-mcb's most read articles

  • MRI experience

    - 2 455 visits
    Patient's MRI experience vs. what it could have been (allthough sequences can sound different quite easily). Acutally, if someone could perform a FLAIR or EPI , please let me know! THAT would be fun! :)

  • ipernity vs. Flickr

    - 2 044 visits
    I've been around for a while now. And I still have to say: ipernity's good, but still not as good as Flickr (technically seen).   UPDATE: Ok, this blog entry was ment as a statement without "justification". As I've been asked some times now, here are a few reasons for my opinion: Flickr's webpages are clean. This makes it easy for the visitors to focus on the pictures of a user. ipernity is wild'n'weird: Most user defined sites just look awful. Like myspace. IEC - instant eye can…

  • David Lynch vs. iPhone

    - 1 717 visits
    So schön es auch ist, das iPhone, aber damit hat er schon recht!

  • TTV Pictures

    - 1 395 visits
    Whenever I see some TTV pictures I start wondering when it comes into vogue to shoot pictures with a dusty and dirty CCD sensor ;) (sorry dear TTV lovers - just joking. I like ttv too)  

  • Yes, currently I am away from IP

    - 1 314 visits
    No time and mood for photography. Sad but true. And I try to stay away from fast internet connections for the sake of learning. Yes, I still read my mails ;)

  • Verpeilt und verschallert, aller verballert

    - 1 305 visits
    We seem to have missed something special in Berlin =) Punkt Punkt Komma Klar - 3 Tage wach

  • DSLR Sensor Cleaning

    - 1 217 visits
    Sensor cleaning needn't be that frightening.

  • Just give me a few more hours...

    - 1 135 visits
    Just give me a few more hours and I'll be back with you =)

  • Is Becca becoming the new IP mascot?

    - 1 127 visits
    Sometimes I've got this impression... =)

  • Rejected - Just in case you don't know it... (fun inside!)

    - 1 090 visits
    This (Don Hertzfeld's "Rejected") short movie is a MUST to know! So click the link and get to know it!

  • Helium + Dyslexie

    - 1 042 visits
    Vielleicht solltet ihr mal diesen vertonten Uncyclopediaartikel zum Thema "Dyslexie" anhören (OGG Datei). Falls ihr nicht wisst, was Dyslexie ist: vorher kurz bei Wikipedia vorbeischauen und die ersten paar Sätze der Erklärung lesen. Viel Spass! =)

  • Sorry guys, it's all my fault! I broke IP

    - 1 025 visits
    I've edited a comment I've made a few hours ago... and all of a sudden each and every comment, view and picture description was gone. Everywhere. $#!+ That's not how this day is supposed to be...   ;)

  • Visualizing music

    - 799 visits
    All of a sudden, I got interested into classic music (because of goat cheese, but that's a different story). I don't know if this is apparent when you're able to read notes (sadly, I am not), but I really appreciate this visualization: Bach

  • Einen Promikoch-Exorzisten zum sofort verwenden, bitte!

    - 797 visits
    Ja, da nimmst du ein Toastvollkornbrötchen und machst des warm. Unten Rucola drauf, Ziegenfrischkäse, dünne Tomatenscheiben. Deckel drauf und reinbeissen! Verliebt bist du da, sag ich dir. VERLIEBT! Des isch europäische Esskultur mit Allem - und vom Feinsten. Ja, da kann so ein dahergetriefter Wabblwecka mit 'ma USA-Fähnle oben drauf net gegen anstinken. Garnet! Des freut einen so, da fängt man schon an, die 9te Sinfonie von Beethoven zu hören. Ohne Drogen. OHNE DROGEN, mein Freund! Des sag ich…

  • Ipernity visit status

    - 776 visits
    I hate it. Quite a lot people have reported a few months ago, that they only get "anonymous visits". At the moment this also happens to me and I start asking me, if almost anyone has switch on this "privacy feature" of not showing their visits to the pictures they've watched. I mean, come on, why do you click the pictures at all if you do not want its creator to see you??! Or ist it just hits that come from search engines... really out of IP, so to say?

  • Microblogging is for micro thoughts?

    - 722 visits
    Maybe microblogging (twitter) is a solution for staying more in touch with people. Regular blogging just takes too much time because you want to write down many thoughts. But is microblogging suitable for longer thoughts? I really doubt that! Maybe it's just an instrument to waste energy (storing the information and reading it as you follow too many people) and time (the reason is obviously connected to having followers). So to say, microblogging is likely to just increase the world's total info…

  • Das Expiment

    - 721 visits
    Wie sagte nicht mal ein entfernter Bekannter von mir... "Benzos sind halt keine Smarties!". Recht hat er. Bin ja mal gespannt. P.S.: Nein, das Wort im Titel passt schon.

  • Why, how and what

    - 718 visits
    Insights into life. Turn the volume up!

  • Porn!

    - 710 visits

44 articles in total