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  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • "Un été sans fin" de Françoise Hàn (1)

    Françoise Hàn
    Ma fille chérie m'a fait découvrir cette poétesse hier, je l'en remercie infiniment. Et je prends un grand plaisir à commencer à vous la faire connaître....Car cet article sera suivi de plusieurs autres