Articles by -mcb

  • My car's dead

    - 03 Sep 2007
    In order to get an oral examination done I've read stuff about Roenten tubes: Operating voltages: lets say 15 to 80 kV (yes, k is for kilo and that means: *1000) CT Scanners: Operating voltages 60 to 120 kV MegaVolt CT Cancer therapy device: Operating voltages up to 6 MV (= 6000 kV) Tried to start my car without success: Operating voltage of the battery in my car: 0 V   (Yeah, I know, that's probably not correct, though it's a nice story.)

  • Not there, but here again.

    - 21 Aug 2007
    I'm back. At least for a few days.I strongly hope that I gonna find some time to get a few of the pictures done that I took during my vacation.

  • Not here, but there.

    - 15 Aug 2007
    I'm out of here for a week or so. It's something called vacation ;)

  • Are my photos boring?

    - 12 Aug 2007 - 2 comments
    Just a question. Curious about honest answers.

  • Laughing my ass off

    - 03 Aug 2007
    Listening to "Knorkator - Wie weit ist es bis zum Horizont" This is how math can be fun =)   UPDATE: Here's a bad-sound version of the song - and don't spend too much attention to the two kiddies. They're young and don't know what they're doing...

  • Weißes Gold

    - 29 Jul 2007
    Laut Medienberichten (die ja eigentlich nur von einer handvoll Presseagenturen stammen und von allen Zeitungen und Nachrichtensendungen meist nur 1 zu 1 übernommen werden - aber egal) wird es ja in Deutschland "einen Preisanstieg bisher nicht dagewesenen Ausmaßes" geben - bei Milchprodukten. Die Gründe, die genannt werden: Rohstoffkosten und erhöhte Nachfrage auf dem Weltmarkt, insbesondere in Asien. Äh, wie bitte? 1) Die Rohstoffpreise steigen ständig. Alles wird teurer. Insbesondere he…

  • ipernity vs. Flickr

    - 24 Jul 2007 - 2 comments
    I've been around for a while now. And I still have to say: ipernity's good, but still not as good as Flickr (technically seen).   UPDATE: Ok, this blog entry was ment as a statement without "justification". As I've been asked some times now, here are a few reasons for my opinion: Flickr's webpages are clean. This makes it easy for the visitors to focus on the pictures of a user. ipernity is wild'n'weird: Most user defined sites just look awful. Like myspace. IEC - instant eye can…

44 articles in total