Summer is coming to an end I have done little but keep up with the garden.
Walks have been short and few and far between.
I decided to do something about it.
So on Saturday morning I took myself off to the bakery for a long awaited pie fix.
I took a detour home and managed just under 2 miles.
On sunday I took my self ofto the co-op for a few bits and carried on for a stroll home via the beach. The last stretch up to my house is a steep hill and I was blowing a little at the top. Wow I was out of condition
With more storms looming this morning I decided on a longer walk through the little wilderness
I reall enjoyed that and clocked up just over 3 miles,not only that I felt fine,no puffing and blowing and no aches and pains.
The photos start with Black Combe at the start of the walk
It ends with the big climb out photos here
Summer has definitely left for now, but who knows, maybe later we'll have an 'Indian Summer'
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