The now shaped this shaped embodied soft fingers awake
under its breathing dense fallen entrance crawls while white
limbs raise water oxygen breath deferred take up to exert
Press for record for if to move stuff out of the fallen entrance
pyramid of so called sleep that inexorable under each breath
ladled shed left to sink free blank etcetera the by and other
Unable declination volume ceded sensorium internally bled
words cerebrovascular accidental paths aligned or gradually
by dissolving as in solute clouds internal above shift slow
By bending into by falling accumulating neutral back to back
shapes used overtopping sinking pushed the skulled forward
inexorably carrying as retrieved awareness pushes back out
For more space in its own involuntary most light it can you
or be enough enough more hunger thirst discomfort search
as always for pleasure at the enveloped pale formed skin
Pored over poured heat sucked on glass will suffer to forget
where it gained fused declined increased grew less sentient
as gold as grey as ash fish crystals randomly assembled
Forms from processed rain absorbed by each ruin of head
pressed deformed to only the identical the almost the weary
avid simulacrum in out beat beat live live move move this
Next word next breath