I've been around for a while now. And I still have to say: ipernity's good, but still not as good as Flickr (technically seen).


UPDATE: Ok, this blog entry was ment as a statement without "justification". As I've been asked some times now, here are a few reasons for my opinion:

  • Flickr's webpages are clean. This makes it easy for the visitors to focus on the pictures of a user. ipernity is wild'n'weird: Most user defined sites just look awful. Like myspace. IEC - instant eye cancer. Please give me an option to override the personalized site settings!
  • Ipernity aims for presenting "documents". The link "Docs" brings me to a site where all Docs of the user of my interest are presented. All the stuff is just thrown into one bucket - that's a mess! I'd like to see the pictures a user has. Other media is boring for me in most cases. The pictures are one click away. A click is a click ;)
    And btw: What's "Other" docs?Sometimes these little arrows besides "My Network" and so on just don't work. I have to click them, doubleclick, trippleclick... clicking hell is breaking loose!
  • I'm missing groups!I'm missing a media-oriented Explore page. Explore at ipernity is a huge world map, a little tag cloud (presented much too big) and some quite small pictures. That's it. The pictures just change slowly.
  • The "Latest Docs" view is too small. I'd like to set the number of latest pictures I can see from my network - even if this means that I have multiple pages.
    And btw: I'd like to set this number for blog postings, pictues, audio, video etc... individually.
  • Ipernity is a European site. The time is based on the 24 hour system. Great! And why do we have to enter dates in the American mm/dd/yyyy format???
  • "Latest Comments" is a nice idea. But it would be better if there was a hint to which document of which user the comment belongs...
  • And very, very annoying is the full resolution restriction on pictures: Only pros can see larger versions of pictures. WTF?
    (Is there the same kind of restriction for audio and video stuff?)
  • Why is ipernity copying even the colors of links and buttons etc. from Flickr? They are having their own "product" - which really isn't bad (sorry for posting so many this-could-be-much-much-better-points here)! Be brave enough to have your own style instead of trying to bend some Flickr design to your framework.


Indeed, there are also points I really like about Ipernity. The idea of having an extended network is great. And speed. Oh my, the speed is great! Especially the Doc Manager - it's much much faster than the Flickr Organizr! (Still there are featurs missing, but ok... I'm not going to talk about them now). Another big pro for ipernity is the absence of censorship (at least I guess)! Don't ever change this, iper team! And I love the upload possibilities (especially the Java driven way - even though it's quite unstable sometimes!)

Ok, that's it for now. Hope I didn't come up with a too bad image of ipernity.............