alboe's most read articles

  • Eentje onder velen [nu ook zichtbaar :P]

    - 2 014 visits
    Ik zat ergens waar ik niet behoor. Waar 't me beviel, maar ik niet behoor. Waar het leven zijn gangetje gaat of ik er wel of niet ben. Er zijn veel mensen. Ik hoor en zie ze wel, maar ken ze niet. Ze zien me wel, maar horen en kennen me niet. Zien ze me niet meer, zijn ze me vergeten, omdat ik geen pinke kleren daag of ze verrot scheld, omdat ik niet langsloop op mijn handen, maar alleen maar naar 't zonnetje lach. In je eentje onder velen af en toe wel fijn wil ik dan toch liever ni…

  • Ogurek

    - 1 718 visits
    Ogurek, ogurek, ogurek ma zielony garniturek. Czapke i sandały zielony, zielony jest cały.   Just remembered this one. (Klaudia taught me several years ago. :)) Since I don't know how to write polish, I just asked Mr. Google ("ogurek ma zielony") and to prevent losing it again, just eternalize it here. P.S.: Die Gurke, die Gurke, die Gurke hat grüne Kleider. Von Kopf bis Fuß (Mütze und Sandale) ganz grün. De komkommer, de komkommer, de komkommer heeft groene kledij. Van top tot te…

  • Berlin [a bit more complete ;)]

    - 1 161 visits
    THIS BLOG IS NOT YET COMPLETE. I already published it anyway, because of all the nosy people! ;) Last weekend Paul, his brother Henk and I went to Berlin (slideshow) by car. (From Friday to Monday) On our way back (which took about 8 hours) I was thinking about what I should write about Berlin (slideshow). It kept impressing me from the first second to the last one and it's so much I experienced those few days. So let me just try to tell about things chronologically: Friday:…

  • Will flickr's mum YAHOO be eaten by Microsoft?

    - 1 105 visits
    Some time ago flickr was eaten by yahoo and (among other things) all users "were allowed to create" yahoo accounts in order to log in. I just read ( here! [dutch]) that Microsoft plans to eat YAHOO. If that happens you can imagine what the consequences for flickr's services will be. For now I joined the protest-group , but as soon as Microsoft indeed buys yahoo I will quit my account for sure. It's not that I did very much with my flickr account, but if it's infected I don't even want it to…

  • The optimist

    - 1 040 visits
    As a matter of fact the optimist is quite optimistic. Nearly always he sees the good part of things. A thunderstorm e.g. is fantastic and interesting rather than irritating or frightening. Getting wet to the core because of bad timing of a bycicle tour (through the rain), makes him laugh rather than shouting curses to the wheathergod. The solution of friends problems is just a matter of different approach and really difficult ones just need some talk to friends, a handful of good will and time t…

  • Levys farewell message to the nation

    - 1 008 visits
    The Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Thursday evening, broadcast the late President Levy Mwanawasa’s farewell message to the nation. The message broadcast on both radio and television was recorded on March 23rd, 2005. It read as follows: “It is my wish that this Will is broadcast both on television and radio. I now want to address the [...]

  • Which zoomlens for a D70s?

    - 978 visits
    As you can see (on the right) my birthday is approaching. Since people are used to give me presents and/or money on that day (I don't know why :P), I'll ask all of them to throw their money into one pot. Me'll throw some xtra coins into and afterwards I will try to swap that pot with a zoomlens somewhere. ;) Could you help me a bit with finding the right one? To make the shape a bit clearer the following information: - me have Nikon D70s - me want zoomlens >= 200mm - me still n00b…

  • Does anybody know

    - 718 visits
    if there are still curious people out there?     Thanks for confirming that there seemingly are! ;)

  • The story of Stuff

    - 693 visits
    After staying in the 3rd world (Zambia) for more than half a year it didn't only become clear how unfair resources are divided, shared, etc - I experienced it day after day. But this short post is not about my personal single experience, about how naive I was and still am. It's about how naive all of us have been made(!). Please take 20 minutes of your treasures time and watch this exceptional revealing movie: - The story of stuff For those who'd like to go through…

  • Poor me...

    - 685 visits
    I'm sick. Have been laying in bed all day. Headache, dizziness, a nose that wants to run away... Can't read, can't eat, can't listen to music, can't use the computer (for longer than writing a post ;))... So you see: I'm soooo poor and need your support! ^^ P.S.: My brother had more or less the same and he was laying in bed for three days. It's just strange that I haven't met him for about a week. So he's not the one who infected me. :s

  • [DE] Der kleine Schneemann

    - 663 visits
    Der kleine Schneemann (eine Weihnachtsgeschichte von Lormet Ogelall) Vorwort Zunächst einmal soll erwähnt werden, dass es keineswegs einen kleinen Schneemann gibt und diese Geschichte somit auch nicht von ihm handeln kann. Das ist eigentlich auch unwichtig, denkt man an das bekannte Sprichwort „Wer nicht hat was die anderen, der Berg und auch zwei Stullen Quarkauflauf nicht absondern, der sollte auch mit dem Fiebermessgerät nicht zu tief in die bereits vergangene Weltgeschichte eingr…

  • She

    - 656 visits
    She... ...should be unknown to me. ...I probably know better than many other. ...makes me happy by talking to me. ...sometimes makes me lonely if she does not. soooooooo far away. ...however always is with me. ...can hear my thoughts. ...has a charming smile. ...has eyes as blue as the sea. like the sea. the one I'd like to give my heart. the one whose heart I'd like to carry. the one I have in mind, when I see someone else.…

  • [NL] It's when people say...

    - 646 visits
    "It's when people say..." Deze halve zin hangt er al ruime tijd in mijn gedachten. Ik kom er nog vanaf, nog maak ik hem af. Ik bedoel...als die schijnbaar zin-loze halve zin toch in mijn hoofd blijft haken...misschien is ie juist helemaal niet zinloos?! Misschien is ie juist heel belangrijk. Misschien ook maar net zo belangrijk dat hij me dit doet schrijven. Hoe dan ook. Ik kan de zin niet afmaken, er geen punt achter zetten. Hij blijft maar half. Natuurlijk heb ik al tig mogelijke tweede hel…

  • Uploaded my IXUS 400 favorite shots

    - 633 visits
    I just uploaded some of my favorite shots made with my Canon IXUS 400: Just take a look, maybe you like some of them. :)

  • Help Etrice! Inspiriation for Prague!

    - 627 visits
    Etrice is going to Prague within a short wile. Do you know some nice spots over there? Some must-see's? Than click Vacation & Inspiration and tell him! He'd really apreciate that! :D

  • Approaching 2000 visitors

    - 616 visits
    I settled down here just about 4 month ago. It took me just a week or two until I felt a bit like home. How come? It's just as one can read everywhere if people are writing about the ipernity community: They are kind and friendly people that make a virtual - a non-existing place feel like home just by being open and welcoming.   So let me thank all of the nearly 2000 visitors (1935 right now) for being so kind! I'm happy to share moments I've captured, because they did something to me. And…

  • In Zambia

    - 605 visits
    To all those who check my blog from time to time: Until the end of January 2009 me, myself and my ugly face are to be found in Zambia. Since internet connection not yet is an everyday facility over here I won' t be to active concerning reactions etc. Please refer to for progress on our project, some (unfortunately thumbnail-sized) pictures and some nonsense here and there... Greetings from Luanshya, alboe

  • Hammock event

    - 595 visits
     Two days ago I uploaded some shots into the album hangmatten 2008 and I thought it to be nice to add an explanation.... So here we are :P Last year a friend of mine said to us that we haven't hung out for quite some time. It didn't take him long to come up with a some kind of literally idea to change that. Since the Dutch and German words for hammock (hangmat, Hängematte) contain the word hang, a new activity was born: (winter)hangmatten (like (winter)hammocking or (winter)hanging-arou…

  • Zambia invites private sector for ICTs

    - 551 visits
    Source: " The Zambian government has invited the private sector, including ISPs (Internet service providers), civil societies and mobile telecommunication companies, to help the government provide ICT services in rural areas. By Michael Malakata , June 06, 2008 The Zambian government has invited the private sector, including ISPs (Internet service providers), civil societies and mobile…

  • Der Tag, die Nacht, der Tag, die Nacht

    - 471 visits
    Der Nacht größter Feind der Tag ist. Gleichfalls ist es ebenso. Sie jagen sich Tag ein, Tag aus, Nacht ein, Nacht aus. In der Mitte zwischen beiden, sei mir geraten was zu tun? Beide mag ich sie gut leiden, den Tag zum Wachen, die Nacht zum Ruhn'. Andersherum ist es ebenso. Was des Tages Sonnenschein, Energie und Lebendigkeit, ist der Nacht Anonymität, Ruhe und Mysteriösität. Ein Spaziergang, gehüllt in warme Stoffe, durch's diffuse Licht der Nacht allein mit meinen Gedanken, aber auch das Licht…

27 articles in total