de - eo - fr

Horizons - dream or reality - Part 1

At home – on the mountain – an encounter– opening the third eye – greeting with the blue flower- At Leon and Leoni’s house – Awakening in the mo


In front of a high and wide cliff
there is a small house
with a small garden in front of it
a man and a woman live in this house
they have two children – a boy and a girl
the boy’s name is Nino and the girl’s Nina
but the parents soon only call them by their pet names

Ninetto and Ninetta

The parents love their children very much
and the children are very happy with their parents
they grow – they take the first steps
later, they play in their room
and then in the beautiful garden

they help their parents with planting and harvesting
enjoying summer, autumn, winter and spring
Later on, they will venture out and discover
the surrounding forests, meadows and ponds

And then the day will come
on which their parents will say

« You’re old enough now
go on and explore the world »

The two have always wanted to know
what could be hiding behind the cliff

there must be some kind of secret associated with it
because their parents had NEVER spoken about it

They set out in good spirits
and full of awe they discover
a mountain in the near distance


They had never noticed it before
they climb up it full of curiosity

maybe from its summit they will be able to see
what is hidden BEHIND the cliff

The climb faster and faster
hastily they walk the last few steps

and then – they can’t believe their eyes
In front and below them, a New World unfolds
this they did not expect

....And now they remember ....

Their parents had often gone away for the day
and in the evenings – when they came back
....they thought...
they could see a strange yet beautiful gleam in their eyes
it must have come from deep within them
they’ve always wondered about that
but they had never dared
to question the reason behind their happiness

Now they can see
where this glow comes from

Far below them – on a sun-kissed plateau
lies a city which is wonderful to look at
a large mountain arises behind it
it’s summit covered in snow

sparkling white in the sunshine
and mirroring itself in a clear lake
Everything is enchanted
by gentleness – freshness and light
The harmony between colors and shapes
puts a spell on them as well

and they forget the time and where they are.

... And after a long time ...
they look at one another
their eyes have a gleam in them as well
and Nina quietly says
« Nino – let us go an visit this
calm – radiant – world »

« I would like that as well - Nina -
- but how do we get down there
we don’t know the way »
And – tired from the long hike -
and – overwhelmed by all the new impressions
they sit down – leaning against each other’s back....
and soon fall asleep


An encounter in the morning

It is calm and still light out
there’s a friendly feeling in the air
it is warm – a light breeze is blowing

After a short while they hear a sound
.... like footsteps ....

2 people emerge from behind a rock
- a young man and a young woman -
both dressed in a long, shiny robe
- similar to an Indian sari -
the woman’s robe was light blue
and the man’s a nice light green
their faces are brown – their hair shining golden like wheat
hair and robes
blown about by the wind

They are not surprised – to see Nino and Nina sleeping
They share an understanding smile with each other and
sit cross-legged a small distance from the sleeping couple
who are still leaning against each other’s back
The man clears his throat – and then a second time

Nino is the first to open his eyes
but doesn’t see the other two yet
The man clears his throat -
a third time
Nino turns toward the bushes
He sees the two of them
frightened, he nudges Nina
and she awakens as well
Nino nods his head in their direction

involuntarily Nina grabs his hand

« Don’t be afraid – we only want to greet you »

the young man folds his hands in front of his chest
bows a little bit
then he lifts his head – gives the two of them a friendly look and says
« We have been expecting you
you want to get to know our country
you are strangers here
we – and he glances at the woman at his side -
would like to be your companions for the next while

The calm and friendly words relax Nino and Nina
Nino is the first to compose himself
Somewhat hesitant and uncertain, he says
« You will understand our surprise
but it really was our intention
to get to know your country.
You understand -
we are astonished to meet humans here
moreover ones who speak our language »

Following in their intuition
they all rise
look at one another

and slowly approach each other
and great each other
and suddenly everything is familiar
the last traces of fear leave Nino and Nina
a feeling of intense relief and joy comes over them

« Well – let us go then » the man says cheerfully
and smiles at both of them encouragingly.

Under a wide – blue sky
they hike along - green – blooming lowlands.

And so they descend
into the wide lowlands spreading out in front of them
to the left the young man - Nina beside him
then Nino – and on the right the young woman

... It is calm ...

and the going is easy
strange that they don’t build up a sweat
Even the light
coming from a sun – which is clear and bright
but not at all hot and shining from the blue sky
or is it coming from somewhere out of the ground

After a short hike, they reach a small valley
on one side a green wall with countless small white flowers

The young man looks at them in a friendly and cheerful manner
« I think » he says » that we should introduce ourselves -
without names – it’s difficult -

- My name is Leon and my companion is Leoni »
« And my name is Nino and my sister is Nina »
« Alright – then we can call each other by our names from now on »
Nino plucks up the courage -
you’ve got to start with something – and he says
« Leon – that means lion in our world -
and it is said – that he is the king of the animals »
« I know » says Leon « I even know what he looks like »
« Oh » Nino replies « how do you know that -
if I may be so bold and ask »

« I believe » replied Leon
« I have to tell you a little bit about us.

Many things will be new and strange for you
And maybe it’s better if we rest a bit.
Oh – there is a bench – let us sit down
and moreover, we have a beautiful view

They sit down
and Leon gives them the first little glimpse
into life on his planet


« Dear Nino - dear Nina

We were expecting you up there
My girlfriend and I
have been preparing for your visit for a long time
On our planet as well
we develop from childhood to adulthood
When I had grown up
I decided to study
From the beginning I was interested in
the early development of people on our planet
That’s where I got to know Leoni
She had the same wish as I
And – something beautiful came out of it

we fell in love

but you have that too.

And during our studies, we learned the following:

In the very early phase
of human development on our planet

there was – similar to what you have-
many wars and a lot of destruction
as a result of power being misused
But, contrary to your development
ours was very short and horrible
And – measured by your time -
we learned faster
to live in peace and harmony with everything
on our planet.

And then – at the end of our studies
Leoni and I asked ourselves the question.
Whether there was still anything like it


somewhere in the universe.

We were ready for a new awareness
at this point of development
And only then we said to ourselves
- in reply to our pleading -
our ways
« Yes, there are still a few planets
and one of them is called


And suddenly Nina and Nino see their
home planet with clarity and lucidity in front of them.

This wonderful planet
with its fragile blue casing
the green, brown and yellow of the continents
the blue of both of the large oceans
the white poles
the white, shimmery clouds

it turns slowly
becomes weaker and weaker
and then disappears all together

They are surprise at how real the spectacle appeared
they can hardly believe it
With a gentle voice Leoni says

Your third eye
has now been opened

this opening is our planet’s birthday gift to you.

Let us stand up
it is only a short distance to our house »
« Please- can we wait a bit » Nina asks quietly
Today’s impressions – the encounter with you -
and now this surprise – it’s all a bit much »

« We understand that - Nina »
and Leon gently puts his arm around Nina’s shoulder
Nino is quiet – he feels the same as his sister

« Ok – we can go now » Nina says after a while
They get up
and they soon see
a small house in front of them.

They stop at the garden gate -
« wait here »
with these words, Leon goes toward the house
enters and appears at the door after a short `time`

They slowly go toward the house
along the small winding path with Leoni in the middle

With a friendly and loving smile
he hands Nina and Nino an enchanting

blue blossom
« This blossom will accompany you from now on -
it will always stay as vibrant as you see it now »

With these words he hands Nina and Nino the flower

« And now, come into the house »

Slowly, the enter


A pleasant feeling surrounds them when entering
A feeling of coming home
after a long hike

Naturally, Nino and Nina are curious-
What does the house look like inside -
What is there to eat and to drink
It is – as if Leoni can guess their thoughts and feelings -
«Just let yourselves be surprised -
you’ve experienced enough new things already»
« Yet I have one question »
Nino can’t let it go
he’s been wanting to ask the question the whole time

« It doesn’t get dark
it is just as light out as it was this morning»
« Well- dear Nino – every new arrival notices that
unless – he comes from a similar planet to ours
You know-

our planet has, contrary to yours
an open structure
that’s why the light shines from all directions
even from below
Just enjoy the light
you’ll be able to rest in all cases

We have to replenish ourselves as well
Yes – I know – you want to know

what we will eat and drink
Let yourselves be surprised»

They enter a simple room -

there are four plates with spoons and four glasses on the table
In a bowl there is something like
fruit salad and juice in a glass jug
Leoni gives up

« Now then – enjoy your meal »
Full of curiosity they taste the salad and the juice
« Do you like it » asks Leoni

« Absolutely - excellent – it tastes similar to what we have at home -
but there is an unusual yet delicious taste »
« That pleases us

- And now we will show you your rooms
where you can live and sleep

for as long as you stay with us
Just come downstairs - when you are rested »

With hits Leoni and Leon take their leave.

Nina and Nino are really tired

and they soon fall asleep.

After resting

The window is open
two birds land on the window sill-
they look to the right – they look to the left -

start a small concert – quietly at first – then louder
it is obviously meant for
Nino and Nina

They are still asleep
but the chirping is effective
Nina wakes up – and rubs her eyes in bewilderment

where is she - oh - right
at Leoni and Leon’s house -
Nino wakes up as well -
he looks toward the window – and sees the two birds
hears the animated chirping
a smile spreads across his face
« Nina – we have never been woken up so nicely before
I think- those two are singing just for us this morning«

And they feel a vital connection
almost like cheerful communication
between themselves and the two little birds

And as if they noticed this
another small chirp
and they fly away

A gentle reminder of the `day` yesterday
The brightness – the calmness-

the freshness of the `morning`
everything melts together into an unaccustomed feeling of utter happiness

They get up –go to the window
and look onto a well-groomed garden
A green lawn – with a few blue flowers
and in front of it, a sculpture
it looks like it’s of - two people
a woman and a man

There is a door beside the window – they open the door
and descend down a red staircase

Everything radiates a cheerful, pleasant and fresh energy
Leon and Leoni are already waiting for them downstairs
« And – did you have a good rest »
« Excellent » replies Nina
But what kind of sculptures are those on the lawn»
« We call them 'the Lovers'
we saw them at a sculptor’s

we liked it immediately
for us, it’s a symbol of our love »
« Yes – we like it too »
says Nina - and Nino agrees with her
« Well- let’s have breakfast first

that’s how you call it, isn’t it»
« With pleasure »

They go into the room

The table is set like the previous time
« Please sit and help yourselves»
with an inviting sweep of the hand
Leon invites them to have breakfast

Again, there’s juice and a type of bread –
with what looks like Fruit jam
« We especially baked a type of bread for you
that you are used to
So – help yourselves and enjoy »
And they do -

it all tastes wonderful
they eat slowly and peacefully

it is evident – that it tastes great

To Part Two

Text - Fotos by Albert Jäger
Anderwelt-Foto by Arne Jäger

TheFoto from the planet Earth by Armando Tabora
Translate by Tamara Girke