome guests" activity. That is going to happen whether or not you publish the figures.
Also I think IMA members have a right to know when the whole audit of members is finally completed (to include Dormant Accounts when all are deleted and free accounts taken out of the equation ). As a paying member I want to know at the end of this Audit what I am paying for. In other words what am I paying for a small elite group or a vibrant site with lots of members.
Team club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaBe affirmed, that you'll get the knowledge of all figures, which are mandatory with respect to §VII,3 of the bylaws. It's the duty of Eric and William, and they will fulfill it, of course!
I'm only the number cruncher. But I'm up to tell you, that the above mentioned evaluation will take at least another four weeks, because the whole work has to be done manually. The database has >210,000 entries. I achieve to check approximately 2,000 per day and hope to come to an end before Christmas. It's in my own interest, because it's a boring job . . .
ima (Bernhard)
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Team clubThanks for your response and information therein. much appreciated.
il est important que les différentes version soit conformes §
Team club has replied to declic67 clubI've sent you the basic article in English!
Bernhard (ima)
Team club has replied to declic67 clubBernhard (ima)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Team clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to declic67 clubCompare "google" in wikipedia in different languages. Or "Microsoft". They have different content in each language and that´s complete OK, even it´s all about Microsoft...
Team club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubDas ist mir nie aufgefallen, weil ich natürlich immer in die deutsche Version schaue, wenn ich was suche. Aber eine gewisse Übereinstimmung wäre doch nicht schlecht, oder?
ima (Bernhard)
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team clubpour ces infos,
oui les versions Allemande et Anglaise sont bien différentes et oui ausssi
que la plus proche de l'Anglais est bien le Français..
Contribuer au projet Wikipédia serait l'idéal.. à mon humble avis
amicalement , roland
Thank you for the detailed answer. Nice to read the figures (and facts) are looking quite well.
Group guide lines/rules Again last updated 2013-7-15
Can not find anything on " how committee members are to be selected, duration of roles, voting procedures etc. " Hopefully someone from the IMA Administrators will be able to help with that.
Team club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaThe Terms of Use have been updated by ima within October and given to Christophe at the beginning of November. Obviously he did not implement them yet. Because my own focus is on other issues, i'll pass your question to Eric.
Bernhard (ima)
Bei mir ist alles unverändert so wie seit dem 30.April 2016, als ich Clubmitglied geworden bin. Allerdings hab ich den Link, den Du zitierst, auch niemals benutzt. Deshalb kann ich nichts dazu sagen. Ich geb das mal intern weiter zur Klärung an die Technik.
Bernhard (ima)
Was genau meinst Du mit Deiner Frage?
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubdeclic67 club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to declic67 clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubYesterday I couln't go further than 50 pages.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBut now we are more or less getting rid of the old SPAM (or at least most of it), and daily cleaning of fresh ones continues. We are also looking for ways to get SPAM filtered, to minimize the need of manual SPAM deleting.
What comes to 50 page search limit, it seems to be "hard coded". No way around it. Meaning that it is has to be changed on server code if more wanted. But I think 1000 first hits is enough.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubTherefore systematic reporting is not necessary. Please only report what you happen to find otherwise (by accident).
I also first tried to search just with words "buy com" and reporting them to Pam, but then we found out it only made Pam's work even harder, when she also had to go through all the reports I had posted.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has addedUpdate :And so has many others.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubAlso nochmals DANKE
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