Articles by Mickey fez


  • I'm back

    - 3 years ago - 3 comments
    My health is improving and I hae had 3 days getting in walks,not long ones but walks all the same, This stopped this morning when I awoke to 70mph plus winda and heavy rain. At least the rest of the county is getting back to normal after 69,000 buildind were withou power the last of which siould at last be back on line. There is still a big clean up campaign to clear fallen trees/ I wil check in with your blogs tomorrow

  • Health update

    - 19 Nov 2021 - 3 comments
    After many tests and possible solutions today we have a breakthrough' My potassium levels are stable at llast so I feel much better. The next results are due Monday I hope,.they are from the barium swallow Thanks fpr yur good wishes

  • health run down

    - 05 Oct 2021 - 4 comments
    <Thanks folks. It started with a midnight visit to the E.R. with terrible stomach pains which resulted in a horrible half hour after a X-ray showed a blockage, that cleared I was put on a drip to get my potassium levels back to normal After a visit to outpatients a few days later with more tests Now I am back home with a new batch of meds and hoping for the best

  • Hello Folks

    - 04 Oct 2021 - 3 comments
    i have been bouncing about between hospital visits as they try to sort me out,. I am much better now and the new set of meds I start today should finally sorted

  • A great few days

    - 07 Sep 2021 - 2 comments
    IMG 1128 (3)
    After Ellen came to my atd with the front garden today I heeded the big guns for the back.a call to Stephen an he was round in a flash and got the first cut down,hore work tomorrow.However that wasn't the highlight of the day,that was holding my second greatgrandchild Noah,life is good

  • My life is complete

    - 04 Sep 2021 - 5 comments
    noah 1
    Last night my Grandaughter Gemma gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Noah a little brother for Mia So I have greatgrandchilren of both sexes.and I am bouncing

  • Be careful what you wish for

    - 23 Aug 2021 - 3 comments
    I found this out yesterday Just after lunch the clouds broke up and the sun appeared Great stuff,at last I could stretch my legs and enjoy the sea breeze and sunshine. Taking thing easy I strolled up to the beach together with a few like minded souls I creasted the hill strolled to the beach and took a big gulp of fresh air,thing were lookijg up Then it happened,my back went into spasm. I got to a bench and sat quietly taking the deepest breathes I could. Thje quiet was disturbed by 3 vi…

  • Hello again

    - 22 Aug 2021 - 3 comments
    It's 3 wwes since I was last here because since the having been right on top[ of things in the garden and enjoyig time outside I have been pretty much cabined up.The Met office told us that officially this is the worst summer in 10 years Yep that is true. I know it is nowhere near the disasters some places have seen but ay after day looing out on a flooded gardenios pretty depressinng Maybe we will get just one more break and I can get ut for a few walks,I hope so

  • sunny spells for a while then bad stuff happened

    - 28 Jul 2021 - 4 comments
    IMG 1116
    The weather has been cooler of late but not too bad,Today lwas going the same way until this happened The rain was not alone it invited thunder along as well

  • It was good while it lasted

    - 25 Jul 2021 - 3 comments
    Around 6pm bst I had to cover my knees up for the first time in a while,such a shame We had a drop of around 10c in the last few hours..We are still having sun but with clouds skipping acroos the sky driven by a cool easterly breeze. Unsettled weather for a week or so is forecast before high weather takes charge again,I hope I still have the doors and windows open but I don't know how long for temp is 20c dropping from 26c at lunchtime

  • Another scorcher another walk

    - 22 Jul 2021 - 3 comments
    Today with the temps at 29c again I set off of another walk, As I passed the salt marshes I spotted a ship through the heat haze heading for port Crossing the road I passed across the scruffy scub,this is the terrain us islanders like best,not the manicured lawns etc, The walk was really hot and skin leaking,no shade today unlke yesterday I finally got to the beach but even there not a wiff of a breeza I clocked up just over thrree and a half miles,half a mile farther than yesterday. I po…

  • A nice stroll on a hot day

    - 22 Jul 2021 - 4 comments A lovely day here,the forecast was for 27c we hit 29c I decided this was a perfect day for the little wilderness and channel side I set off at noon before the heat set in and had a lovely3 mile meander Here are some snaps

  • It's a while since I did that.

    - 18 Jul 2021 - 3 comments
    Do What? I hear you ask Well for the frst Time in 22 years I went for a swim in the sea. When my beloved Margaret was alive we spent a lot of time up the beach,Margaret didn't swim but loved messing about in the rock pools When she died I just couldn't face the water without her by my side I have been talking about it to Jenny for the last couple of days and today I made it happen and it was enjoyable but emotional at the same time. While I was drying off a neighbour came and hugged me and…

  • Grand weather

    - 17 Jul 2021 - 3 comments
    We have had good weather of late and today was the warmest hitting 27c in my garden The day started well with my morning shop and as I setted down thinking of lunch ellen and Mal paid a visit,no sooner had they left than Stephen arrived. He was returning the cat basket.As the sun was getting ot by then we sat out nad had a cold one befire he toddled off Left to my own devices and deciding it was to hot to work I took a couple of snaps of the Buddleia and one od an unknown bloom starting to go…

  • badger watch

    - 13 Jul 2021 - 5 comments
    Screenshot 2021-07-14 at 00-08-25 Badger cam Cumbria Wildlife Trust
    a quickie to show you what I spotted earlier aren;t they gorgious?

  • Back at last

    - 12 Jul 2021 - 3 comments
    I have been locked out of Ipernity and trying to get a reply from them with no luck. Today for the umpteenth time I tried again and Hey Presto it worked. What that wa all about I have no idea; I will get aound to checking for your entries

  • You met Amos,here are his siblings

    - 02 Jul 2021 - 4 comments
    IMG 1065
    My son Stepeh has two siblngs bel longing to Amos this is the Tom a real poser and this the Queen she likes hide and seek then leaps out at any passing feet

  • Just a quicky and meet Amos

    - 01 Jul 2021 - 5 comments
    IMG 1058
    The weather has been very good of late so I have been in the garden mostly,everything is shipshape out there now and I am putting a plan together I have a little wild area down the bottom of the back garden against a south facing wall and my plan is to extend it all along the wall. Watch this space. I wouls like you to meet Amos a new addition to Ellen's house. He is a lttle fur ball the dashes around at 100mph

1525 articles in total